Microsoft XBOX ONE

Their current attitude suggests to me that they think they can live without the gaming market as we understand it. I see them trying to secure partnerships with shows like American Idol, selling season-based apps for these shows that work with the kinect as you watch and allow them to monetize watching TV.

It's as if they saw how the Wii briefly captured a demographic that enjoyed interacting with the TV, if not necessarily for very long. Then they saw the rise in 'participatory' shows like Dancing with the stars, America's got talent - all the voting, auditioning, arguing online. Get it all under your umbrella, live as it happens - even have you and your living room possibly appear on live TV or as a recorded winner at the end.

I'm guessing you'd also have to permit a bucket load of biometric data to disappear their way as part of the entry price too.

They can't row back on the things everyone hates, it's all necessary for where they really think they're going.
I doubt that, my guess is that they just want to broaden their position in the market. The "core" gaming market is retreating somewhat over the last years with Android/iOS devices chewing of some pieces of the cake. Additionally with Apple and Google also pushing in the living room direction, some people might question themself "I already got a Apple TV/ Google Box next to my TV where I already can play some games on, do I really need to spend hundreds of dollars on a dedicated console ?"

Also don't forget the move in the past years towards digital distribution of movies and music- MS surely wants a piece of that cake too.

Despite all the screaming and shitstorms and such things, I have no doubt that the XBO will be a success. All those "core gamers" that announced that they would jump the ship and buy a PS4 will change their mind instantly again when the first exclusive title of some big FPS franchise gets announced. MS just has to play for time. In maybe one or two years no one will complain about the possible privacy issues, people will just have adjusted to it - why shouldn't they, they have got nothing to hide.
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A lot of ship-jumping going on though, from just the other day the pre-order leader flipped from XBO to PS4 on Amazon

Think the price is a swinging a lot of people over too, with the PS4 being quite a bit cheaper.

As you say though, I can see some people [360 users mainly] seriously considering the XBO again as soon as more info on a new Forza and Gears is out there
Actually the stats on electricity access around the wold is near 80%, which is vastly different to the 34% that have Internet access

No doubt MS have started to realise this issue as they have now pushed the release of the Xbox one back a year in a number of Asian countries like India

The other issue that I'm seeing people mention is that even on western countries there will be issues

For example people have said they can't get wifi access upstairs in their home

That's an issue I have heard people generally mention
That there are people, that really consider letting MS make such rules just so they can play some specific hyped games in a world with maybe 1000000 alternatives

gives me doubts, if there is intelligent life after all.

I's rather go back to playing cards, luckily there is not need for that.

BTW: The main topic of this forum is pure irony in this regard.
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That there are people, that really consider letting MS make such rules just so they can play some specific hyped games....
There are, lots of them - look at the evolution of copy protection or the now widespread acception of social networks. Most people just don't care they just wann play/use.

I'm just glad that 343 made Halo 4 a totally generic shooter, so I do not have the "urge" to be interested in an XBO in order to play Halo >4 (and the Halo Series is the only Reason I bought an xbox360)
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That there are people, that really consider letting MS make such rules just so they can play some specific hyped games....
There are, lots of them - look at the evolution of copy protection or the now widespread acception of social networks. Most people just don't care they just wann play/use.
No Facebook and no online authentifications for me. There are so much interesting things (and games!) in the world, that nobody really does need this.

I was always a big fan of Steet Fighter 2, had "Super Street Fighter 2" for SNES when it was new back then, played it all the time and later the alpha and III-series.

When SF-IV came out, I really wanted to have it and I even had a new video card with HDMI and my brand new beamer. Abstinence was the only option for me, although it was hard in that case.

Vote with your wallet, guys.
While he does express some very obvious points, he seems to have completely missed the reason most people are hating the XBone; Kinnect. The lack of mention of potential unwanted monitoring and data collection via said device is more important than the internet connection OR used-games to me. He's also ignoring the complete contempt of potential customers that M$ has.

My guess though at the end of the day, is that despite all this furor, M$ will still make the XBone a successful product.
Indeed, Microsoft will sell plenty of Xbone, but I won't get one.

Most of my games are secondhand ones, bought on ebay for the most recent and on flea market for the oldest. Hint : I can buy them anywhere I want from anybody that want to sell and with a bit of search and luck, I can get them dirt cheap. 

Yes, it sucks that Microsoft is restricting the re-selling of games. But it shouldn’t be a deal-breaker. I hate to use the example again, but PC gamers haven’t been able to re-sell their games, ever. It’s not a problem, though, because the game market adapts
That is some massive bullshit! I've bought many secondhand PC games or lend PC games with friends trough my whole life, you know, the ones on floppies, or CD, or even DVD…

The only games I can't re-sell/lend if I want are indie games (mostly from indie bundles and from PuppyGames) and some old games I've bought from GoG because I couldn't find them cheap enough on secondhand market. I actually bought a few games directly from Steam because they were cheap enough to be bought even without a hope of being re-sold if I did not like them.

And I've already too many devices that spies on me to actually add one more that listen to what I say and look at me when I'm watching a movie, eating potato chips and scratching my balls in my underpants…
While he does express some very obvious points, he seems to have completely missed the reason most people are hating the XBone; Kinnect. The lack of mention of potential unwanted monitoring and data collection via said device is more important than the internet connection OR used-games to me. He's also ignoring the complete contempt of potential customers that M$ has.
This is also the biggest contra for me. In the past Microsoft has shown more than once that they take users privacy not that serious. And I simply won't accept to allow them or any hackers to watch or listen secretly into my childrens rooms.
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"What?? You mean we can't just call the shots like we do with operating systems and office software?"
"Xbox One and Microsoft's shocking discovery: gamers aren't data"

"PS4 vs Xbox One: Sony waltzes away with significant victory in battle of next-gen consoles"

"Gamers fear Xbox One could be ‘future of PRISM’ after NSA revelations"

And MS marketing guy basically says "we knew the gamers would be pissed off, but we don't care - it's not them we're aiming XBone at"

In an interview during E3, Xbox’s chief marketing and strategy officer Yusuf Mehdi said that the negative reaction to its online authentication and game licensing systems were "kind of as we expected."

"In a broader set of community, people don't pay attention to a lot of the details. We've seen it in the research, we've seen it in a lot of the data points."
EDIT: one more

"Xbox One policy won't change in the short-term"

Microsoft's divisive 24-hour online authentication and game trading restrictions are fixed and "definitive"
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This will sell, but not well.

I predict that, at the end of the xbone's commercial life, people will be left remembering stupid restrictions and hidden costs, and not being able to afford games.

That's not good.
Both consoles have sold out on Amazon, I think a lot of that will be down to the get rich quick guys that buy them up & sell them on.

Sent from my GT-I9300
Both consoles have sold out on Amazon, I think a lot of that will be down to the get rich quick guys that buy them up & sell them on.

Sent from my GT-I9300
Memories of the legendary Christmas Playstation shortage of '97.

Scalpers will definitely be eyeing up the potential - but there's another angle on the XBone, if you get a day one version you get that daft 'Day one preorder' award - just you watch, that'll end up being sold separately for a princely sum too.
Yeah and frankly i was not in the least surprised by the whole nsa spying shit. I knew they already did shit like that.

E-mails and search engine data represent something that america cannot control. No fucking way they would let that happen. Its all about power and control.

I don't mean to offend any american members here but america is quite corrupt in its policies.

Then again Ireland is run by morons and self serving politicicans too.

I simply have no interest in politicians anymore. A black pit merry go round of full-time bullshit.!

Politics is a corrupt construct by its very nature and has been from the moment of its inception.imo.

Ok. Steam let off. end of rant. :angry: :D
Yeah and frankly i was not in the least surprised by the whole nsa spying shit. I knew they already did shit like that.

E-mails and search engine data represent something that america cannot control. No fucking way they would let that happen. Its all about power and control.

I don't mean to offend any american members here but america is quite corrupt in its policies.

Then again Ireland is run by morons and self serving politicicans too.

I simply have no interest in politicians anymore. A black pit merry go round of full-time bullshit.!

Politics is a corrupt construct by its very nature and has been from the moment of its inception.imo.

Ok. Steam let off. end of rant. :angry: :D
politics, government is a necessary evil imo, it is massive amounts of money being injected into the system and career politicians messing it up, but I am only 21, what do I really know?
Politics is a corrupt construct by its very nature and has been from the moment of its inception.imo.
I have to agree 100%.

I don't know how elections are ran in other countries, but here in the US we have "campaign contributions", that are "donated" to those who run for office, as a way to show support. Now, I'm no mental giant, but the nature of this seems to be, "I'll scratch your back, if you scratch mine". How can a position of fairness be won, by polluting the process before someone even wins?
