New cases on the way to us


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Just some quick news inbetween:
1000 of the new case sets have been produced and are on the way to us. Then they're going to be painted and afterwards we'll hopefully have a much easier time assembling and shipping units.

In the meantime, we're still shipping albeit slowly as we're still using the old cases.
Been away from the boards for a while, have there been any hints of progress in the last few months?

How are the new cases?

Has production got underway in the new facility?
Thanks for the update. So exciting.
Curious to know the number of back orders.
Last I heard ED had covid, but that was a while ago. Has anyone heard from him since? I do hope he is okay.
Last I heard ED had covid, but that was a while ago. Has anyone heard from him since? I do hope he is okay.

Last week his shop was closed due to holiday. He fixed a Pandora for me a week or something before that so I am sure he is fine, just busy.
Will I be able to buy one of the new cases? My Pyra still has the old one and it's kind of broken. I don't wanna try to RMA again, the postal service clearly can't handle that correctly, so I'd rather just buy parts and fix it myself.
Strange, my Clips were totally fine, and i had an E-Bike Eccident whit my Pyra ...
But i put some paper between Door and Batterie to have it a bit more narrow to prevent shutdowns due to contact issues, maybe this way the Batterie cant wiggle to much in the Pyra when moved and pry on the Batterie Door ..
And its not that easy to take the Batteriecover and the Batterie out, somethimes you have to pry it whit your finger nails.. (i wonder how though the batterie is, not that i some day cut the tape whit the finger nail and release the Lithium Ion Stuff..
And its not that easy to take the Batteriecover and the Batterie out, somethimes you have to pry it whit your finger nails.. (i wonder how though the batterie is, not that i some day cut the tape whit the finger nail and release the Lithium Ion Stuff..
I am happy to share a simple trick from ancient times when the Pyra was developed and I had to take out the battery very often...
Just take s short one-sided adhesive tape and put it like shown on the battery.
Well it doesn't change opening the battery cover.


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Thanks for the Suggestion, this might be usefull when the new CPU Board will need the next opening of the Batterie Compartment, the last crashes (was a long while ago) the luck that its was still able to reset whit long press of the Power Button, and after i bend the Batterie Contacts up, there was no issue for me left whit Batterie..