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KRH said:
What will Joe public and game reviewer Guy think about laying down 330$ to a no name console to find they are stuck with analogs that behave like a GP2X stick?

A bad first release will almost certainly cripple the Pandora.
You're making the assumption that this second analog nub choice will be bad, which is where I think you're wrong. Craig and co. have seen their fair share of abysmal analog sticks, I'm fairly sure they've picked a solid runner-up to the old option.
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Well, I think it comes down to just how much shorter the new analogue nubs' throw would be using off the shelf ones.

The test? Probably a side-by-side play test with a psx games (given that there's already a psx emu, after all) that's designed for analogue use. Build a Pandora with each set (assuming you've got at least a couple of the older nubs) and just see how much harder the game is to play with the proposed ones.

If it makes a LOT of a difference, then a delay would probably be justified. If it makes a tiny bit of difference, then it would possibly be worth investigating getting a custom nub (i.e. whether it's insanely expensive, for starters), but if it's expensive and time consuming, just go with the off the shelf one. Maybe refit with a better option for MK2s...
I'd rather see a delay than a worse quality. Let's hope that you guys get lucky finding what you need, though
You can always make an mk1 variant without any nubs at all. This would be ok for UMPC use.
To be serious, I don't think that a huge delay is worth the difference. You can go on improving the device. This must also be an interesting process for a developer. But really.. Isn't it the right time to draw a line?
First adopters will test the nubs and will make their judgments, according to which the mk2 specs can be changed.
I wouldn't worry to get a 1mm smaller radius for an analog instead of waiting another 2 or 3 months, by when probably there will occur other problems or shortages or stuff like that.
Tinnus said:
I wouldn't worry to get a 1mm smaller radius for an analog instead of waiting another 2 or 3 months, by when probably there will occur other problems or shortages or stuff like that.
Agreed. The longer development is stretched out, the more problems they're gonna find, anyways. Besides, when release rolls around, there's going to be even more problems uncovered by the community through normal use.

Even if the release is delayed, the least they could do is let me preorder the damn thing now; I'd hate to wait for all those extra months and then come out empty-handed! :(
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Tinnus said:
I wouldn't worry to get a 1mm smaller radius for an analog instead of waiting another 2 or 3 months, by when probably there will occur other problems or shortages or stuff like that.
Geez, that's a bad scenario you're describing. I'm still hoping that they will "get lucky" and find a just-as-good or better replacement... maybe get some people with fluency in other languages to search manufacturers that they may have missed... :unsure:
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at this point, i'd say use the other off the shelf nubs. at some point sacrifices need to be made, otherwise the pandora will become just so much more vaporware, perpetually in development.
For those of you who might not recognize those pieces heres a diagram(I was reallybored)

Anyone know what the others are?
CronoTriggerfan said:
AireTamStorm said:
Choice between better nub or closer release? I think you guys know what to do.
And what exactly is that? :lol: I say get it here as quick as possible. Again, the analog sticks are two little pots. If anyone really loathes them, and I doubt they will, I can always swap 'em out.

I think you answered your own question by leaning towards swapping out the nubs. "I think you guys know what to do" = "I trust whatever design decision you make."

The Pandora isn't going to turn into vaporware over a 2 month delay.

That being said, I agree with Tobriand. CraigiX and Co. should see what they can get off the shelf, see what alternatives are available, and compare them in a realistic, practical application for them. Depending on the results they should swap out the "over the counter" nubs for better ones.

Just.... don't let this become another GP2X scenario. Digital Joystick? What the hell were they thinking!?
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babamthegrunt said:
For those of you who might not recognize those pieces heres a diagram(I was reallybored)

Anyone know what the others are?
Upper Left is Mini-USB, the other Is DC In
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Have a look here:

This is the only pre-manufactured unit we can find that works in a small handheld design. We are working with a couple companies with the prospect of making a custom unit for Pandora, but best case on having one available for production is starting to look like September.

The benefit of the smaller one is that it can be moved down and closer to the edge for people with smaller hands and it makes a great nub for web navigation, but I worry hardcore gamers will be disappointed with only 1mm of travel from center.
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Hmmmm... Hmmm...

Wow, this is a tough one.

Honestly, from that video, I think the old ones seem better. I HATE the idea of things being delayed further, but good controls are important. We have a touch screen for web navigation, so IMO the analogs are mainly for gaming.

MWeston - aside from the 1mm travel, do they seem sturdy at all? Being so small, I wonder if they'd break easily? The old ones seem like they would've lasted longer.
One of the reasons the big one was discontinued before it went into production was because it contained more parts inside and the manufacturer claimed it was too expensive to make. We even tried to place a bulk order, but still no dice. The smaller one has less parts and the most recent samples I have seem pretty sturdy. The center click is a nice distinct click whereas the bigger one was more of a soft click. Honestly, if they would just increase the chamber inside to allow up to 2mm of travel from center, I would be all over the smaller one without hesitation.
Yeah, 2mm travel would be good. 1mm seems rather limiting.

Don't know what to say really, but thanks as always for sharing things with us.
I would definitely rather wait until September for a stick with more travel than buy a handheld with only 1 mm travel. That stick in the video seems more like for menu navigation on a digital camera than for gaming.

But that's just my opinion. I'm sure there are people who feel they have waited long enough for the Pandora and don't mind the 1 mm travel.
That video was pretty discouraging. Are we talking about delaying Pandora availability 'til September or delaying production until then, with availability some time later?

I can wait until September for better nubs.