Release New Pandora Video

golden sun is a complex game....wich is really to bad. becouse almost none of the emulators can handle that game. but what do you want...its the greatest and best gba game on the world :)
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'borgqueenx' said:
golden sun is a complex game....wich is really to bad. becouse almost none of the emulators can handle that game. but what do you want...its the greatest and best gba game on the world :)
Agreed! I <3 Golden Sun (and 2)
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Golden Sun's awesome. It's too bad Camelot / Nintendo seem to be procrastinating on a possible 3rd game. Maybe they gave up.
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Don't see how a third game would fit into the story, but sure, I'd take a look at it if one was produced.

Anyways, what I wanted to ask was this:
Does the gpSP emulator have a proper GUI for settings and stuff? Or is it more like ZSNES? If it doesn't have a proper, widget-based GUI, could one be made? Because I don't think that applications with 'basic' interfaces would iintegrate very well with the Pandora's general l&f.
'Mithrildor' said:
67Mhz * 8 + 33Mhz * 8 = 800 Mhz. Both chips in the DS are ARM so maybe some more required Mhz can be shaved off in a good emulator. I see DS just as possible as PSP (psp has more simularities to a pandora, than a ds to a pandora)
In general, the "10x the MHz" type estimations for emulation are complete bullshit. There are a lot more things to consider than just processor speed when you're talking about emulation.
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What arrrgh said. It has to emulate two seperate processors, the complicated custom graphics hardware and the sound. It's not as easy as it sounds. The 10x the MHz is just a complete guesstimation.
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'Vorporeal' said:
In terms of a GBA emulator, I'm assuming that Exophase will port his emulator, gpSP.
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'naples39' said:
'Vorporeal' said:
In terms of a GBA emulator, I'm assuming that Exophase will port his emulator, gpSP.

He started by saying "there is no gpSP port for Pandora right now". At the end of the post, he talks about needing a real ARM development rig. He goes through the ARM devices he has, and says his Pandora dev board will probably fit the bill.

It's not a "no", it's a "I need to make a bunch more optimizations, adjustments, and the like before you see one". He was basically saying it's not going to be a straight, simple port, but one will probably appear at some point.

(Exo, feel free to shoot this down. I hope you don't though...)
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IIRC Exophase wasn't happy about a few things in gpSP so as he ports it over to Pandora he will fix those things he never bothered with before. So it will take some extra time. Hopefully he feels motivated once he gets his Pandora.
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'Awakening' said:
IIRC Exophase wasn't happy about a few things in gpSP so as he ports it over to Pandora he will fix those things he never bothered with before. So it will take some extra time. Hopefully he feels motivated once he gets his Pandora.
And IIRC, he said that if he wouldn't do it, ZodTTD would probably do it anyway so... but that's IIRC.
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The iPhone 3G could emulate Golden Sun pretty good. The menu screen doesn't lag and you can run around full speed... (I'm on 3.0 and using gpsphone 4.00)
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'lulzfish' said:
The combat and summoning needs to be smooth, though. Golden Sun's best graphical moments were really during combat.
i agree. but the music really plays a part in the game, and if the game doesnt run the music smoothly, i wont play it :(
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