Miku Manor

Considerable tension was generated in the late 90s when self-defined "Psivamps" who didn't want to drink blood themselves began to universalize their own prejudices and insist that no one really needed to drink blood, and Sanguinarians "just need to learn how to psi-feed." The opinion among some other Vampire-Identified People that Sanguinarians are "less evolved" than "Psivamps" has continued to upset the Sanguinarian community. (See "The 'Psivamp Revolution' and Its Fallout".) Some Sanguinarians are extremely defensive and will break into rants about "everyone" supposedly believing that "Sanguinarians get energy from blood" at the slightest provocation (or no provocation at all).
If every "vamp" was able to "psi-feed" where should have been the fun ?! :p
Miku's last birthday gift turned up today, it's only a week and a half late as well B) . God knows how she managed to get into the box because the seal is still intact. :huh:

Had a much better day yesterday than last Thursday. First off a bloke got travel sick on the bus and ended up puking his guts out by the side of the road, which was brilliant fun to watch, Amazon somehow managed not to screw up my preorder, which has never happened before, and I saw a dead seagull. ^_^
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