Microsoft XBOX ONE

It's worse. You buy a physical disk, some of that money goes to the store, some goes to the shipping company, some goes to the manufacturing facility, some goes to the producer (Microsoft), and at the bottom of all that, some finally goes to the developer (who may or may not be Microsoft).

By charging for a used license, Microsoft is cutting out everyone above them for certain and depending on contracts possibly everyone below them. Some goes to their internet provider and IT team to keep the servers running, but that's minuscule compared to physical packaging: additional licenses would be almost 100% profit.

Granted, Nintendo and Sony are already playing with the "downloads cost the same as physical" model, but in those cases you are at least getting something out of it: a direct download and eternal license. What are you getting out of buying something second hand when you still need to pay full retail price? Microsoft has added no benefit to the system and expect people to just accept it?
They're still thinking in pre-2008 terms. Everyone is tightening their belts and counting their pennies, while this just looks like a black hole for your money.
All sounds pretty stupid to me, but hey, my Xbox360 is actually back in it's original box, and I don't think there's any likelihood I'll ever buy a (home) games console again. My PC is more than sufficient
All sounds pretty stupid to me, but hey, my Xbox360 is actually back in it's original box, and I don't think there's any likelihood I'll ever buy a (home) games console again. My PC is more than sufficient
I keep most of my consoles out of their boxes, but I won't buy a new one (oh, well, maybe the wiiU to play with my girlfriend and friends :p ).

I'll keep my money to build a nice little and silent gaming pc for my living room.
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All of this sounds like an even better reason to support indie developers on stuff like OUYA, yeah the GFX won't be as technical but hopefully that will mean we get more innovative gameplay as in the 80's.
With such low-powered consoles with AMD APUs, the market is ripe for innovation. Basically publishers and developers will be able to target both Xbox and PS4 systems with roughly the same hardware, which is based on PC technology.

Save for the exclusive titles from Microsoft or Sony (which will be few, obviously), nothing prevents a competitor from making the same hardware (like, for example, Valve with the steam box) and run the same non-exclusive titles as the ones available on both consoles :)

We are back to PC era all over again.
I never believe any of this as the PS3 was supposed to be much more powerful than the 360 but when the OS's were calculated in things evened out.

Having said that it was weird MS didn't brag about the CPU or GPU speed as those are the numbers most people drool over.
In this case the two systems are pretty much the same CPU and GPU design, just one has literally more GPU units and more realistically usable memory bandwidth to support those extra units. It's not like PS3 vs XBox 360 where there were a bunch of different strengths and weaknesses on both sides and no one could really tell what would translate to better games. Although from the start it was pretty widely acknowledged that the GPU part on XBox 360 was better.

This generation we will most likely see most games available on both platforms (but not Wii U lolz) but with consistently higher average framerates (or at least less slow down) and/or slightly higher internal resolution for the PS4 version. And occasionally better shaders enabled on the PS4.

The current performance estimations do assume the same GPU clock speed for both consoles. It's possible that XBox One clocks as much as 25% higher, reducing the gap to 20%, but I doubt that this will be the case.
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"The PS4 will offer 50% more graphical power than the Xbox One"
Whoopdy doo. They'll both render things fractionally better than their predecessors, and one will render 50% more fractionally better. Colour me impressed with a grey crayon.
It's appearance reminds me of those briefcase style portable record players in the '70s that had a speaker in the lid.
The one cool thing about the PS4 and One, is that after watching their reveals, now I'm completely content with keeping my current gen systems. 

I have such a HUGE backlog of AAA games for both my PS3 and 360, so currently there is ZERO incentive for me to move forward. Another thing that came out of these reveals, was that the WiiU now looks a whole lot better and more practical compared to the others.

I never thought I would be saying that, but at least Nintendo will be showing some killer games next month, and we'll never have to worry about them giving up on "Games". Plus, if they stay on the same path, we may actually see a price drop by the holidays, which would further the chances of me getting one over the PS4/One.

Y'know, it's going to make it impossible for any independent sellers to sell new (never mind used) games for the system. How could you possibly trust an eBay seller for example, that the disc hasn't had it's authentication code used? I think this will be a real issue with smart-asses trying to get a free install by using whatever the code is and passing the disc off on another sucker to recoup their cash.

It's also going to give MS total control over imported software, no doubt the authentication codes will identify the intended region (even if the discs are identical) so you could even end up with a valid disc, but be told you don't have the 'right' code for your region to activate it. Cough up.
Is it right that 3gb of the RAM is used by the OS? Blimus thats a huge chunk.

If it has to be connected to the net once every 24 hours it's to be hoped MS doesn't suffer an outage like Sony did when PSN was down for weeks last year.
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They want to upload the latest captured kinect images of you playing in your underpants, and all the voice recognition trigger words you used that day.
