[ New Pandora Use ] 3doh, 3DO emulator



Not i install pnd and go in menu emulator 3doh

But pnd create folder 3doh in appdata but nothing not sub folder bios games ...

I understand if click on pnd he create 3doh folder and sub folder as ppsspp and other emulator and games

After you install bios 3do in good folder ?

could it be the format of the SD card? What format does it have Fat32, xFat, Ext2, Ext3?

Also, maybe you have to set/open permissions?

/media/MYSDCARDNAME/pandora/appdata/ has both directories belonging to root and to your user. 3do creates ./pandora/appdata/3doh as root and open permissions (drwxrwxrwx), but all subdirectories are fbnil:fbnil So this directory can not be the problem. But to be able to traverse there, each subdirectory needs to be readable for your user. Can you check each subdirectory?

What are your permissions in /media/MYSDCARDNAME/pandora/appdata/ as a user, is the groupname "users"?

mine are: drwxr-xr-x fbnil users for all subdirectories in /media/MYSDCARDNAME/pandora/

I have tested the creation of directories succesfully on SD cards formatted as: ex3 and fat32

(just remember to reboot or unmount the cards before running them)
It's certainly possible but after I contacted the author recently he mentioned he has no intention to work further on it. The sources are available so anyone with good knowledge of ARM optimization could pick it up, but it will be hard to find someone interested to do so, I believe...