Let's move the moulds!

The intel/amd parts look massive compared to anything ARM I've seen lately. Maybe the CPU's comparable to an old QFP ARM2/3 in a socket, but those weren't also burdened with a hot GPU. Modern ARM chips come with the GPU in-die and the overall form factor is about thumbnail sized or smaller as far as I've seen.

I wouldn't put it past many of ptitseb's ports in particular to stress that CPU+GPU combo in a particular performant way for almost as long as you're playing them. We may need to reduce settings to enable longer spans of gameplay that don't stutter.
Well yeah, this isn't quite something where it's the size of your thumbnail. This sort of thing is generally more intended for something laptop or home media PC-sized.

That said, that's not to say it can't fit in something more portable. And while it's not all in a single die, it is a CPU + GPU + (in this case) HBM2 solution. You'd still need RAM and the general purpose components and the like, but while it's physically bigger, it still is the "essential" piece of the computer all in one, and it's not much bigger than a normal desktop or laptop CPU die from the looks of it (based on the images Intel put out, anyway). That's still something you could fit into a portable device.

It could be fit into something still portable, but the main issue would still be physical size of the device as well as heat generation/dissipation. The main thing I was getting at was that with a lot of people carrying bags to/from work, the idea that it has to strictly be pocket-sized isn't one that might need to be adhered to like law. Again, the Switch is definitely NOT pocket-sized - 6.2 inches diagonal is a fair bit bigger than most phones (which top out around 5.5 inches), and that's without the Joy-Cons being attached, which easily add another 1-1 1/2 inches.

The thought of a bigger device (Pyra XC - for "Xtra Crispy") does solve some of the issues people would have with the Pyra/Pandora, namely that it doesn't have the oomph of some of the more medium-sized portables around, while at the same time, still being small enough to be actually portable. We can tout the portableness and the respectable power of the ARM chips all we want - they're still a very niche product, compared to something like the GPD Win which set the world on fire... until it crashed and burned, precisely because it could run Windows and thus all the normal sorts of stuff that people want to play on that. Pyra is a niche device - making it mainstream definitely means moving in an x86 direction and away from ARM, as while they're certainly more power-efficient, at best all they'll match is a smartphone, and most people already have one of those.

The main issues would be, again, what kind of heating/cooling system it can employ, battery life, and so on. And, of course, the fact it DOES need to be portable (and to have ED able to buy the components in batches, which is why nVidia turned him down on trying to get Tegra stuff, which sucks for us but we take what we can get.)

Personally I know I keep envying those Portable Playstation 2s some hobbyists are able to build - but am also horrified that it takes literally gutting and sawing a PS2 in order to make it happen. Even a modest CPU like that should be able to run PCSX2 at a decent framerate, but an ARM chip doesn't have a prayer of it - it's simply not got the mustard.
Since the invention of bluetooth, I've thought the most sensible option is a computer in a backpack and a handset in your pocket.

The problem with making a larger pyra is that it then forbids thumb typing - you'll need to find somewhere to put it down to start typing on it, like a laptop. It's a valid form factor, but not one I'm as interested in personally, at least not now.

I wouldn't dismiss an ARM chip as being able to emulate a PS2 sometime soon. Whether it will happen with the Pyra I doubt, but it's coming, I don't doubt that.
Since the invention of bluetooth, I've thought the most sensible option is a computer in a backpack and a handset in your pocket.

The problem with making a larger pyra is that it then forbids thumb typing - you'll need to find somewhere to put it down to start typing on it, like a laptop. It's a valid form factor, but not one I'm as interested in personally, at least not now.

I wouldn't dismiss an ARM chip as being able to emulate a PS2 sometime soon. Whether it will happen with the Pyra I doubt, but it's coming, I don't doubt that.
Could be like some of those computers. I know I saw a bluetooth keyboard that had a slot you could put your phone/tablet in to type on that. For something truly portable it'd probably need something like that, if not a "hard" connector that would let you hook a keyboard into it and keep them attached until you manually disengage it.

And great, only like 3-5 more years before I can relive some of the games from my late teenage years on the go. Just in time for me to start getting arthritis in my thumbs. ;)
And great, only like 3-5 more years before I can relive some of the games from my late teenage years on the go. Just in time for me to start getting arthritis in my thumbs. ;)

Well there's got to be some benefit to advancing in years, I've been able to play games from my teenage years (BBC/Electron) on the go for years ;)
Since the invention of bluetooth, I've thought the most sensible option is a computer in a backpack and a handset in your pocket.

Does Bt have enough bandwidth for high-resolution video? Most screen images should compress pretty well, so I'm sure it can be done.

While we're at it, I think it's pretty obvious that smartphones should be attached by a decorative chain to the owner's belt loops. Smartphone theft is a major problem, and screen damage is so prevalent that an entire industry of backstreet repair shops has sprung up. Even a simple piece of string would solve the problem!
Since the invention of bluetooth, I've thought the most sensible option is a computer in a backpack and a handset in your pocket.
no no no (my opinion does not match yours). Once wifi is everywhere (and while the news that it gives cancer does not start); AND the selfdriving cars do not need the bandwidth... you will be able to connect to home, and run your stuff at home. Remote Connection/VNC!

You can also carry the battery/backpack on the wheels: http://www.ontomax.com/images/robotics/gastonvalise.jpg
(can not find the full gag...)

I wouldn't dismiss an ARM chip as being able to emulate a PS2 sometime soon.
My back-of-the-napkin calculation was around 2020

Does Bt have enough bandwidth for high-resolution video?
Nope, not yet.
This is a 4k comparison (with different colordepth etc) https://www.acousticfrontiers.com/uhd-101-v2/

[doublepost=1510503512,1510503392][/doublepost]Is it monday/tuesday yet? I am a nervous wreck pacing up and down...
Unfortunately that does not work with all Apps.
FireFox, LibreOffice and Xournal don't support it.

For me scrolling is the only use case where I use the touchscreen and it feels really good. Much better than the D-Pad.

As a conclusion I'd say the touchscreen is better than expected and it is very responsive. :)

For Firefox Nightly you can set the environment variable MOZ_USE_XINPUT2 to 1 and it will enable native touchscreen support (run "export MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1" before starting Firefox from the same shell or add it to your ".profile" file). This should trickle out into regular Firefox eventually, I only tested with 55 from the Debian repos and Nightly so it might already be in the latest stable version.

I don't know about LibreOffice but Xournal can be configured to pan on the first mouse button instead of writing, that does however impact its usability as a note taking application.
Xournal can be configured to pan on the first mouse button instead of writing, that does however impact its usability as a note taking application
I know it's only a CTRL + XXX command to cwitch between Text, Pencil and Hand (touchscreen behaviour)

Fo Firefox I still hope to see the new Firefox 57 on Pyra and see how well it will run. Ten I'll use it again :)
Does Bt have enough bandwidth for high-resolution video? Most screen images should compress pretty well, so I'm sure it can be done.

While we're at it, I think it's pretty obvious that smartphones should be attached by a decorative chain to the owner's belt loops. Smartphone theft is a major problem, and screen damage is so prevalent that an entire industry of backstreet repair shops has sprung up. Even a simple piece of string would solve the problem!
Many people just don't like dummy cords. I use them for a variety of my pocket contents (not so much my wallet since I don't carry much/any cash and my bank card can be sit off within a minute or two, and they do it automatically when things seem suspicious, as they recently did when I bought something kinda expensive).

Do we have battery belts yet?