My First


Still Fresh
Mar 6, 2009

I found about pandora last year and at that time all pre-orders were sold out. :(

I got an email last week, that I can order again, I called and today made a wire transfer ^_^

So now the desperate wait begins, can't wait for this baby :oops:

I will go through the learning curve but it will be fun, to do all the things I want to do on a handheld. I never bought the Iphone or any other handheld Smartphone, PDA or gameconsole for this reason - I couldn't do all that I wanted.

Glad to be part of the community.
I'm in the same boat as you. Never owned any real PDA's or handheld systems (ye olde Gameboy exception). But I can't wait to tinker with it till it's broken. As a one of the surely many computer science students here, I think it's my obligation to make sure it stops working at least once a week.
S1ngu1arity said:
I'm in the same boat as you. Never owned any real PDA's or handheld systems (ye olde Gameboy exception). But I can't wait to tinker with it till it's broken. As a one of the surely many computer science students here, I think it's my obligation to make sure it stops working at least once a week.
you can't make it stop working.
Or you shouldn't since you can boot from a SD card.

Don't mess with the nand :P
Mine will likely stop working at least once a day. Then I'll plug it in, go to bed, and start it again the next morning. :-)
Hey cyberbug, congrats and welcome! I'm a n00b around here too, and I just received word last night that my payment has been received :) I've been watching this since early last year as well... I had been begging my wife to let me pe-order since then and finally it has happened ;) I'm also an iPhone owner and have been active in developing for that since long before there was an official SDK. Before iPhone I was active in the Nintendo DS homebrew scene, having developed a hardware MIDI interface for the DS, and a step sequencer for making music :)

I think that once the "signs of the times" start looking better for Pandora, it might really catch on in a much larger way than it seems right now. I hope so!

Hey all. I've been around here (well, gp32x) since the time of the Gp32 (then Gp2x, now pandora) and its a great community. So have fun, and pretty soon we will all be having fun with our pandoras!