New rooms, updated cases


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
142m² assembly space

Just some tiny news inbetween, but some very important ones :D

Finally, I have found new rooms to rent which will be used to assemble the Pyra (and other products like Retrodes, ColUSB, MegaDrive and SNES games, etc.).
It wasn't easy finding one that is big and not too expensive, but I now have additional 142m² just for that purpose.

I already have the keys and access to the rooms. I'll start moving everything over next week as I have to handle some installations (replacing the old lights with LED panels, etc.) first.
This is a very important step in increasing assembly speed for the next units.

You can be sure I'll post pictures of the new rooms when there's something to see :)

Case updates

All changes that improve the case and especially make it easier (and faster) to assemble the units in the future have been applied and samples will be shipped to me soon.
Additionally, we found out that the former company used a bit different type of plastic which doesn't shrink as much. That would explain why our case felt too tight overall and needed some more manual modifications.

These updated cases, together with the missing space to assemble everything properly was the biggest slowdown in assembly right now.
So while the new cases still need to be produced and we need to move everything into the new rooms, this should speed up thing tremendously when we're done.

That's it for now. Short news - but important ones :)
Thanks for the update and all your continued hard work! I’ve lamented being in the 500-999 range for a while, but by the same token, this is a small batch device and there are bound to be tweaks and learnings, looking forward to seeing how much it has evolved before it even gets to me… in two months(TM).
Increased speed of production with better quality cases, both great news. It would be nice to know the changes made to the cases.
This is an awesome update! Wasn't expecting an update this time as soon, and especially one that only has positive steps forward, and no issues this time!

Thanks again for your hard work and dedication! Really excited for more updates and photos now :D
Increased speed of production with better quality cases, both great news. It would be nice to know the changes made to the cases.
I think ED posted all these tweaks in the last news thread, first post.
Its an interesting read.
Yup, found it:
Just open the spoiler in his post.
Yeh, I have read that. However I just wanted to know that all of them are applied, particularly the one to add air-gap between cpu and battery compartment.
Yeh, I have read that. However I just wanted to know that all of them are applied, particularly the one to add air-gap between cpu and battery compartment.
The air gap is probably not needed - as it should be gone with less shrinking as well. So the new plastic material should fix that.
It even worked on the current case with a bit of tweaking :)

Regarding the rooms: installed half of the lights (LEDs) in the ceiling today. Will continue tomorrow. Next week it's time to buy the shelves and set them up, then move all the boxes and get tables to work on.
Just finished removing all the old lights (mercury vapor lamps...) and installed LED panels instead.
Really nice and bright light.

Next step will be buying and assembling shelves and tables for assembly, then finally moving everything over and continue assembling units :)

Here are a few pictures:

This is the first room:

This will be setup as flashing room. It will be used to flash and test the Pyras as well as other products like the Retrode2 or MegaDrive / SNES games.
I'll also put a small workplace with a soldering station CNC mill and other useful tools there.
And part of it will be used as storage space, of course :)

The second room:

This room will be used as storage. I'll also put huge tables in there which will be used to assemble everything. Not only Pyras but also MegaDrive / SNES / Lynx games or Retrode2 plugins.

The third room:

This will also be used for assembly and storage. It also be that my shop will move over there at some time - then this will be the shop area. If that happens, I can rent more space in the same location (I only rented half of it so far :))

And of course there's also a small kitchen - which is mainly being used to provide coffee:
This will be setup as flashing room. It will be used to flash and test the Pyras as well as other products like the Retrode2 or MegaDrive / SNES games.
As none of these devices have cameras, I can't help thinking that flashing them will go entirely unappreciated. ;)

And of course there's also a small kitchen - which is mainly being used to provide coffee:
Ahh The most important room in the building then. :)
