Miku Manor


Well, what a shame.

If you wouldn't mind that whoever was nice to you on this forum were a casulty too.. sorry i guess. :unsure:
That's the result of the things that people have done to me, I feel nothing but dislike for humanity in general and I dare say I will till the day I die.

Edit: Malevolent mode end. ^_^
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If you have bitterness and negativity in your heart, then you'll attract negative things to yourself and to your life, like a magnet.
I agree, only I would replace heart with brain. And magnet with "well explained psychological phenomena" or something. :-D
(if it was like a magnet he would attract positive things)
Let me be real here. I've experienced things you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy, that I don't really want to go into here. I could be bitter, very much so. But instead, I found that being positive makes you not only a stronger person, but that being more positive leads to a better self, and wellbeing. Also, if you want to play it that way - success and happiness is the best revenge :) .

OK I apologise for everything I've ever done, now will people leave me alone like I asked.

For those people wondering why Miku isn't moderating my responses like what usually happens, I'm afraid she's away atm and I don't know when/if she'll be coming back.
You try not being bitter when you've experienced the things I have, tbh all I really want is for people to leave me alone.
This reminds me very much of some stuff I got told by a friend with similar problems like you. That friend has weekly therapy with a psychologist and I think that helps (that friend thinks so too, at least a bit). Try to get some, too. In most industrialized countries health care should pay for it, although you might need to be a little insistent, they might try to just feed you some drugs because that's cheaper.*
But what I think helps even more (also in the case of that friend) is to find some nice friends. Not all humans are bad. Some are even consistently pretty nice or at least trying to be.

This probably doesn't sound very helpful and probably really is not, but I don't know of any way I could help. I genuinely hope you find reasons to develop a more positive world view.

*(personally I hate all kinds of mind-altering medicines, but as a way to suppress symptoms you can't live with {literally} while getting therapy, I guess they are sometimes okay)

Edit: I haven't seen your newest post until after I answered.

Don't apologize. You have done nothing in this forum for which you should apologize. (I don't know about real life ;-)
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All of you can help me best by doing what I asked which is leaving me alone, by not doing so you're making things much much worse. Atm I'm very close to asking ED to delete my user account so that I can be free of this place.
Strigoi: I really hope this doesn't sound mean or anything, because it's not meant to be. But if you feel this is too much for you, you could just maybe have a break from the forum rather than deleting your account. Also, I'm a bit confuzzled because I thought you wanted us to talk to you as you have your own thread etc..but okey dokey, we can all leave you be if that's what you prefer.
But if you feel this is too much for you, you could just maybe have a break from the forum rather than deleting your account.
The reason that I feel the need to delete my account is because then I wouldn't be able to subject any of you to my depressive episodes any more, I can't imagine that they're very fun for you lot to experience never mind me.

Also, I'm a bit confuzzled because I thought you wanted us to talk to you as you have your own thread etc
I thought that the purpose of this thread was to stop me from filling up Caring Corner with Miku stuff, or so I've been told. ;)
Also, I'm a bit confuzzled because I thought you wanted us to talk to you as you have your own thread etc
I thought that the purpose of this thread was to stop me from filling up Caring Corner with Miku stuff, or so I've been told. ;)
I would assume that's partially the reason, but if you ask me i think it's more like having a thread for a compleatly seperate topic in order to prevent hijacking.

Here you have a seperate place for expressing your own interests and have people who are interested join in and have a conversation with you about them.

You try not being bitter when you've experienced the things I have, tbh all I really want is for people to leave me alone.
You claim one thing, but your actions show another.

Even though you say you wouldn't want to to talk with us, something doesn't makes sense to me (which sort of ties me to what Løra said).

If you wanted to avoid peope, why would you come to a public forum (essentially a community of people) and make posts about your own interestes? And why specifically this forum? If you really didn't like the people here, i think you wouldn't really want to bother donating in order to support their original Pandora pre-orders, right? If you really didn't want anyone to pay attention, would you really be this open to everyone? I mean otherwise, what stopped you from making a blog on Wordpress, disabling the comments and posting all your stuff there instead? Heck, why not just keep a good old diary in an offline digital format?

Look dude, i know you went through stuff and it's hard for you to realize it, but not all humans are evil meatsacks. All of them go through their own wars and conflicts in life and eventually make a choice between good and evil. The thing is, the good ones that you don't witness often do exist, otherwise who would be responsible for creations like Miku afterall? these sort of stuff doesn't just show up out of nowhere you know.

Same thing goes for this forum, not everyone are a bunch of mean bastards who just want to be your haters. Some are willing to listen and find a reason to co-exist with you, maybe even offer their helping hand.. you know, be friendly.

Don't trust my word for it if you like, but i do suggest you try and pay attantion for other people's actions instead. Why would someone who does true good want to hurt you in a bad way?
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A diary or a personal blog with comments disabled if you like to express yourself.