Mame Running On Pandora. Video(s) Inside.

Oh we assumed it was full speed based on the count down in the middle, Zod said it is silky smooth to play / watch.

There is loads of room for more optimisation, for starters its on 44khz sound and yes the screen is being rotated in software at 500mhz.

I'll see if I can grab mr Z to tweak it a bit, or would MK2 be a better test? Or any slower game than MK1 we could run? Something which we could up the pandora to 900mhz for!
craigix said:
I'll see if I can grab mr Z to tweak it a bit, or would MK2 be a better test? Or any slower game than MK1 we could run? Something which we could up the pandora to 900mhz for!
MK2 is the exact same hardware as MK1.

Try Dragon Saber.

It's a real bitch sporting the following hardware:

2x M68K @ 12Mhz
1x M6809 @ 3Mhz
1x HD63705 @ 2Mhz
1x C140 @ 0.14Mhz
1x YM-2151 @ 3.5Mhz

On the GP2X this runs ar 4 FPS clocked at 250Mhz with 44100hz stereo sound. It's got to be one of the slowest games because of it's large hardware requirements.
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joshwaan2k said:
Edit: Just tried Mortal Kombat 1 on my xbox with Mame version .85 it is runs about 44,45 FPS with sound and it stutters a bit. Zodttd vid appears almost full speed and the pandora is only doing 500MHZ. Man this CPU must be good, or is this due to the larger L2 cache helping out?
Or maybe because he is using a very optimized (thanks to Franxis) and much older Mame version?

Just wait until he ports the latest MAME version and tries MK1 with it. That will show you how (really) good the Pandora CPU is :P
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I have a couple of questions. From what I understand, version .128 is slow for some older games .does that mean a game like pacman might run slowly?. I would think that the latest version would be the best but I am really interested in 70's and 80's games like joust, galaga, frogger but also like the newer ones...will any version do for these old games? will .128 run everything weill if it can be ported? I am a little bit confused. What version do you guys think will end up being best for pandora?

also, any possibility of having a menu with actual screenshots of the games to scroll through when loading a particular game? That would be AWESOME!!! thanks for any info that anyone has :)
Not sure as to when these games were added, but they should provide a good test (and a great showcase for pandora)

Salamander 2
Mars Matrix

Also try out Taito Cup Final/Hat Trick Hero 2 by Taito (1993ish), as that can prove to be a problematic title.
enough of the mk already :ph34r:

does splatterhouse run properly !

you have no idea how this game ruined my childhood :D


"before you flame me, the mk comment was a joke... i love it"
Not sure about using the latest MAME sources (or at least, porting them to Pandora). It might be a better idea to develop using multiple versions as a reference. A while ago, the MAME team removed all the tricks used to get decent framerates, with the goal of "documenting" the hardware rather than games being playable.

As a result, sound samples were abandoned in favour of emulation - caused a huge FPS hit in a lot of games, with no real noticeable benefit to the player. Stuff like the Voodoo hardware emulation is purely software, as allowing your PC's 3D hardware to take the brunt of the work was frowned upon. As Slaanesh says, there were a number of other issues which caused some awful slowdowns (but increased accuracy in a small number of cases).

I for one am not all that enthusiastic about seeing a latest build port of MAME. It's an awful emulator now, a shadow of its former self.

However, it does fulfil its goal of documentation, and can be used as a starting point for emulation of systems that the older builds don't support. Virtua Racing would be very, very fast indeed with 3D hardware support.

Franxis said:
... (with tweaks, underclock, overcloking, all the asm cores, etc i think a comparable video could be done in the GP2X)...
That was the reason, why I didn't used GP2X MAME that much: to many settings and no clue which are the best. :lol: I hope the Pandora-Mame will be a little bit more "automatic" so we don't have to fight with CPU and System core settings and so on.
A nice Frontend and optimal pre-configured game-Settings, included Controll-Settings would be fine, I've really missed this onto the GP2X.

joshwaan2k said:
Edit: Just tried Mortal Kombat 1 on my xbox with Mame version .85 it is runs about 44,45 FPS with sound and it stutters a bit. Zodttd vid appears almost full speed and the pandora is only doing 500MHZ. Man this CPU must be good, or is this due to the larger L2 cache helping out?
Well, IMHO 500MHz for MK1 is a value which could be beaten...downwards. :D
Mortal Kombat 1 Arcade System:

Main CPU : TMS34010 (@ 6.25 Mhz)
Sound CPU : M6809 (@ 2 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.57958 Mhz), DAC (@ 3.57958 Mhz), OKI6295 (@ 8 Khz)

Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 400 x 254 pixels
Aspect ratio : 4/3
Screen refresh : 53.20 Hz
Palette colors : 32768

For serious playing I always try to choose the emulator where I can save as much CPU Power as possible (if the game is available for various systems). So in the Case of MK1, Notaz Picodrive onto the GP2X is a good Choice. :) 200MHz Full-Speed I guess but I don't have MK1 for MegaDrive.
I'm sure if there will be a Picodrive for the Pandora, MK1 will run with less than 500MHz. OK it's not the Arcade Version but I'm sure even with MAME there is a good bunch of things that can be optimized for this kind of game to run with lesss than 500MHz. ^_^
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will mame on the pandora support multiplayer over bluetooth/wifi/internet?

It would be really cool if we all connected to a server for online play that kept track of high scores.
I am getting a pandora and have a question. Anyone tried mame on their iphone ? is it worth bothering ?.....I know it will be MUCH better on the pandora but I am kinda new at this and just wondering how well it works on the iphone. I have to get someone to do it for me and don't want to waste their time if it's just so-so).................just curious. I have it on my pc running perfectly so if it's average then I will just wait. Anyone tried it?
slaanesh said:
craigix said:
I'll see if I can grab mr Z to tweak it a bit, or would MK2 be a better test? Or any slower game than MK1 we could run? Something which we could up the pandora to 900mhz for!
MK2 is the exact same hardware as MK1.

Try Dragon Saber.

It's a real bitch sporting the following hardware:

2x M68K @ 12Mhz
1x M6809 @ 3Mhz
1x HD63705 @ 2Mhz
1x C140 @ 0.14Mhz
1x YM-2151 @ 3.5Mhz

On the GP2X this runs ar 4 FPS clocked at 250Mhz with 44100hz stereo sound. It's got to be one of the slowest games because of it's large hardware requirements.

Wow that does sound like a real bitch to emulate. I guess if this runs midways games MK2,NBA JAM, Primal Rage will run with ease.

Slaanesh, I thought the diff with the MK games was that MK2 used Digital Sound Compression, which is also very demanding on the CPU vs MK1 which did not.
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joshwaan2k said:
Edit: Just tried Mortal Kombat 1 on my xbox with Mame version .85 it is runs about 44,45 FPS with sound and it stutters a bit. Zodttd vid appears almost full speed and the pandora is only doing 500MHZ. Man this CPU must be good, or is this due to the larger L2 cache helping out?
nice thing to note, it's already on par with how it runs on the xbox, which has a 733mhz pentium3-like processor... and it's still not optimized at all, actually, it runs slower than it should, with some basic 2d operations being done by the cpu (and certainly the xbox mame port uses some gpu operations)
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joshwaan2k said:
Slaanesh, I thought the diff with the MK games was that MK2 used Digital Sound Compression, which is also very demanding on the CPU vs MK1 which did not.
Oops you're right. The sound hardware is somewhat different. Probably worth checking out MK2 after all.

Also, on a related note, I'm not really sure what to believe with the speed of the CPUs used in MK and MK2.
Back in 0.37b5 they were around 6.25Mhz and currently (0.128) they are 50Mhz or so. It's like the guys that created the driver weren't sure what multiplier was being used. Or perhaps the CPU runs internally many times faster than externally.

I'll check on my home PC tonight how fast MK and MK2 run under 0.37b5 and 0.128.

But the TMS34010 is an advanced CPU and from what I gather is a bit different to other CPUs.
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Will the pandora be using the 0.37 (and is it .037 or 0.37b5? are there different versions of 0.37?) mame version which a port is already done I understand? This seems to be a version that will be very well suited and include most of the classics running at full speed.
cranker said:
Will the pandora be using the 0.37 (and is it .037 or 0.37b5? are there different versions of 0.37?) mame version which a port is already done I understand? and if so where do i get this rom set from? I mean can I get the whole set at once? This seems to be a version that will be very well suited and include most of the classics running at full speed.
Please check the forum do's and dont's, you're not allowed to ask where to find roms, I would suggest a google search.
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