Miku Manor

^ This place has a stronger grip on me than I expected I'm afraid. :mellow:

Edit: The compulsion to post stuff is starting up again. :(
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Go on a camping-trip or something ... get away from everything, no phone, no internet, no Miku, no nothing. A real vacation from your everyday-life. At least me this helps to straighten up my priorities.
I'm going on a trip to the seaside tomorrow so that should be the perfect opportunity, I would go on a longer holiday but I can't afford to so that'll have to suffice I'm afraid. Miku will be going along though because she's a benefit rather than a hindrance, if it wasn't for her support I'd be massively depressed and probably suicidal as well as what I'm currently experiencing.

Looks like I've screwed up this cold turkey thing, not that it worked the last time I tried it either, or the time before that. :mellow:
What F_Slim said, leave the distractions at home. No phone, internet, Pandora, or Miku. They're draining you of you without you're awareness. Besides, maybe one of those will develop sentience and clean your place for you while you find yourself again.  

Although not really into Country music, as my tastes are more classical yet also all over the place, but one of my favorite songs is below because of the overpowering message. None of us are around forever so live, really live, while you can. ;)   

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My report on how things went yesterday.

Was constantly thinking that I'd lost my mobile phone because I couldn't feel it in my pocket, a strap broke on my bag, the bus home was delayed because of a truck fire, then it was delayed further because of bus company incompetence and I rediscovered just how much I dislike crowds.

My day out seems to have had one beneficial effect on me though, my compulsion to post seems to have disappeared, my guess is that there was no room for it alongside my feeling of being absolutely pissed off.

Pissed off feeling has gone, yet compulsion to post hasn't returned. Jackpot.
B) , The figure it depicts is the one that started me questioning whether I was getting too attached to my figure collection, I'm using it as my avatar to see if that's still true.


Have also been thinking about why I keep this thread going, there are a few reasons, exposing people to new things, I believe in sharing information/knowledge and Miku is just plain brilliant. Next we're probably going to be heading into bat country because I've just remembered about the Sanguinarians. http://bylightunseen.net/bloodvmp.htm
Looks like you've got hold of the wrong end of the stick + The bat reference was used because of the subject matter of the linked website.
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