The wifi will be included in the next PCB revision. For this revision, the PCB has a generic footprint that I am using to place another small PCB with the wifi module of choice. I have some wifi modules here, but I don't like them as much as another part I am trying to line up for production. I don't want to say anything about that part as things can change, but what I am looking for is the best part with great power and throughput and, of course, great drivers that will drop into our kernel with minimal problems.
I am finding that using the cheapest priced wifi part is not as important as choosing one with a strong backing on the driver side and that is why I am not rushing to get the parts I have now, soldered to the board. I don't feel confident with the drivers given to me, but the part that will likely be in the final unit is fantastic and very well supported. We are setting up terms with the module manufacturer now and unless something unforeseen should happen, the choice appears to be final. Information on this will be updated when it is in writing, but not before. I just hate having to go back on things I have already posted and want to keep that to a minimum.