Trouble Getting Free Launcher


Still Fresh
Oct 26, 2004
I'm looking for the free laucher for my gp32 FLU (bought an used unit with empty smc).

i failed to get the free lauchner with gameparks Authentication ID registration wizard (gives me a "Unknown Error Happened." message)

also tried !encrypt on the irc channel #gp32 - but the bot seems to be offline sad.gif

would be great if you could provide me with any hint how to get one. i just would like to flash an alternative firmeware on my unit - but without free lauchner installed on it it seems not possible.

Hi. Sorry to hear about your trouble.

Try grabbing this Freelauncher:

Freelauncher Topic

It's a roll of the dice, but perchance you may have an identical PUID to ours ...
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fossi posted on Oct 26 2004 at 11:13 PM said:
you saved my day, works perfect  :)

thanks alot TelcoLou!

YAY!! :lol: Very glad it works!!

Guess that makes THREE of us with identical PUIDs, eh? ;)

Edit: Oh well :P
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well, unfortunately TelcoLou your free launcher didn't work for me. i could install it on the gp32, but it wouldn't launch...

so i tried the version davey g supplied and that one worked for me :)

now i was able to flash a new firmware.

thanks to both of you for helping me so quick!
