Microsoft XBOX ONE

the Xbox One has been designed with the used market in mind from the beginning
As in: the Xbox One has been designed with the destruction and profitable exploitation of the used market in mind from the beginning ?
Yeah, that sounds about right.

I'm sure the "used" game market was the main focus during R&D........."How can we get rid of these used gaming bastards and put more money in publishers and our pockets?" :p  So yeah, I'm sure it was a part of the design from the very start. It just wasn't in the best interest of the consumer.

This man speaks some sense, so MS will most likely ignore his ruminations:

“It’s a sign of an unbalanced business model of the whole platform that second hand games are such a huge success and that the games industry sees that as a problem,”

"Keeping retail prices at $60 and not allowing second hand games won’t work"

“Why not make the direct download games 50% of the boxed price and have the consumers choose if they want to own a hard copy that they can share, or download it cheaper. "

"If the next gen consoles do decide to lock out consumers with used games, just as they’ve locked out the backwards-compatibility of existing Xbox 360 and PS3 libraries; free to play gaming is one area that could experience even more growth. Nothing beats free, after all."
EDIT: One more intriguing link - following widespread stories about MS having technical 'issues', suggestions that there is a strategy for E3 to undermine PS4 rather than rely on XBone's elusive selling points:
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This man speaks some sense, so MS will most likely ignore his ruminations:

“It’s a sign of an unbalanced business model of the whole platform that second hand games are such a huge success and that the games industry sees that as a problem,”

"Keeping retail prices at $60 and not allowing second hand games won’t work"

“Why not make the direct download games 50% of the boxed price and have the consumers choose if they want to own a hard copy that they can share, or download it cheaper. "

"If the next gen consoles do decide to lock out consumers with used games, just as they’ve locked out the backwards-compatibility of existing Xbox 360 and PS3 libraries; free to play gaming is one area that could experience even more growth. Nothing beats free, after all."
EDIT: One more intriguing link - following widespread stories about MS having technical 'issues', suggestions that there is a strategy for E3 to undermine PS4 rather than rely on XBone's elusive selling points:
This is where the problem exist, and they can't or won't acknowledge it. 

Why would I pay 400-600 dollars for an experience that is very close to the one I'm having now(and for a lot cheaper)? Offering games at a HUGE discount would at least show a "good faith" effort on their part to help consumers transition to this new way of doing business, but I just can't see this plan working unless the ONE had something that EVERYONE just had to have, and sadly I just don't see that happening.

Tablets and smart phones have been eroding the handheld market for years, and I can see it growing even bigger and taking a bigger portion of the consoles as well, and if the best plan MS can come up with is what they have shown, they'll be lucky to do the original Xbox sales numbers. 

As expected MS are bowing to the pressure and will not charge a licensing fee for their used games (others might/might not).

Still needs to be online once a day

Kinect - The "Xbox On" wake functionality can be disabled, and Microsoft assures that a variety of privacy settings will be available right from initial setup.

See breaking story:
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As expected MS are bowing to the pressure and will not charge a licensing fee for their used games (others might/might not).

Still needs to be online once a day

Kinect - The "Xbox On" wake functionality can be disabled, and Microsoft assures that a variety of privacy settings will be available right from initial setup.

See breaking story:
I read this article, and I see nothing new here at all. This was everything they said weeks ago. 

"Third party publishers may opt in or out of supporting game resale and may set up business terms or transfer fees with retailers. Microsoft does not receive any compensation as part of this. In addition, third party publishers can enable you to give games to friends. Loaning or renting games won't be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners"

Loaning or renting games won't be available at launch, but we are exploring the possibilities with our partners

So if I can't loan games or rent them, and 3rd parties can still charge fees, what is new in this article? MS won't charge, but how many games do they publish per year? This is a silly article at best, and makes these guys look even worse. Total BS.

^  MS Published games wont incur a licensing fee, that was the first I have heard that and it is something different from them.  Hopefully the other Publishers follow suit, I guess it sets a lead for them to follow.  So it is progress, if people keep the pressure on ,   hopefully they follow the lead.

The Kinect thing was a bit of new info also.
^  MS Published games wont incur a licensing fee, that was the first I have heard that and it is something different from them.  Hopefully the other Publishers follow suit, I guess it sets a lead for them to follow.  So it is progress, if people keep the pressure on ,   hopefully they follow the lead.

The Kinect thing was a bit of new info also.
I don't know, it's new news, but it still really doesn't say anything NEW, if that makes any sense?

The "Xbox On" being disabled within Kinect, still doesn't mean it's not "ON", it just means that your voice won't activate it(at least that's how I see it). They never said they would charge fees or they wouldn't really, but they always said that their 3rd parties can or may, it will be up to them. Which pretty much tells us, YES they will if they can.

So yeah, the Kinect info was new, but really doesn't prove this thing won't be watching your 24 hrs a day, or that it won't need to be plugged in and actually "ON" along with the ONE.

It does sound more like re-framing the situation rather than any fundamental changes. They've moved the furniture around a little, but it's business as usual really.

You still can't use the box without the kinect attached. That'd be the way to end this.

What is 'a variety of privacy settings'? Sounds like there are levels of data being shared, rather than a global opt in/opt out.

'exploring possibilities' while saying sharing won't be available 'at launch' - as if there's going to be freedom later. Even when 'trading' is possible it'll be through an MS approved retailer on their terms - private sale won't be possible and independent retailers will be excluded.

Next week is going to be interesting, stock up on popcorn.
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I can see Nintendo doing a  3DS on Sony's and MS's asses, by dropping the price of the Wii U just as the PS4 and Xbox 1 launch .  I just have that feeling
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After cancelling their post-E3 press roundtable, reports are now coming in that multiple 1 on 1 interviews with various tech/gaming media have now also been cancelled:

curiouser and curiouser.....

EDIT: A new

Note - publishers can opt out of used game possibility. You heard me, if a publisher doesn't want their game to be resold, traded, gifted or shared they can lock it down. No second license.

So the situation is far from clarified now, it's splintered and fragmented in nightmarish ways.
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People have been sharing physical video games for 40 years, lending and selling audio recordings for for more than a century.

Now Microsoft's thinks they can offer customers the privilege of reselling their property if that's OK with the publisher?

F--- off.

I can see Nintendo doing a  3DS on Sony's and MS's asses, by dropping the price of the Wii U just as the PS4 and Xbox 1 launch .  I just have that feeling
I can actually see them doing that as well. The WiiU is still hurting very badly, and even with a handful of killer games shown, I doubt it will change their current situation all that much. They need to combine some great games with a price drop to get the ball rolling.

Nintendo normally likes to make money on their hardware sales, the WiiU is their first non profit deal, but times are very different, and they need to do something to keep systems moving out the door. I also think, that if they don't do a price drop, they may do some HUGE bundle deals instead. Like offering 1-2 full retail games(probably downloads only), a pro controller, and maybe some store credits or something.

I'm fairly sure they will do something major by the holidays. Although, depending on how much MS/Sony fuck up in the coming months, they may not have to do anything. Right now I have no interest in ONE what's so ever, and if the PS4 go along the same lines, WiiU will win by default for me.

I always planned  to get a WiiU at some point, once the games arrived or a price drop happens, or both. Right now, I'm more likely to buy my son a 3DS XL for Christmas than a WiiU right now, just because there are more games that he wants on the 3DS, but if a price drop comes and the games arrive, that may change.

The ONE thing I'm currently sure of is that I won't be getting a ONE, EVER! A PS4 may happen at some point, but if a WiiU is all I get, that's cool to. My son is young, so he still can't play most of the bigger main stream titles on the 360 or PS3, and I'm sure the same will apply for the next gen. So E3 is looking very interesting next week for sure, my popcorn and BS detector are at the ready :p

Some good commentary:

"Microsoft kills game ownership and expects us to smile"

You can say this is no worse than what Steam does, you can say that it is no worse than what a lot of 'content' companies do, and those statements are true, but they do not engage with the most important detail of this news, which is what we are being told to give up in exchange for this new arrangement: the opportunity to form tangible, lasting relationships with art that matters to us. If you never had that, then why would you miss it? But we do. And soon we won't.

(...) under Microsoft's new rules, we are no longer building a collection of games - we are building a collection of loans that may be recalled from us at any time, leaving us with nothing but distant memories. And that loss will be simple, instant and complete.
TIME: "Microsoft's Xbox One Used Game policies are clear as mud"

and a couple of threads about MS & Prism, over on NeoGaf:
People are not going to be happy when Ms turn off the authentication servers