Release Metroid Classic


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Metroid Classic, a remake of the original Metroid.

The game use Allegro 4 and is not ressource hungry.

Note that this game is not 100% finished, so some features may be missing (GameOver screen is a little crude for example).

There is a cfg file in appdata (SMTC.cfg) where you can try to play with a few parameter, like gameversion (initialy at 1, but 2 should work)  or the cvar.megaman_mode that change the graphics. But, I have not tested any of this, so it may just Segfault...

Keys are

DPad : move

{X} : Jump

{B} : Fire

{Y} : Change weapon

History log


Build 03


  • Fixed Acid
  • Fixed a bug when dying out of the screen
Build 02


  • Fixed Saves
  • Default to non-stretched fullscreen

Build 01


  • Initial build
  • forced resolution
  • customize default keymap
  • corrected many Segfault

For those interested, here is the full archive of the code + all datas: 


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thanks!   :)

do you include source code in your PNDs?
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OK, grabbed this and began checking it out.

A few things I notice off the top.

1. The monsters move faster than in the original.

2. I'd like to be able to change which keys jump and fire.  Any way to do this?

3. The Screen size DID seem stretched, as mentioned above...and, as mentioned above, changing the line in the file corrected the problem.

4.  I hit a save room.  I hit F3.  It said game saved.  So I quit out of the game.  But no Saves were available when I re-started.  That is the one MAJOR problem, because one usually can't finish this game all in one setting, unless you have about an hour and a half.

5. Other than those things, this is fabulous so far...very very good re-creation of the original!

Good work, and my thanks - Metroid (the original only) is one of my all-time faves!  I don't care much for the other Metroid games, only the original.
Hum, I understand the save is must have for this kind of game. I guess save/load is one of the unfinished things of this engine. I'll take a look at it someday and see if I can finish that function.
Ok, Saves states are fixed now (it was a simple missing folder that I creat now in startup script).

Enjoy Save and Load now :)

Build 02


  • Fixed Saves
  • Default to non-stretched fullscreen
Well, I found a place in here that SUCKS.

Right in the corridor where you get your first Energy Pod....and if you got to the end, you could go up to get your bombs...

If you fall into the pit of lava below...YOU CANNOT JUMP OUT...AND YOU DON'T LOSE HEALTH POINTS.  DEAD END, TOTAL FAIL.
Yes, my kid had the same issue yesterday night. I'll try to take a look, not an easy fix this time I'm afraid.
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