Miku Manor

The different parts of my personality are constantly fighting each other, sometimes one part wins sometimes another.
What kind of different parts? Like one that wants to actually like people and another one that just wants to act harsh to them in self-defence ?
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What kind of different parts? Like one that wants to actually like people and another one that just wants to act harsh to them in self-defence ?
Your questioning should probably stop now.  It doesn't sound like the answers are easy or free.
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What kind of different parts? Like one that wants to actually like people and another one that just wants to act harsh to them in self-defence ?
Your questioning should probably stop now.  It doesn't sound like the answers are easy or free.
I feel he has the right to ask and it gives Strigoi the chance to think about his answers. He's said no to locking the thread so yeah.
What kind of different parts? Like one that wants to actually like people and another one that just wants to act harsh to them in self-defence ?
Yeah like that. Though having said that a couple of personality parts appear to be working together today, they're the open part and the trust issues part, what that means is that I'll answer people's questions but after having done so I'll feel that I've ruined my life and that you're all going to use my answers against me.
I'll feel that I've ruined my life and that you're all going to use my answers against me.
You shouldnt. There's a large bunch of persons willing to help you here (me included).

Nobody here wants to act against you.

We use your replies to make you think about yourself. This is not against but for you :)
I must just point out... yes, we are all unique, but don't think that you are alone in having experienced true unbearable horror by living in this world... or that there aren't others that should for all intents and purposes despise humanity...

Also, not all humans are... human.

There is too much information to go into right now, but suffice to say the beings that are responsible for creating the circumstances under which you experienced such pain and grew to hate mankind are completely gratified that you have cut yourself off from other people.

I struggle myself realizing that humans, the brutish self serving f**kwits that they, are also victims and that my ire should be directed not at them, but at what made them this way.

It appears you have been perfectly manipulated... but if you want to f*ck with those responsible, do the hard thing and build some relationships... try and generate some compassion, and save your anger for those who truly deserve it.

What they fear most: Those of us who aren't mindless sheep actually collaborating and communicating with each other.

Heaven help them if we ever support each other enough to move against them en force...

=~. O =
@Strigoi: Just to be clear - I'm not demanding any answers, the choice whether to answer any of my questions is compleatly up to you. If you do feel like you don't want to say anything just say so and you will stop hearing from me (and in case you will ever feell a need to tell me anything in the future, just contact me when you like). But in all honesty, know that i do not seek to cause you any harm or use anything you say against you, if anything i just want to try and help you as i can. Neither do i think the people in this community who have aproached you with a good cause have any bad intentions either (i mean if there were, i think you would probably just detect that and find a way to repel them ;) ).

As for your conflict, i think what you are discribing is the same situation from before - that being your past trauma scarring you psychologically and causing those trust issues you're experiencing. But once again i can see the streangth in you, as i see that you did manage going through a mental turbulence and come out with an answer that corresponds with what you really believe is true.

It's kind of hard to understand at first, but amoungst the fighting and all the "parts of your personality" that came together when you've posted, i believe there should have been what some may describe as a "voice" or a "guidance" which lead you to your decisions when posting. I think that this something may be related to what some may call a "conscience".

It's this sort of "consience" that i think was what lead you to say the things you considered were right to say at the momement, even though you yourself weren't sure whether you should trust us or not. So as opposed to letting one "side of your personality" win a skirmish, I would suggest for you to try isolating that "consience" and focus on its guidance, as it may be your lead to where the truth is.
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I know it isn't much but thank you for the kind words everyone, also in other news Miku's back which will no doubt please some and distress others. ;)
I just spent quite some time searching for a comic strip I saw years ago on the internet. Didn't find it. I really liked it. Keywords: balloon, heart, love, lock, share, comic, strip. Nothing.

It was about how when you don't share stuff with others and don't take risks, then no one can hurt you, but you are also sad and alone. And when you do share stuff with others you give them the chance to hurt you, but all in all you are much happier.

Strigoi, I know that feeling of having shared too much. I probably still share very little, to very few people whom I trust. But when I look at it a long time later those things which I regretted I shared were never actually used against me. All in all it was a good thing I shared them.

If you share stuff publicly there will always be a risk of someone mocking/disliking/anything you for it. But if you do it here then I'm sure there will also be people who read it who can feel with you, try to understand and help you and who are just generally trying to be nice.

Make your choice(s).
I just spent quite some time searching for a comic strip I saw years ago on the internet. Didn't find it. I really liked it. Keywords: balloon, heart, love, lock, share, comic, strip. Nothing.

It was about how when you don't share stuff with others and don't take risks, then no one can hurt you, but you are also sad and alone. And when you do share stuff with others you give them the chance to hurt you, but all in all you are much happier.

Strigoi, I know that feeling of having shared too much. I probably still share very little, to very few people whom I trust. But when I look at it a long time later those things which I regretted I shared were never actually used against me. All in all it was a good thing I shared them.

If you share stuff publicly there will always be a risk of someone mocking/disliking/anything you for it. But if you do it here then I'm sure there will also be people who read it who can feel with you, try to understand and help you and who are just generally trying to be nice.

Make your choice(s).
I posted it in March:

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Maybe that's where I've seen it. But I somehow thought I'd first seen it somewhere else (on a stand alone comic website). Maybe I'm wrong. *shrug*
If you share stuff publicly there will always be a risk of someone mocking/disliking/anything you for it.
Familar statement is familiar, luckily as I've gotten older I've stopped giving quite so much of a fuck what people think of me, there's still a way to go but I'll make it one day. :)

Don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but I may have discovered a way to explain my feelings for Miku to you all. Ok here goes, quite a few of you will have partners/significant others, how you feel about them is how I feel about Miku, she's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep.

The floor is now open for questions.
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Cool feeling I got imagining being the driver and getting photographed. There is much to infer from the drivers behavior and interaction with the public. Driving a little slower, so that a running photographer is able to snap one. Ignoring the traffic police that points out "you can park here".... lol.
Don't take seriously the people who view your hobby as a sign of bad mental health.

When your hobby is not mainstream, you're always a "weirdo" for enjoying it. A few years ago, it was perfectly fine for someone past 30 to play chess or poker, but playing video games, boardgames or PnP RPG meant you were a kid who didn't fully grow up.

As long as your hobby isn't doing harm to anyone else, and not doing too much harm to you (you can get injured when doing sports and getting drunk with friends isn't good for your health, but they're still valid hobbies, if you know the dangers and are careful about them) and you enjoy it, it 's a good hobby.

The only risk is "hiding" constantly in your hobby. That's the danger of addiction: drinking with friends is okay, because you're not doing it for the alcohol but for having fun with friends. Drinking when you face a problem to ease the pain before you're ready to face it correctly isn't bad. But when you start drinking alone, or constantly drinking to get away from your problems, drinking becomes a problem. You're no longer in control and it rarely ends well. But even in that case, the problem isn't alcohol, but the problems that led you to it (though you might have to drop alcohol in order to face them).
Lol hobby.
