Mock Of Menu System

cervante said:
Can someone make a shell like windows with the start button in the bottom left hand corner and icons on the desktop ?

Quick in dirty mock up:
I personally like to see something like Nokia's n810. Have a little menu bars on the left side that when clicked on open up and you can go to different sub folders like; Games, Internet, Settings, Extra, and etc. The ability to have something like will allow users to add quick short cuts to their favorite programs like Firefox, Pidgin, PSX emulator, SNES emulator, etc. Not to mention I'd like to have blank background that I can add my own apps on like a weather program that displaces the five day forecast or RSS feed. The key here is to allow the user the most options to set up his/her Pandora the way they would like it to be.

Anyone else in the same boat? I don't want to see 8 different emulator icons on my display when I only use three and even then I rather see something else. A "start" bar is the way to go I think. I love simple desktop look.
I suck at PS so I humbly request a mockup with 2 always on radial menus, one left and one right. The left one has folders, the right one has applications. (Selecting a folder brings contents on the right that you can scroll through, selecting a program gives you options for it.)
Hotcooler said:
fischju said:

But that's not how I see the radial menu concept. IMO it's better suited (for general use, not for cool factor) to be a quick launch bar. You just point in the direction and off you go. Or like task manager. But not like the main menu... Yes, you can make it work. But IMO it;s better that way.

Apparently you didn't read the link very well. In no way was it talking about being a main menu. It was about radial menu design as a supplement to a GUI, not as a radial menu GUI. We were trying to discuss how radial menus could be added to GMenu-Pandora.

EDIT: TOMG. I'm so used to the page navigation being on the left side in the old forums that I keep replying to posts at the end of the first page to find that there are another 3 or 4 pages. My bad.