Is that a Caanoo in your pocket or are you just ha
Shinneri, are you Chris? Cos that was a frikkin' great match.
EDIT: Sorry, DP.
EDIT: Sorry, DP.
Yeah, that was me.Shinneri, are you Chris? Cos that was a frikkin' great match.
ive added everones mariokart codes in now and should be on in a bit, if anyone has animal crossing my friend code is:
town: cupcake
just dont get stealing my cherries! :angry:
ive added everones mariokart codes in now and should be on in a bit, if anyone has animal crossing my friend code is:
town: cupcake
just dont get stealing my cherries! :angry:
can you steal stuff from other peoples towns
post some animal crossing codes!!!!, surely someone has this game???
ive added everones mariokart codes in now and should be on in a bit, if anyone has animal crossing my friend code is:
town: cupcake
just dont get stealing my cherries! :angry:
can you steal stuff from other peoples towns
you can but I don't think you can if it is inside of their house, but other wise if it is outside yes you can
i have trees full of cherries in my town, i can never be bothered to collect them all and sell them. if i saw anyone stealing them though they would get the sharp end of my bug net round the back of their heads, keeping in with the mariokart thread, ive noticed on wifi my kart drives like a 50cc kart where as oponents zoom way ahead, even on straights and when im using r.o.b, anyone know what im doing wrong?
i have trees full of cherries in my town, i can never be bothered to collect them all and sell them. if i saw anyone stealing them though they would get the sharp end of my bug net round the back of their heads, keeping in with the mariokart thread, ive noticed on wifi my kart drives like a 50cc kart where as oponents zoom way ahead, even on straights and when im using r.o.b, anyone know what im doing wrong?
combination of drafting, drifting and snaking perhaps..
How did you get cherries?? I just planted loads of palm/cocunt growing trees down by the beach.
Also how do you catch bugs?I just find bees that sting the bejesus out of me.. although you get insurance payout each time your stung lol!