Microsoft XBOX ONE

I'm sorry but the used game aka greedy-bastard fee is the reason not to like this at all. If I can't borrow a game from a friend for a weekend before commiting to laying down some moolah, I don't want to know.

It gets worse - it's not just a 'fee' to play a preowned game. They want the full retail price from any installer:

Microsoft’s Phil Harrison has attempted to clarify the whole situation around whether or not you’ll be able to trade in Xbox One games.

Well, it appears you can. However, there’s a fee to the buyer. And it’s not a small fee, either.

“The bits that are on that disc, you can give it to your friend and they can install it on an Xbox One,” said Harrison, speaking to Kotaku. “They would then have to purchase the right to play that game through Xbox Live.”

Kotaku then asked, “They would be paying the same price we paid, or less?”

“Let’s assume it’s a new game, so the answer is yes, it will be the same price,” replied Harrison.
so there it is, discs are merely a form of content delivery psychological crutch. The reality is the purchase price is for one user install on one machine only, not a 'copy' of the game that console owners have hitherto understood.
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I read in a  MS update that you can play the game on another console if you log into your account. Of course this is still bad if you want to loan a game from a friend.  Also, MS are working out how used games can be traded.
Basicaly the article said MS haven't finalised things yet in terms of their plans for used games. Might be a wait and see thing.
 Oculus Rift paired with the new Kinect and the Xbox One should be Awesome.  
Pity MS couldn't include an Oculus Rift , imagine the exclusive games they could have gotten. It would have been the killer feature .
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I think it'll go down as one of the worst launches in gaming history - not on the merits or otherwise of the system but because of the absolute mess all their conflicting claims have caused. It takes a long time to put out these kinds of fires, if only they'd dealt wih the GAMES and not all the money-grubbing features...
The only certainty that I got from watching the event was, that I'm getting old. Watching a movie, while searching the www for a trailer of the successor or making a videochat with a friend is just too much input for me :(

The only good thing I could see was that it seems that MS doesn't punish paying xbox live customers, by plastering their homescreens with adverts, anymore.

Too bad that Steam has this (for me) unbearable activation system, I would jump the steambox train in a heartbeat.
Save yourselves! The Fudd tsunami is still growing!

"No, it does not have to be always connected (but...) it requires, at some point in the beginning and at various times through its on state, to connect to our cloud and to our Internet. "

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.
From all the 'updates' and postscripts to these comments, it looks like MS are undergoing emergency surgery to have their collective feet removed from their mouths at present.
DDR3 though, not so impressive in the shower.
Has this been confirmed though? last updates I read microsoft haven't specified what version of DDR the RAM will be.
It's being reported so widely that I think it's probably correct - especially since I reckon MS wouldn't have been shy to shout from the rooftops if it was the higher or equal spec ram, so only the size not speed made the 'reveal'. Soon see, I guess!
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Messy stuff alright. I hope its bs about second hand games.that could make me go for ps4 instead.and im an xbox fan.
Apparently, no idea if true, Sony's stock rose by 9% after this reveal
True. Whether it's a direct cause is hard to say for certain, but the evidence suggests it is.
Gaming needs a change , bring on VR.
I'm not sure it's VR that we need, but definitely some kind of paradigm shift. Nintendo has been driving this for the last 10 years, if anyone is going to figure it out it's going to be them, or some independent like Oculus who is taking the risk of trying something new on a kickstarter budget. I do hesitate to say "bring on the VR" because it's limiting: what if the changes we need are things we haven't even thought of?
^ I see VR in a similar way to Tablets. Several players had a crack at tablets and they were all dismal failures. Then Apple had another go and it was the best thing since sliced cheese. Now Tablets outsell desktop PCs.

So why did tablets fail, the tech wasn't quite there in early attempts. I see VR in the same fashion. It's not new ,but with tech where it is today, it's ready to break out.
Just read that if you sell the disc on the new owner has to pay full retail price to MS to run the game, if true this is bad news.

Wired got the scoop confirming rumors that the Xbox One will make installation of games to the hard drive mandatory. We made an educated guess on the Famicom Dojo podcast that this would be a mechanism by which Microsoft could restrict used games. Wired (and later Kotaku) confirmed this as well: new games will come with a code that needs to be authenticated against the Xbox Live service to authorize play.

Other GamerTags on the same console can access the game, similar to how Xbox Live Arcade games work on the Xbox 360, but (also like XBLA) if you install the game on another console you can only play it while the original GamerTag is present. That is, unless the owner of the other system is willing to pay full retail price for their own authorization key.

Quote from here:
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It does away with any concept of 'ownership' of a game - so why still command full retail price for the delivery system? It's the install you're paying for, and it's dependent on an XBL account and internet connection simply to function. The disc should be significantly cheaper than in the previous business model, as it isn't really the end product anymore.