New Firmware Soon!

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Squidge posted on Jul 6 2006 at 12:46 PM said:
thebooboo posted on Jul 6 2006 at 10:43 AM said:
What will the new fw upgrade do to break our work?

It'll probably break my MMU hack :o :(
btw, couldn't GPH integrates this hack into their next firmware ? In fact, isn't it a kind of bug that we need this hack, or is there a reason why it can't be integrated in the firmware/linux kernel ?
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Deed posted on Jul 6 2006 at 09:50 AM said:
Squidge posted on Jul 6 2006 at 12:46 PM said:
thebooboo posted on Jul 6 2006 at 10:43 AM said:
What will the new fw upgrade do to break our work?

It'll probably break my MMU hack :o :(
btw, couldn't GPH integrates this hack into their next firmware ? In fact, isn't it a kind of bug that we need this hack, or is there a reason why it can't be integrated in the firmware/linux kernel ?

They could add a nice interface to controlling the upper memory, so the "hack" part of it would not be necessary. Until Squidge had his idea, probably nobody thought it would be particularly useful to do so.
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Audio tends to crackle while changing the song in media player...

I wonder if they could fix that?

Also, my palms are sweaty. But, I don't think that's a firmware issue.
Yod4z posted on Jul 6 2006 at 12:35 PM said:
the news function for this firmeware will be what GPH has working on ;) like playlist support, ID3 Tag support, parametrique equalizer, improvement in the video player and in the ebook reader

and a well hidden option to use an impulse response in a .wav file as a convolution kernel in the place of the equalizer (provided that they use convolution for their equalizer?)
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X-Code posted on Jul 6 2006 at 02:18 PM said:
Well, yeah, but that isn't the best way to evolve :) , I'm quite sure that Wonder Squidge will think of a new MMU hack if the need arises :lol:

/ crosses fingers :unsure:

Yeah but the thing is what would you do if there is an app that is not actively developed and there is no source for it and it broke? Example would be Tuskenraiders Lynx emu. I would not want to give up Lynx for some movie functions that I don't use. Then if new apps need the new FW then you are kind of screwed. Then you are forced to decide what to give up the old or new, that sucks. It would be obviously nice if it all worked. We will see no use of worrying yet until someone tests it.
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I want MPEG and WMV support. WMV mostly because with SUPER I can't encode flv into avi and keep the audio and video in sync.
I'd like something that would stop my wife moaning at me for not playing Animal Crossing anymore on my DS...That would be good. I suspect my town is well covered in weeds by now. How about a lawnmower firmware mod?

Either that....or....

A half decent movie player... that....I'll have what I wanted originally.
This is from the admin at
This should give you guys an idea of what to expect anytime soon from the gp2x.
-Well everybody knows the problem with the SD-Cards...Perhaps you could program a Tool, which reads the information of the card and told them the user, that he can contact you and inform about the specific card, which doesn't work. Because sometimes 2 cards, which seem to be of the same type bring different results on the GP2X file browser which launches files with the appropriate application
-turn off the boot sound
-add a battery slot on the dockstation (or BOB?) for it? Or something you plug in it on the actual energy slot of the dockstation and instead having to connect it to electricity we connect to a bunch of batteries. Maybe is a bit difficult to add different kind of energy on the same thing, maybe you can create two dirrerent ones (portable or not portable) .OR you can add a switch to use batteries or electricity on the same plug.
-adding SDL_NET to easy build networking application throu USB
-It is possible to add resize function like extend 16/9 video to full screen cutting some part in left and right? can it possible to resize video to put them in 16/9 with adding large black band in top and bottom?
-is possible to add possibility to select the audio track in avi or ogm with two audio track file?
-possibility to use over audio file track like if i had th video file video.avi and audio track video.mp3?

Curently working on it
-Flickering problem was solved, however, you can still see horizontal lines (like an interlaced display) Horizontal lines has turned out to be a unique and inevitable character of this LCD. Though GPH will keep trying to do its best to solve this problem with firmwares. But to tell the truth, it seems to hard to solve out this problem fundamentally.
-ID3 Curently working on it
-LCD configuration : adding gamma control and britness : We plan to add LCD configuration as software in the near future.
-Audio Player : adding Playlist support Curently working on it
-Audio Player : adding the possibility to configure the equalizer Curently working on it
-Ebook : Adding RTF support Curently working on it

Maybe Later, or on another version
-possibility to read HTML and PDF usinf Text Viewer : GPH outsourced the current text viewer and it is the final version. And in order to add more functions to this version, entire re-coding would be inevitable. Though supporting HTML might be possible through hard work, supporting PDF seems to be too hard due to its too wide range.
-better image viewer (including GIF, Animated GIF, etc.) without crashing (It crashes for me when I try to view more than 20-30+ images) and shows the images as thumbnails (with ability to cache them so they show up quicker). GPH has been trying to find out the major reason of this crash. But any definite reason has not been found out. Animated GIF is under consideration. And thumbnail is also under consideration but at the moment, GPH can not be sure that both or these functions will be added.
-WiFi Support WiFi is one of the features that GPH is considering for next version, but GPH has not made any final conclusion about the specification or features for post GP2X
-Support for SD WIFI seriously considering SDIO, but has not entered into developing this due to lack of human resource and time. But as long as GPH take this into one of major consideration. Someday, GPH will start develop this.
-flickering LED when batteries are nearly dead Since the CPU memory can be too much taken by adding flickering function,we can only support 2~3 times of flickering fuction when the battery is low
-It's possible to had option to play MP3 in background and play game/emulator in the same time? Though it is possible to add function that you can listen to music while reading E-book, it seems to be difficult during the playback of Emulator or games.
-Is it possible to add Europeans accents and characters support for movie subtitle ? The system font can add European characters but as we are using ASCII, currently there is no plan to add it.

-mkv and H264 support
-MPC, AAC Impossible due to licences problems
-Explorer : Is it possble to have only one explorer in the place of one for movie, one for music and one just to use file. Some think that use file extension and associate them to the good application like Windows, linux does. Technically It is possible but we will not support this function.
-password protect to the acces of the NAnd, files, GP2X,... Due to the warranty issue,we do not have plan to support it.
-adding SAMBA to the next firmware GP2X provide Samba server function. But due to the shortage of NAND memory capacity, it's impossible to put SAMBA client fuction...
-adding a plugin system for tools. So, for example, the text reader could be replaced by another one We do not have plan to support it.
-MP3 Player : Can it be possible to have a FadeIn/FadeOut function with paramétrable time? impossible
-Is it possible to support non compressed audio formats like Flac, APE... or vocal codec like Speex ? Although we need to grap of license of APE, seems to be difficult to support it.
-When watching a film on a TV with the TV-Out Cable the sound continues to be play in the Speakers, could you add an option to disable that ? impossible
well, as long as they're not released yet, i'd like to say that independently i'm readdy to bolt on the following to the firmware:

1- patch to add 'arch_strncpy_to_user' et al., to the kernel exports.
2- add usb-midi.o to 'dist list'.
3- /lib/libMidiShare1.88,/usr/local/bin/msRawMidi et al.
4- powermate.o (and SDL patch for powermate usage..)
5- /lib/libJudy.*
6- /lib/lib[cairo*,svg*]

this is at least what i have done myself with a fork of the fw2.0 sources ..
Redeeman posted on Jul 7 2006 at 01:25 PM said:
lol i dont see why mkv support would be impossible...

Amen to that, it's just a freaking container - it's not like it needs high processing power to be able to open up a container. Though has anyone else noticed the complete lack of mentioning WMV as a playable thang? It used to be something they actively advertised. :)

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Ok, i skimmed through this topic and i dont know if anyone else also had these wishes. But in my opinion this is what need to be fixed.

1. Sometimes even when im on headphones, it switches to speakers but i can still hear the headphones. So then my *put relative or family member here* gets pissed that im listening to heavy/death/whatever metal.

2. Bad audio on last two volume bars.

3. Some flickering

4. More audio types, thats not too hard im guessing.

5. I don't know if they can decrease the linux overhead, that's probably an entirely different thing...
K0K0NUT_h3lmut posted on Jul 7 2006 at 05:34 AM said:
1. Sometimes even when im on headphones, it switches to speakers but i can still hear the headphones. So then my *put relative or family member here* gets pissed that im listening to heavy/death/whatever metal.
What model do you have? Sounds like your headphone socket needs fixing
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