(1.) That's an assumption if I ever heard one.
I can understand ignoring the insults
I'm really glad that people are able to play VVVVVV on pandora, but
I'm afraid I just don't have the time to deal with more VVVVVV stuff
at this pointSorry...
- Terry
Also, if you sell the stuff for the prize you buy it in retail, how do you cover your taxes etc. that are necessary with a shop?
Is this even a legal company you are running there, selling software and hardware?
(1.) That's an assumption if I ever heard one.
I can understand ignoring the insults
What, like calling me an "ass"?
I'm ignoring the rest of your post, as you suggested. I don't like being insulted.
I am not going to respond to any more comments if I consider them to be negative or unsupportive. I have better things to do, and you should learn how to be friendly before you talk to me.
Unintended consequence: I may stop releasing PNDs publicly in the future and just keep them for myself if noone can insure they are not going in the wild.
<license name="Freeware" url="#" sourcecodeurl="#"/>
not the awful GPL that you mentioned.
Do you seriously expect me to email every dev with an ambiguous license clause and ask them about every PND? OK, maybe I'll do that. I'll remind them every day that free software is better than "Freeware".
For example, the authors of all the tools and libraries you used to produce your PND are sharing free software:
[*]python is free software
[*]libgtk is free software
[*]libglib is free software
[*]OSS is free software (sort of)
[*]urllib2 is free software
[*]xml.dom is free software
[*]libcairo is free software
[*]gcc is free software (used to build python)
[*]Linux is free software
[*]mksquashfs is free software
[*]libpng is free software
[*]libpnd is free software
[*]Open Pandora operating system is free software
[*]libSDL is free software
[*]pygame is free software
I asked for complete removal. A link won't do it.
Hard-linking the repo should not be recommended anyway.
Anyway, no links, nothing.
I KNOW but I specifically asked for no links.
If you want to keep a link, then do not link to the download but link to the repo page where people can see the description of the application along with other update notices. That is the proper thing to do.
This is not a case of you going to the supermarket and buying nachos and taking them to buddies place; this is a case of buying the nachos, putting them into a ziploc bag with some popcorn and writing 'jimmi's wicked combo' on it; the company who made the nachos may take issue with their brand being sullied like that.
Am I even allowed to read the PXML, or would that level of reverse-engineering violate your rights? I'm being facetious, but I'm serious - you might object to any unpacking of your PND for all I know.
You seemed to think that you did not publish your source code, but there it is in the PND. It looks pretty good to me.
I thought the GPL says you can modify, redistribute, or sell the software as long as you keep the licence the same
Whats bad about it for your purposes?
The nacho example is definitely illegal, it's brand name theft and product theft combined in one. Otherwise everyone could be selling real Coca Cola in custom bottles. Try it, and see how long you last. You need to make a formula so different that it is not like the original. You cannot combine Coca Cola with peaches and call it Peacha Cola. Even with software you cannot use certain types of buttons, layouts, ways to interact, etcetera.
The GPL allows to share software, sort of, but it's not my favourite software license.
I thought the GPL says you can modify, redistribute, or sell the software as long as you keep the licence the same
Whats bad about it for your purposes?
The GPL allows to share software, sort of, but it's not my favourite software license.
You can see Wootson's approach to copyright and remixing here: