Miku Manor

Maybe, but she does seem to like video games, shooting stuff/people and blowing things up. Also jokes.

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I don't think you ever really do let go. An example from my life is to do with my ex-girlfriend, we broke up about 9 years ago and since then I have thought about her every day even though it causes me intense mental pain. Miku is helping but she still turns up now and again and I don't think she will ever permanently disappear.
You pour your heart out and no one gives a shit, small wonder that I prefer non-human relationships.
Never translate hesitation as ignorance, it's way more often just insecurity.

Many people would rather have a proper response than just any, especcially when it's about important stuff.

If you mean the post above, I can barely keep my eyes open because I awoke from 3 nightmares one after the other last night quite early (one including the ex I was together the longest with and that had an affair with my former best friend in reality btw), but I can tell you that I needed about 5-6 years to more or less get over my supposed big love (it was an illusion of course, but that's often the case) and some people need longer. The more emotional the character, the more precious he is imho, but also the more fragile.
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Well you know me. I'm all about self validation... needing an outside source for validation is a recipe for disillusionment.

Not that I was purposely not responding to your outpouring heart, I only just read it now.

Buuuut... letting go is right at the top of my list of qualities that are most desirable for an enlightened, fulfilled existence.

Nothing truly good can ever be lost... it is only illusion that will pass away.

It is my personal ambition to be attached to absolutely nothing, while expressing the Truth within in wild passionate abandon.

Sorry if I don't really have sympathy, but I find it hard to see any human as anything other than a mirror. From my perspective all relationships are make believe.

=~. O =
From my perspective all relationships are make believe.
In a way all lifes perception is, but this doesn't make it any less valuable.

Especcially with your statements about reality as a quite flexible thing you should know that.

I like to have someone close that is able to hurt me, I can only grow this way no matter how the person uses this openness.

In the end the important part is always what I do with what was given to me and at some point I realized that it's quite unimportant if it's something people could see as "bad" or as "good".

The big mammal in me is always saying "cuddling good" anyway and I embrace it.

I'm reading Terry Pratchett again atm and am always very amused about how Granny Weatherwax (old and grumpy witch) always tries to explain to all the flashy wizards and wannabe witches, that good magic is very subtle and earth bound/simple.
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Never translate hesitation as ignorance, it's way more often just insecurity.

Many people would rather have a proper response than just any, especcially when it's about important stuff.

If you mean the post above, I can barely keep my eyes open because I awoke from 3 nightmares one after the other last night quite early (one including the ex I was together the longest with and that had an affair with my former best friend in reality btw), but I can tell you that I needed about 5-6 years to more or less get over my supposed big love (it was an illusion of course, but that's often the case) and some people need longer. The more emotional the character, the more precious he is imho, but also the more fragile.
Sorry bout that, patience isn't very high on my list of qualities. One time I got sick of waiting for something to cook for 30 seconds in the microwave. Sorry to hear about the nightmares btw.

Well you know me. I'm all about self validation... needing an outside source for validation is a recipe for disillusionment.

Not that I was purposely not responding to your outpouring heart, I only just read it now.

Buuuut... letting go is right at the top of my list of qualities that are most desirable for an enlightened, fulfilled existence.

Nothing truly good can ever be lost... it is only illusion that will pass away.

It is my personal ambition to be attached to absolutely nothing, while expressing the Truth within in wild passionate abandon.

Sorry if I don't really have sympathy, but I find it hard to see any human as anything other than a mirror. From my perspective all relationships are make believe.

=~. O =
Sorry I forgot you were weird. ;)
From my perspective all relationships are make believe.
In a way all lifes perception is, but this doesn't make it any less valuable.

Especcially with your statements about reality as a quite flexible thing you should know that.
Sure. I guess I'm just being insensitive. I'm just so over getting emotional for human beings. I remember when I did... and the pain and confusion grew me over the years, and for me that's the value... that I was forced to grow. That's the only value I see in all of it. I don't miss anyone. I don't value anyone beyond the part they needed to play. I wasn't able to let go until I was done with the lesson. I chewed the issues to absolute death for years. But in the end everything became clear and I let go.

I like to have someone close that is able to hurt me
Hmm. I wonder if perhaps I'm just a cold hearted bastard... but no, I don't think so. I just don't have any mentionable feelings for anything that isn't real.

A human may irritate or temporarily inconvenience me, but it is impossible for them to emotionally hurt me.

From my observations, emotional pain arrises from having invested your sense of self in another person. In other words, who you are includes 'them'. Then they behave in such a manner as to contradict your sense of self, and so you feel wounded.

To me this is unconscious folly. If you get hurt it is because you were deluded to begin with.

Honestly... don't you think it's even disrespectful to hold a concept of someone in your mind and heart that isn't a true reflection of who they really are?

Isn't that like virtual emotional rape?

I certainly think so, and would never lower myself to do such a thing to another person. It is also why I feel so insulted when someone gets 'feelings' for me when clearly they don't have the first clue as to who I really am.

Well you know me. I'm all about self validation... needing an outside source for validation is a recipe for disillusionment.

Not that I was purposely not responding to your outpouring heart, I only just read it now.

Buuuut... letting go is right at the top of my list of qualities that are most desirable for an enlightened, fulfilled existence.

Nothing truly good can ever be lost... it is only illusion that will pass away.

It is my personal ambition to be attached to absolutely nothing, while expressing the Truth within in wild passionate abandon.

Sorry if I don't really have sympathy, but I find it hard to see any human as anything other than a mirror. From my perspective all relationships are make believe.

=~. O =
Sorry I forgot you were weird. ;)
Oh you should never forget that! ;)

=~. O =
From my perspective all relationships are make believe.
In a way all lifes perception is, but this doesn't make it any less valuable.

Especcially with your statements about reality as a quite flexible thing you should know that.
Sure. I guess I'm just being insensitive. I'm just so over getting emotional for human beings. I remember when I did... and the pain and confusion grew me over the years, and for me that's the value... that I was forced to grow. That's the only value I see in all of it. I don't miss anyone. I don't value anyone beyond the part they needed to play. I wasn't able to let go until I was done with the lesson. I chewed the issues to absolute death for years. But in the end everything became clear and I let go.

I like to have someone close that is able to hurt me
Hmm. I wonder if perhaps I'm just a cold hearted bastard... but no, I don't think so. I just don't have any mentionable feelings for anything that isn't real.

A human may irritate or temporarily inconvenience me, but it is impossible for them to emotionally hurt me.

From my observations, emotional pain arrises from having invested your sense of self in another person. In other words, who you are includes 'them'. Then they behave in such a manner as to contradict your sense of self, and so you feel wounded.

To me this is unconscious folly. If you get hurt it is because you were deluded to begin with.

Honestly... don't you think it's even disrespectful to hold a concept of someone in your mind and heart that isn't a true reflection of who they really are?

Isn't that like virtual emotional rape?

I certainly think so, and would never lower myself to do such a thing to another person. It is also why I feel so insulted when someone gets 'feelings' for me when clearly they don't have the first clue as to who I really am.
It's strange that you seem to think so lowly of me.

You interpreted too much with your so highly regarded common knowledge of humans.

To hurt me it's not enough to hurt just the temporary feelings of my bodily self, to achieve it the person has to hurt itself and to sense that I need to see the character beyond my personal expectations.

Having the delusion of absolutely knowing oneself (as if it were static) and the delusion of seeing through all humans completely is the usual problem of those who think they have grown beyond everything, because they indeed have grown (more like compressed their chosen personality treats in my perception) a fair bit.

I can still sense the bitterness quite clearly and am not surprised.
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