Microsoft XBOX ONE

Didn't watch the announcement... nothing too special then eh?

I'm still loving my Wii U
Didn't watch the announcement... nothing too special then eh?

I'm still loving my Wii U
Complete waste of an hour of my life.

Honestly, at least Nintendo's main focus is Games, with other BS on the back end. Microsoft seems to be putting games in the back, and focusing on other crap. And Sony seems to have the best middle ground between the three. Nintendo needs to improve their online and Microsoft needs to get back to gaming 101.


I might be joining you on the WiiU by years end, because I've seen nothing worthwhile form One or PS4. I'm sure the WiiU will be way cheaper when it's all said and done, they just need to step up 3rd party business(which may or may not happen), and deliver some killer 1st party games.

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Yeah I've my fingers crossed for more great games to be released, a few already mentioned I'm waiting for, and I want Tekken Tag on payday.

Will probably get the PS4 still when its out, if the Christmas bonus comes in
No sharing games - installs tied to a Live account, to use a game that has already been used on one machine, you will have to pay MS a fee. So if a second-hand market survives, they get a cut each time.
No sharing games - installs tied to a Live account, to use a game that has already been used on one machine, you will have to pay MS a fee. So if a second-hand market survives, they get a cut each time.
I missed some of it...did they actually say that?
Yeah, it's in some simultaneous press release being reported on kotaku and elsewhere:

So discs are just content delivery - they have to be installed, and activated online. Install a game with a used validation key (presumably) and you won't be able to activate without coughing up this mysterious pre-owned fee to MS.

Apparently, no idea if true, Sony's stock rose by 9% after this reveal.
I had a feeling things would head this way with DLC and other electronic purchases, but on a console I always thought if I bought the physical game I would be able to pass it on once once I'd finished with it.

I still buy CD's and many of my friends think I'm mad because I like sleeve notes and the physical feel of having the music on my shelf.

The new console is not backwards compatible so what happens to all of the games people have downloaded?

Kotaku is reporting on the pass it on pay to play aspect:
The casing looks like a vcr or an amiga cdtv. Well thats just to appeal to everyone. Im sure microsoft wont forget the games.

Sooner or later apple were gonna take the all in one idea id say but more subtly. If anyone can make an all in one system work its microsoft. Whether it will reach the wider audience microsoft are looking for is another thing. It should be a success in gamer terms for sure though. Still ill wait and see the full reveals for ps4 and xbox one at e3 before i decide which way to go. Probably xbox one though.

Ill not get another nintendo after the 3ds debacle imo. Wii u is not for me unless some truly earth shattering game is released for it. Still im curious to see what else sony have up their sleeve. oh and microsoft snuk in the 8 gigabyte after all. Willy waving.
Its interesting the routes both companies took with the type of video content they support...Xbox will focus on high production content - probably for more Xbox live subs- while ps4 is target sharing gameplay a ala let's plays on YouTube and twitch. Although the latter can be left up to the game itself to implement like codblops it does show that Sony is paying attention to gamers...or that m$ is playing the long game for more subs when the lets play fad is over...
Why all the hate, It's pretty much what was expected.  Nothing really hate worthy.   

What was everyone expecting?
Stuff like illumiroom might come later in the life of the xbox one perhaps. We have yet to actually see the new kinect in action either. Is the lag negligable this time.i hope so, it was very obvious with kinect 1.
Mmm... not very good for real gamers.

I saw a comment somewhere else that pretty much summed it up:

"Fee for using preowned games, mandatory install, needs connection once a day, fee for playing online or using Xbox Live services, huge system, limited capacity hard drive, no backwards compatibility.

Unless the exclusives we have yet to see are amazing I don't know why anyone would buy this console. If you want to stick with console gaming the PS4 is there. Even then, the PC is still more of a console than the Xbox One at this point.

I am extremely disappointed."

It's not a machine for gamers anymore, it's just some mainstream set-top box crap that will happen to have (good?) games on it. 

We will end up with PS4 and Xbox One (sic) with roughly the same hardware (low-power AMD APU crap) that will be way behind what mid-range PCs can ALREADY DO, low-priced at launch (probably between 250 and 350 dollars), and last 10 long years on a dying consoles market.

I see this and all thing I can think about is "the PC is back in the game!". Never before were the consoles so low-powered against the PC of the time. 

The PS4 and Xbox one will have a hard time to differentiate themselves on the market.

And to those who jump on their "what is there to hate??" comments, why don't you turn things around a little bit and tell me "what is there to like, really ?". 

They are not selling a dream anymore, they're selling cheeseburgers. I'm out of appetite.
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what i got from the reveal is that the key features are Internet Explorer, a bunch of EA support, and CoD......the exact reasons to stay away from it imho
The release of the PS4 and Xbox One has cemented my opinion regarding what gaming really needs .  A quantum leap into VR.  

Looking at the latest Xbox and PS , you cant but feel it's more of the same but with slightly improved graphics.  Gaming needs a change , bring on VR.
also, someone mind explaining to me why the new dpad on the controller isnt a copyright infringement on the nintendo dpad copyright?
also, someone mind explaining to me why the new dpad on the controller isnt a copyright infringement on the nintendo dpad copyright?
Nintendo's dpad patent expired. They don't last nearly as long as copyrights.
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