Microsoft XBOX ONE

How long until someone works out how to use the image/voice analysis libs to build a cctv camera that can invade your privacy without the need for underpaid security guys?
XBox One Kinect Skype Roulette - masturberating dudebros all night long!
How long until someone works out how to use the image/voice analysis libs to build a cctv camera that can invade your privacy without the need for underpaid security guys?
Owning one is like giving a DNA sample and fingerprint scan to their database - if security cameras in games shops were linked to MS Azure database, they could identify customers and match them to their LIVE account as they entered the shop!
Syndicated article doing the rounds, that whilst being somewhat tongue-in-cheek nonetheless hits the mark in places:

"Mr. President: Save us from Xbox One"

It must be destroyed soon, before it's too late.

"If you want privacy, we'll give you modes that ensure your privacy," Jeff Henshaw, a Microsoft grand poobah, said this week.

"'If" you want privacy? Modes?"

Such passive language has long been the moist, shadowy ground where the cobra waits for the mouse.
Stormclouds gathering over Microsoft: they are said to have cancelled their E3 media conference. Y'know, the one where all the lingering questions and doubts were going to be laid to rest:
Well, this is the after main event round table discussion where the press would have asked and then got questions answered. There is no surprise that this is cancelled, as there is NO WAY they would be able to answer any questions accurately and truthfully.

Expect their E3 main event to be filled with games, and little to no information in regards to used games, always on, Etc. At this point they have to be in "damage control" mode, so they can try to stop this spinning out of control they have created. Sadly, I doubt they will show any "Great" exclusive titles(at least that I consider great), and when it's all over, I'm sure there will be as much hate as before, if not more.

They'll try to diffuse as much negativity as they can, but silence is not golden in their current situation and will only raise more red flags. The best thing they could do right now is come out and be 100% honest in whatever they have planned and try to show the positives behind their choices.

All Sony and Nintendo have to do is sit back and relax, and watch them roll over the cliff, and then step in months from now and pick up the pieces by releasing great games and offering things that the X1 "don't do".

In my opinion, ONE is going to be more successful than Wii U in the long run, because there'll be more awesome exclusives to be had.
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Microsoft Accidentally (?) Advertises PlayStation Game

Microsoft's Dutch Facebook page, maybe realising E3 was on the horizon, has asked readers/fans if they can recognise the four big games shown in an image.

At first glance, they all look like games shown at Microsoft's big Xbox One reveal.

That bottom one is Collar of Duty. Above that, Madden. Up top is Forza 5, and below that, Killzone: Shadow Fall.

You know. Killzone: Shadow Fall. A PS4 exclusive, developed by a studio entirely owned by Sony Computer Entertainment.


There are about 3 games that I find interesting in this "leak":

- Beyong Good & Evil 2

- Mirror's Edge 2

- Banjo & Kazooie

And I guess at least two of those will get released to PC… So I'll get a nice PC, a XBOne joypad with PC adapter (IF the joypad is better than the 360 ones) and buy the PC versions.
In my opinion, ONE is going to be more successful than Wii U in the long run, because there'll be more awesome exclusives to be had.
I honestly don't see ONE doing better than PS4 or WiiU in regards to exclusives, but time will tell.

Then in regards to overall sales, unless they offer the ONE dirt cheap, I don't see it selling better than the PS4/WiiU either. The Xbox & 360 where true gamers machine years ago, and I think MS has really lost that vision and now wants to take part in the global media circus that is "jack of all trades, and master of none".

There are about 3 games that I find interesting in this "leak":

- Beyong Good & Evil 2

- Mirror's Edge 2

- Banjo & Kazooie

And I guess at least two of those will get released to PC… So I'll get a nice PC, a XBOne joypad with PC adapter (IF the joypad is better than the 360 ones) and buy the PC versions.
The only exclusive here is Banjo, as the other 2 games I'm sure will be multiplatform, and Rare hasn't made a truly great game since they worked for Nintendo. Most of the games on that list will be available elsewhere, and the ones that are exclusive to the ONE will need to be seen, before I'll start getting happy for any of them.

In my opinion, ONE is going to be more successful than Wii U in the long run, because there'll be more awesome exclusives to be had.
Right, because that was exactly what happened last round. :p
Sounds like Microsoft don't have any plans to change course or modify any of the plans causing so much backlash, if comments like this are anything to go by:

There are a "lot of advantages of having your content assigned to you digitally" and the Xbox One has been designed with the used market in mind from the beginning, Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Phil Spencer has told Edge magazine.
He said further details would be shared at a later point.
Could take them a while to give us an idea of these 'advantages' (none mentioned) since they won't be taking any annoying questions about, well, this sort of stuff, at E3.
the Xbox One has been designed with the used market in mind from the beginning
As in: the Xbox One has been designed with the destruction and profitable exploitation of the used market in mind from the beginning ?