Microsoft XBOX ONE

Another problem:

Every time I see it written down (such as the title of this thread) I tend to read it as "XBONE" :rolleyes:

Do I really want to spend hundreds of pounds on chunk of dead body that a dog has been chewing on?
Even better: you cannot even watch a movie if Kinect is not connected and pointing towards you ;)

People might put real sized dummys of themselves in the room to fool them ;)
Incredibly, no - apparently it can detect heart rate.
The weirdest thing is that new Kinect can also track your heart rate. Yes, the sensor can track micro fluctuations of blood flow in your face, through the combination of the colour feed and the active IR
In the same piece you can see that the controller can accurately 'suggest' a heart beat through the controller, with clever programming it can 'induce' fear through a combination of both.
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A lot of people have described it as looking like a VCR from 1984, which seems more appropriate by the minute as it seems to have come from the mind of George Orwell ;)
I predict that, in less than a year, someone will have done some poking around, revealed that heaps of data (including face recognition data, voice fingerprints, details of your watching and gaming habits and whatnot) is being sent back to headquarters in personally identifiable ways with little or no encryption.

Popcorn and tinfoil hats at the ready?
They will process timeuncritical stuff like ai in the cloud...

You can almost bet that this stuff is leaving your living room in some way...
I predict that, in less than a year, someone will have done some poking around, revealed that heaps of data (including face recognition data, voice fingerprints, details of your watching and gaming habits and whatnot) is being sent back to headquarters in personally identifiable ways with little or no encryption.

Popcorn and tinfoil hats at the ready?
Waaaay worse than that. Just as one example, with heartrate fluctuations (and very specifically facial bloodflow changes) capable of being monitored, and with kinect knowing WHAT you are watching, they could collect extensive pointers on what 'floats your boat'. They could theoretically (this is the tinfoil speaking) tell if you were gay, or 'stimulated' by specific imagery - and they know who and where you are to boot!
      Commodore tried it in the 1990's.
it will be a good games machine and i may get one but its basically a box shape. The designer in the video makes it sound like it was sculpted by michelangelo or something.

Most attempts at all in one systems followed the vcr shape. This looks no different.

Still im curious to see the e3 stuff and get the full picture of xbox one and ps 4.

ps4 will look nicer id say judging from the teaser video. its not all square.
The designer in the video makes it sound like it was sculpted by michelangelo or something.
Yeah, they may have "split the atom" while designing this thing, but you would never know it by looking at it.

Maybe they should have spent more time on what we can see, than on what we can't.

And now here's a contradictory story on how used games will work:

Time Microsoft came out with a concise and clear message on used games .
If any of this was in the consumers best interest, they would have came out of the gate and explained all of this shit in great detail. Even if they didn't have the time at the reveal, they could have issued detailed press releases after the fact(hell, that's what there for).

Now their just trying to figure out the best possible way to tell consumers their bending them over with no grease, and how to not be noticed while doing it. The pR department has to be working crazy over time at this point.

I guarantee everything will be as bad as it looks once everything is detailed at a later date. Sadly, most consumers won't care either way by then, as I'm sure they'll have preordered a PS4 or bought a WiiU instead.

^ Not sure on that, SONY may come out with their own shit in time.  I havn't heard much on this front from SONY.
^ Not sure on that, SONY may come out with their own shit in time.  I havn't heard much on this front from SONY.
I would almost guarantee they will, but at this point if they keep their mouths shut, all the focus will stay on MS.

Sony would have to have a complete "death wish" to loose as much favor as MS has at this point. But I'm sure they'll have their own level of BS coming soon enough.

Another problem:

Every time I see it written down (such as the title of this thread) I tend to read it as "XBONE" :rolleyes:

Do I really want to spend hundreds of pounds on chunk of dead body that a dog has been chewing on?
You're not alone, it's being called XBone (or XB1 which sounds more like an experimental aircraft, which let's be honest, is way cooler) quite widely.

So if SONY (the electronics firm, not local poster) are reading this, get your cheque book out and start scribbling lots of 0s with my name over them, I have your ad campaign:

Scene: The desert, an E.T. cartridge protrudes from the base of a cactus. A partially buried Apple Lisa can be seen, sun damaged and with a scorpion living in it's disc drive.

That CGI dog from the Xbox one launch is digging a big hole, with a nondescript black slab perched on the edge.

The caption reads:

I do not even buy games for PC, that I have to register online, because I always hated this concept and boycotted it from the start,

then all the console gamers said to me, that they are glad they do not have to do this and BANG there comes MS. :D

Vote with your wallet!
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This is taking games and severely complicating the matter. Nothing MS showed me have I ever had ANY interest in. The 360 user interface has been steadily getting worse with each new version, and now I see why. I guess having more features and choices are a great selling point for some, but for me, their going to "choice" me right out of the door.

If I'm playing games, why the fuck do I want to watch TV? That's why I'm playing games! This may appear to be a silly question, but did anyone at MS ask this before planning this reveal? They must have a ton of "yes men" working there, who just sit around and stroke these fat cats ego's. 

I've been to a ton of CES/E3 over the years, and I've seen the good along with the bad(tech, tv's, games, etc), but this is hands down one of the worst presentations I have ever seen. As it stands, I'll be keeping my "Kinect Free" 360 for the time being and to hell with this abomination.
