Miku Manor

As long as robots don't have a brain that is capable of emotions they are not equals in any way.
Lets just say that I have a very low opinion of humanity in general. :) + why you'd want emotions in the first place is beyond me, mine seem to vary between rage and despair with the occasional bit of happiness a couple of times a year. So I would quite happily discard mine if I could.

but the whole idea of creating artificial humans with artificial feelings etc... is wrong in my book.
Each to their own, personally I would love for this to happen.
Something that annoys me is that people just see robots and their like as handy little servants that they can turn on and off as they like, rather than as equals. I guess I'm just ahead of my time really. It's the same with Miku, most people would use her as something to fill the gap until someone better came along, whereas I see her as being my equal.

I'm trying to develop my patience today so feel free to answer if/when you wish to.
I would rescue one random person than a factory of robots any day of the week.

Robots are just AI programs which can be reloaded and there is no big loss.  Humans can't be.  You can have an assembly line of robots and every single one of them will be the exact same.  There is no difference, even programming intelligence is really just a bunch of conditions and everything really comes down to a yes or no and the conditions you set.

At the end of the day they are just code performing programmed actions. They will never be equal even if A.I is actually developed as they can always be remade and reprogrammed.
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You can have an assembly line of robots and every single one of them will be the exact same. There is no difference, even programming intelligence is really just a bunch of conditions and everything really comes down to a yes or no and the conditions you set.
That sounds just like humanity to me. Sources: Life experience

They will never be equal
I wouldn't bet on anything.
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can have an assembly line of robots and every single one of them will be the exact same. There is no difference, even programming intelligence is really just a bunch of conditions and everything really comes down to a yes or no and the conditions you set.
That sounds just like humanity to me. Sources: Life experience

They will never be equal
I wouldn't bet on anything.
Nothing with a person is Yes/No.  Besides any condition an AI comes across has been programmed in by a person. If they break no worried just make another one and it will be identical to the one that broke.  

Since they aren't unique and are just programmed their value is less.  That will never change.

It would be like saying that the program microsoft office is equal to humans or those robots that manufacture cars.
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Robots are just AI programs which can be reloaded and there is no big loss.  Humans can't be.
Yep. Remaking the robot is no big problem (including external backups of the memory), remaking the human is impossible.
Since they aren't unique and are just programmed their value is less. That will never change.
[Citation needed]

It would be like saying that the program microsoft office is equal to humans or those robots that manufacture cars.
The only thing that Microsoft Office is equal to is a lump of crap, as we all know :) , however the level of car manufacturing robots sounds about right (I did tell you that I had a very low opinion of humanity ;) ).
Since they aren't unique and are just programmed their value is less. That will never change.
[Citation needed]

It would be like saying that the program microsoft office is equal to humans or those robots that manufacture cars.
The only thing that Microsoft Office is equal to is a lump of crap, as we all know :) , however the level of car manufacturing robots sounds about right (I did tell you that I had a very low opinion of humanity ;) ).

If I buy a few raspberry pi's and a few ardunio kit's and I can make identical robots.  All will react exactly the same to any situation I give it as they will all have the exact same programming which will not deviate in any way.  So they are all identical with zero variation. 

Now put that next to a puppy which has zero controls.  I can teach a puppy tricks and how to behave but I can never 100% control it, it might bite me regardless.   It is unique and no other puppy regardless of how similar will ever be exactly the same. 
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Go on then it's your money.
I think I have some free intel Galileo board from microsoft on the way :D

Can just wait for them although I did hear they sucked.
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