Microsoft XBOX ONE

so wii u + pc combo then?
I don't know. I own a WiiU, and while Lego City Undercover and parts of Nintendoland are real fun, there is a big lack of software. And I'm still in doubt that the pad was a really good idea. Especially looking back at the Wii, and the rare opportunity to get a game that really makes use of the Wiis original concept. Even in the WiiUs release titles (which are  made to show of the new features) the pad always feels more like an addon and not like an integral part of the gameplay.
@ peoples generally, engaging as discussion of governance and corruption may be, this is not the thread for it.

Try to stay at least on the general topic of games & consoles :)

Thank you
Sony has been involved in a lot of DRM badness such as DVD and blu-ray copy-protection and region locking. So, I wouldn't buy a PS4 either. PC and Pandora gaming is more than good enough for me. I will be getting a 2nd-hand PS3 in order to play the Studio Ghibli game, however.
Sony has been involved in a lot of DRM badness such as DVD and blu-ray copy-protection and region locking. So, I wouldn't buy a PS4 either. PC and Pandora gaming is more than good enough for me. I will be getting a 2nd-hand PS3 in order to play the Studio Ghibli game, however.
wait what studio ghibli game?
where it says they are supposedly doing Steam for consoles here.
It surprises me that they even dare to mention steam. 

His claims seemed lacking to me. Steam supports self publish, and games are sold at cheap prices (with up to 75% discount on great games). Xbox bone doesn't even have mod support and backwards compatibility. 

This is like saying I'm selling this flee infested Mitsubishi lancer for the same price as a Toyota Prius because they all have 4 wheels and safety belts. 

M$ needs to have the greatest word crafter in human history to make that sounds legit and believable. 
Sony has been involved in a lot of DRM badness such as DVD and blu-ray copy-protection and region locking. So, I wouldn't buy a PS4 either. PC and Pandora gaming is more than good enough for me. I will be getting a 2nd-hand PS3 in order to play the Studio Ghibli game, however.
wait what studio ghibli game?
Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch!

Another reason why I currently don't need next gen. It will probably take make several years to finish this :p

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Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch!
Good to see someone are still into JRPGs after all these years and terrible games after terrible games. 

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Studio Ghibli knows how to write good stories and still have varied gameplay at the same time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Even though White witch's menu system is still a bit convoluted, it stands heads and shoulders above all other big title JRPs. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Comparing this to FF 13 is like comparing a fine glass of fresh dry beer to a piddle of maggot infested rainwater being hold in a dead horse's mouth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]BTW: Kotobuki solution has published a lot of JRPGs on the appstore, they are a bit more expensive than your usual games, but they are brilliant. Despite their short length and generic musics, they usually have engaging stories and interesting characters. You should definitely give them a shot. [/SIZE]
There is this supposed m$ engineer's post from 4chan /b/ floating around:

where it says they are supposedly doing Steam for consoles here.
He certainly sounds on-message for Microsoft alright:

just simpleminded people not seeing the bigger picture. Some PS4 viral team made them all "U TOOK R DISCS" and they hiveminded.
Then he foams about how Gamestop shaft people trading in their games for a pittance, saying they should go for a PS4 if they want to continue being shafted. eBay must have escaped his mind. Private sale. Ker-ching. People trade in for convenience, if they want value they take a bit longer to actually sell it first.

in 3/4 he seems to have accidentally said PS4 instead of XB1.

it sort of boils down to:

Yes, You're fucked for single player games.
They make it so easy to feel good about buying a PS4 instead.

The way I look at it is, that as an investment over time the PS4 wins, no contest. The games collector side of me wins.

If MS make some fancy apps that are 'cool' enough, like the ability to scream abuse and make gestures at live political debates or reality shows, then I would consider a (much cheaper) XB1 only for those features. I wouldn't buy software for it.
If I get any next gen console it's PS4.. Gaming on my Linux Desktop has been getting better and better.. so maybe I should just invest in upgrading my 5 year old AMD Phenom Desktop to something more modern.

I'm done with all things Microsoft.
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If I get any next gen console it's PS4.. Gaming on my Linux Desktop has been getting better and better.. so maybe I should just invest in upgrading my 5 year old AMD Phenom Desktop to something more modern.

I'm done with all things Microsoft.
I bet if they can milk us without doing anything, they bloody will. These vile heartless fiends. 
"Developers Explain Leaning Towards PlayStation 4 Over Xbox One"

For Xbox One [Microsoft has] granted us a license for New 'n' Tasty! but they still say you need a publisher. We don't have a publisher so we're not officially on the platform, even though we're compatible, even though we'll be ready to do it. Period.

"Why do we need a publisher when we self-finance our games, we build our own IP, we manage our own IP and we've turned nearly two million units online as indie publishers sold – not free downloads? Why? What's wrong with us?

"Who's in touch with their audience? And who seems out of touch with their audience? All we know is we've tried to get our games on their platform and we can't do it – and I even helped them release the box."

Sony lets you self-publish and they don't make you pay for updates. Microsoft requires you to have a publisher. They have no digital distribution strategy and they require you to pay $10,000, or whatever it is, for updates.
Politics is a corrupt construct by its very nature and has been from the moment of its inception.imo.
I have to agree 100%.

I don't know how elections are ran in other countries, but here in the US we have "campaign contributions", that are "donated" to those who run for office, as a way to show support. Now, I'm no mental giant, but the nature of this seems to be, "I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine". How can a position of fairness be won, by polluting the process before someone even wins?

Precisely. There should not be any monetary incentives.
Politicians making millions from autobiographies after terms in office. Tony blair etc. Bullshit.

If one is motivated by personal gains one cant rule properly or make fair or right descisions.imo
The saga continues:

"Microsoft Xbox One may not be able to be sold used"

Better think long and hard about opening the box if you get one for Christmas!


Rumour that Gamestop stores are handing out a flyer listing the things people should be aware of if considering an XBone:

I would think stores elsewhere not forewarning pre-orderers are leaving themselves liable to returns they can't refuse later.
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Btw 'ryse' the roman comat game looked rubbish. where was the kinect functionality? (in the e3 video)

The combat looked linear.It would get tedious very quickly. Seems you just press a pre-defined button to perform kill moves.

Technology over gameplay seems to be the crysis guys mentality.

Can't say crysis 2 was all that good and in a way it kinda looked crap. Very generated and artificial feel to it. Endless draw distances and blades of grass blowing don't add to gameplay if they are just shoehorned in.
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Btw 'ryse' the roman comat game looked rubbish. where was the kinect functionality? (in the e3 video)

The combat looked linear.It would get tedious very quickly. Seems you just press a pre-defined button to perform kill moves.

Technology over gameplay seems to be the crysis guys mentality.

Can't say crysis 2 was all that good and in a way it kinda looked crap. Very generated and artificial feel to it. Endless draw distances and blades of grass blowing don't add to gameplay if they are just shoehorned in.
for shame, yes crysis 2 wasnt no where as good as crysis 1 but the controls were tighter, watch this interview maybe that will make the combat look a little clearer
The saga continues:

"Microsoft Xbox One may not be able to be sold used"

Better think long and hard about opening the box if you get one for Christmas!


Rumour that Gamestop stores are handing out a flyer listing the things people should be aware of if considering an XBone:

I would think stores elsewhere not forewarning pre-orderers are leaving themselves liable to returns they can't refuse later.
This is getting ridiculous, I bet if someone ask if you have to sell your soul for an xboxone and MS denies it, people start shouting "They deny it because they know its true" Whats next ? Torches and pitchforks ?

Why would MS have any interest in hamstringing the sale of used consoles (mind that MS still most profits are coming from game sales)?
Why would MS have any interest in hamstringing the sale of used consoles (mind that MS still most profits are coming from game sales)?
It may be that it's part of the DRM, that once a machine is set up with a users profile it can't be deleted easily (the HD is 'non user replaceable' too) - It'd act as a sort of anti-theft device and ensure nobody could claim it wasn't from their machine that a digital transaction was made?

If it's true, then they might be undecided as to whether you'd need to part with a machine through a 'participating retailer' or have some kind of hardware unlocking/erasing facility by remote?