So, the problem is around a function called ToUnicode that is inside mcs/class/Managed.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms/X11Keyboard.cs (around line 430, depending on the version).
I have a .NET application I use under WinXP. Is it too optimistic to expect it to run on Pandora? Just in case, I have collected an error log I get when I try to run it. Could you tell me what's wrong?
Looks like the SplashScreen of your app, that use libgdiplus to show, crash at the LoadImage... Is the bitmap used in the spash accessible? Maybe it's a simple file not found?
Thanks for the clue. The bitmap is probably hidden inside a resource dll, so it's hard to say what the problem is. I will get back to you if I have more questions.
The forward-tick (´), pound (£), euro (€), and yen (¥) keys don't register in the textboxes. The tick key isn't very important, but I would like to be able to write monetary values.
You mean Fn-j Fn-k Fn-l and Fn-m ?
I just rechecked and they do work on my Pandora. I tested all keys and they all works. Even composed keys works on my side.
@pmprog: can you try to first launch codeblocks command line, and then launch monort and try to enter the offending keys, to see if need to copy more libs from codeblocks to monort (I'm thinking of a few x11 libs maybe)...
@pmprog: can you try to first launch codeblocks command line, and then launch monort and try to enter the offending keys, to see if need to copy more libs from codeblocks to monort (I'm thinking of a few x11 libs maybe)...
@pmprog: can you try to first launch codeblocks command line, and then launch monort and try to enter the offending keys, to see if need to copy more libs from codeblocks to monort (I'm thinking of a few x11 libs maybe)...
Finally got the specials characters working on MonoRT.
I had to hack libX11 so it search it's locale file releative to the library (and not using some hardocded absolute path).
also, GTK has been updated to 2.24 (not much visible effect) and Pango (font drawing used but GTK) to 1.29.5. This one was very tricky too, and I also had to hack the source to make it load it's module relative to lib path...
I hope everything works now (and that I havn't broken anything in the process).
Build 04
Hack on libs (X11, GTK, Pango) to make them PNDable
Updated GTK to 2.24 and Pango to 1.29.5
All characters can now be entered on Windows.Form.EditBox