Miku Manor

Miku train. ^_^


Do you take part in this, Striogi? Just don't tell me you also work for Cyberdyne..
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There's enough revolting around the world right now.. do you really think people need fighthing with Vocaloid androids (probably thanks to someone's crappy A.I. programming)? Come on now..
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Not quite sure whether you mean them fighting against each other or against people, if it's the first one then they should televise it, it'd be more interesting than Robot Wars was anyway, if it's the second one then meh doesn't bother me, there's too many people about for my liking anyway.
Hypothetically speaking, if people were in an armed conflict with masses of badly programmed Vocaloid androids, won't you take pitty in the good people ending up as civilian casualties?
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Not even if those casulties were just a bunch of friendly people (who may also like Miku) that would never want to be your haters had they met you?
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Okay last one, what if it were Miku had she existed as a human?
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Well, what a shame.

If you wouldn't mind that whoever was nice to you on this forum were a casulty too.. sorry i guess. :unsure:
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