So yeah, I see the need to offer "everything" to "everybody", as otherwise there is just no way to compete in this day and age, but the same way arcades died ages ago, due to no longer being able to compete with the home market, current gaming is at a similar "cross roads" and needs to make proper adjustments. The Wii did HUGE numbers, not because it was the biggest and the best, but because it offered a new experience that couldn't be found anywhere else. This new gen, just appears to be more of the same(sorry Nintendo, but the tablet controller isn't going to revolutionize the industry).
It's not just about "units sales" it's about "number of active players" in the end to define if a system is very much alive or not. I have a Xbox 360 and a PS3 and a WIi but I have't played any of them for a while and I don't plan to buy any more games for these systems. So, I am not an active player anymore, clearly, no matter if I bought it or not. The same is true for the Pandora, there may be 4000 or 5000 units out there but how many are actually used? Only a fraction, probably.
Nintendo has always made money from their hardware sales, and the WiiU is the first that didn't allow them great profits from selling units. This is why they have always had issues with 3rd parties since the N64 days to now. Their making money on hardware, and the 1st party games are the only ones that ever sell in great numbers. Nintendo was completely unprepared for the success of the Wii, and had no clue in how to maintain and expand the huge user based they stumble into. The Wii had some great 3rd party games, and everyone of them sold poorly, and would have been better suited to PS3, 360 or even the DS in some cases.
They really should have set up a quality online infrastructure to go with the Wii's unique gameplay & runaway success, and offered vintage and classic games for 1-3 dollars(even homebrew/Indi titles should have been included), or a monthly service more along the lines of Sony's+, and given free games for the price of admission.
They would still be making money from that service, if they would have done it properly. They can't even make a proper account system to allow games to belong to a user VS. a device. Nintendo really has ZERO hope in this current gen to do anything besides what the N64/gamecube did sales wise. I know their merging R&D in Japan to focus on WiiU/3DS games, but once again, that should have been done years ago. How many great games can we expect from them, that will use "cross play" or some new tech when they just started moving forward with the idea? As usual, Nintendo is to little to late, but they do make some kick ass games(sometimes).
Where as MS and Sony try to copy and improve industry standards, Nintendo refuses to do anything, unless they can say they where the "First". This is killing them, and they need to get off their high horse and realize the industry is now way BIGGER than they are.
I completely agree that long term continual revenue is the way to go, but I just don't see what MS is offering that the others aren't that merit me paying for "live"? Sony and MS are both more reactive than proactive and only seem to come up with innovation once some else does it(complete opposite of what Nintendo does). This is fine, if you can do it well, but they don't. Steve jobs was a master at ripping off others ideas, and then making it seem like a new idea, or that he came up with it in the first place.
Steve Jobs led Apple to greatness "twice" within his career, and although I personally can't stand their products(now), I can say without a doubt, his success was more than a fluke or luck, and they have dominated their market for a very long time. Nintendo, Sony and MS have all had success in gaming to certain degrees, but I wouldn't say anyone CEO/President has built success in the way Apple has, and this is where they have a problem and always will. To many Chiefs, and not enough Indians.
Sadly, Nintendo, MS, or Sony have no clear cut leadership that knows what it means to lead. Their all just bobbing up and down in the ocean going with the current and where it may take them. I'll admit, MS has taken the "Kinect" idea a lot further than Sony took their "Move", and I think by including it with every "1" purchase is a great idea. So I do applaud MS for trying to change the game, as it does need a severe change, but I just don't think it will work out the way they wan't it to.