Microsoft XBOX ONE

My inner sadist is happy to see Microsoft throwing itself off a cliff like this, first with Windows 8 and now Xbox One.   :)
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You know it is a real shame. Microsoft did a really great job with the XBox360 after doing such a poor job with the original XBox. My Xbox360 is my most used console, with a host of superb games (some exclusives), despite owning PS3, Wii and Wii U and I like a lot of what it does.

I'm no M$ fan and I hate what they've done with Windows 8, but sometimes what they offer is exactly what you want (eg Windows 7 after Vista). I suspect that what we've seen so far, while very disappointing, will be forgotten and forgiven as M$ see sense and reduce their restrictions and concentrate more on the gaming aspect of the ONE. They do listen to feedback (see the START button return in Windows 8.1, although it's not the full original 95+ experience). They know they've fucked up - they've back-peddled a bit already. We can only hope that they'll see the light. It's not too late to admit fully that they fucked up.

I'm also concerned by the potential of reduced competition if the XBone fails. If SONY (or any single company) is given a free reign, then all console gamers (not counting handhelds of course) will be fecked in the future - it'll be their way or the highway.
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MS have just announced that people can game offline. On their Xbox 360. They don't know , how to not put their foot in their mouth. Just when they should be in damage control
Yeah, I read that on IGN a while ago. They just don't know when to stop digging that hole do they.
Has anyone read what will happen if you don't connect once a day to the Internet?

Also, it just occurred to me that this is so much more than needing to be online once a day. This is about needing to have the Xbox One on once every day Plus also connect to the Internet once a day.

I have power saving devices which cut the power to my devices when they are not used, and it can be days, weeks, months between game play.
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From what I've read:

The XBone will never be really off. It'll be in some kind of low power state, with kinect activated.

If you don't have access to internet at least once a day, after [unknown time lapse] you won't be able to launch your games, until you get online and your licenses are checked. Even the single player ones.

So if you get an XBone, you'll have to keep it powered all the time to avoid any "trouble".

I'll take the easier option : I won't get an Xbone at all  :lol:
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Has anyone read what will happen if you don't connect once a day to the Internet?
Yep. You can't play a game offline until you do (don't know about the other media bits & bobs, like DVD/Blu-Ray etc.). So you can leave the XBone offline while you go on vacation, but you will need to connect to the net and/or update before you can play.
....Or if you hit hard times and can't pay your months broadband bill, they'll be no playing games to get you by.

After not logging in for several days, I wonder how long all the authentication will take?
After not logging in for several days, I wonder how long all the authentication will take?
Sony's PS3 updates take weeks compared to M$ right now - I expect the check to be pretty quick. PS3 updates suck donkey balls... through a very long, very thin straw.
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After not logging in for several days, I wonder how long all the authentication will take?
Sony's PS3 updates take weeks compared to M$ right now - I expect the check to be pretty quick. PS3 updates suck donkey balls... through a very long, very thin straw.
That description is 100% spot on, although I might use Godzilla's balls, as then it would paint a more dismal picture, which is how I feel every time I need to do any updates on my PS3.

Have to agree.

A mate of mine mockingly calls my PS3 "The Load Box" whenever he visits, as most times when he comes round I'm sitting watching a progress bar
Looks like MS have all but declared that they are going to plough straight through the iceberg ahead, you puny passengers just don't understand the unsinkable nature of their ship:

Microsoft has responded to the backlash surrounding the Xbox One and its controversial used-game and connectivity policies. Speaking with GameSpot today, corporate vice president at Microsoft Game Studios Phil Spencer said gamers will ultimately vote with their wallets.

"We always knew that our story would play out over time. And even now, I would say, this isn't a sprint,"

"The reaction, I think, is complete when the product is on the shelf and it has a price and it has a content library and consumers vote."

"And that's the date I'm looking forward to."

Elsewhere, EA denies any suggestion they wanted or asked for DRM on XBone:
Just read some stats that have worldwide Internet access at 34%.

Why would MS produce a game console that immediately excludes 66% of everyone on the planet?

Yeah i know. I figured there was not enough reliable net in the world. This will restrict sales of the xbox one surely.

Unless it only needs to be online for a few seconds. Then a tethered smartphone might do. Doubt it though and not all territories have smart phones id guess.
Don't forget that a large part of the world that doesn't have the internet doesn't have things like electricity, and those that do have electricity are probably unlikely to be interested in game consoles. The number of legitimate potential users that don't have internet is probably very small.
^^^^could be. surely microsoft did a ton of market research anyhow.

I think they are trying to make the xbox one future proof.

Still im a tad disheartened with their approach and will go for ps4 instead.
They tried to make the original XBox future proof. Designed with upgradeable parts it was supposed to be "the last game console you'd ever need" or whatever. I don't think that worked out so well.
Their current attitude suggests to me that they think they can live without the gaming market as we understand it. I see them trying to secure partnerships with shows like American Idol, selling season-based apps for these shows that work with the kinect as you watch and allow them to monetize watching TV.

It's as if they saw how the Wii briefly captured a demographic that enjoyed interacting with the TV, if not necessarily for very long. Then they saw the rise in 'participatory' shows like Dancing with the stars, America's got talent - all the voting, auditioning, arguing online. Get it all under your umbrella, live as it happens - even have you and your living room possibly appear on live TV or as a recorded winner at the end.

I'm guessing you'd also have to permit a bucket load of biometric data to disappear their way as part of the entry price too.

They can't row back on the things everyone hates, it's all necessary for where they really think they're going.