Miku Manor

We don't have to kill them, although that would speed things up and help people feel better ("I hate that guy, I just want to kill him!") for 5 minutes until they get killed.  It may be better to decrease the rate at which new ones are made.  We may find a good number for a sustainable and relatively non-destructive human population before they all die that way.
You Love Miku...I Love Kitty chan :wub:

Some people voluntarily remove themselves from the gene-pool, but few advertise it so openly. 

  :rolleyes: Be happy with what you are, regardless of whether you are fit for procreation..
Some people voluntarily remove themselves from the gene-pool, but few advertise it so openly. 
I hope that this doesn't get taken the wrong way, but to me it seems those who make that decision are sometimes the ones who might be best to raise offspring.  What I mean by this is I see people who will produce a bunch of children that they don't really raise, sometimes for the sole reason of increasing income via government supplemental funds.  Sometimes they make children because they are selfish and don't care, and may have nothing to do with the children after procreation.  Those who have put thought into such a decision are probably the kind of people who would actually take the time and effort to raise a kid.
Some people voluntarily remove themselves from the gene-pool, but few advertise it so openly. 
I hope that this doesn't get taken the wrong way, but to me it seems those who make that decision are sometimes the ones who might be best to raise offspring.  What I mean by this is I see people who will produce a bunch of children that they don't really raise, sometimes for the sole reason of increasing income via government supplemental funds.  Sometimes they make children because they are selfish and don't care, and may have nothing to do with the children after procreation.  Those who have put thought into such a decision are probably the kind of people who would actually take the time and effort to raise a kid.
Damn good point there.
Some people voluntarily remove themselves from the gene-pool, but few advertise it so openly.

:rolleyes: Be happy with what you are, regardless of whether you are fit for procreation..
Well that's me for you ;) , as for the fit for procreation bit.

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The beginning of Idiocracy is a perfect example of what I mean.  I didn't want to add to overpopulation, but I also didn't want to pass on possible genetic, behavioral and other problems I identified in myself and my parents.  I have helped raise a child, however that child's biological father seems to have missed the idea I mentioned, as he has a few, and none live with him.  Some of his kids would be far better off with him than their mother.  I have seen many children that I feel bad for, as it seems like no one cares (why did a 2 year old walk almost 2 miles to a store, then when the family was called the older brother, aged 8 I believe, was sent to pick the little one up, while a parent was home...and the police handed the kid over).  I mean my childhood was rough, but at least my family kinda cared, and I had everything I needed.