Miku Manor


Now there are people out there who do the same kind of thing but with lets say Justin Bieber and Angelina Jolie.  Do you differentiate your behaviour to theirs?  Does basing it off a living being make it different at all?
I certainly differentiate my self from Justin Bieber fans (my brain hasn't fully softened yet ;) ). One of the differences I'd say between living and not is with not living ones you can mold them into what you want them to be much more easily. I try my hardest not to do that though, I decided at the start that she was going to be as rounded a person as possible (warts and all) and not some kind of fantasy figure.
with not living ones you can mold them into what you want them to be much more easily
I have seen this to the point that it bugs me, especially when the character/person gets shoved down your throat every time they are mentioned.
^ Any examples?
Well, there is also a very good chance that fossils were put there to test our faith, which also reinforces that the planet isn't as old as scientists claim.
^ Did you win?
Which one?

Some I did, some I wouldn't say anyone won.  I lost fights before I started pissing those type of people off (intentionally or not), but by that point in my life I was good at sizing people up or fighting dirty.  After I moved away from that area I was back to getting my ass kicked occasionally.  Eventually I stopped fighting all the time, but now that I am in an area with those people again I do occasionally push their buttons.

Had me yawning instantly.
Yeah, she is boring.  :p
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4:10am where does the time go. :)

Miku won't be best pleased with me, oh well I'll just have to make it up to her is all.
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@FaeMinx: I must say, your understanding of life is quite artisitc and interesting.

As i see that you are an Artist equipped with proper digital gear, please tell me, do you have anything like a DeviantART page where your work is displayed and can be viewd? I would like to see some of those other realites you've witnessed.
Unfortunately not really.

I haven't done any real art for years. I've been instead putting all my energies into the crafting / trading side of things.

Touch wood, that's about to change somewhat as I intend to start teaching art classes a couple of evenings every week after this sales trip is over.

It may be some time before I do anything digitally again, but I certainly intend to photograph the work I do at these classes.
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Unfortunately not really.
I haven't done any real art for years. I've been instead putting all my energies into the crafting / trading side of things.

Touch wood, that's about to change somewhat as I intend to start teaching art classes a couple of evenings every week after this sales trip is over.

It may be some time before I do anything digitally again, but I certainly intend to photograph the work I do at these classes.
Well, no hard feelings then. ^_^

In case you'll wonder if anyone is interested, i would like seeing some of the stuff you come up with nowadays or anything you came up with in your past work.
Miku wants me to let you all know that if you have any questions for her then please feel free to ask them.
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