Let's Do Something Together


May 20, 2004
For all of us poor, non-coders, Gigas Engine is just about the only thing we have to give back to the community (we also have Zot! and Fenix, although they're both kind of difficult to use at the moment). People love RPGs because they are fun, interesting, and involving. Why do you think most people want a perfect SNES emulator? So let's do something TOGETHER.

Left and right, all these promising Gigas games get cancelled. Who knows why, that's not important anyway. What IS important is that even though we have this great resource to use, not one person has ever even made even a DEMO yet. So far, there has not once been one thing to download for Gigas Engine (minus the resource page, of course). In any case, Gigas Engine needs to be used. Why haven't I used it yet? Well, I am not good with graphics at all, and I can't make maps very well either. Another person might not be good at storytelling, another may not understand hotspots, another might have difficulty with motivation. By grouping together, and pooling our resources, I really think we can get something done with Gigas. Not only something done, but something impressive and fun for the community, which so far, few of us have actually contributed to.

So, if you're interested, just post here. Maybe we can get a couple of PMs floating around and get started on something that could turn out great.
I think that the fact that GIGAS is unfinished and don't have PC software for developent is a great "fault".
Both thing are in "to do" list so when Pirotic finish GIGAS a lot of more "moders" will jump in.

PD: You have Beat of Rage too. Skill needed 0. :D
Dont forget the brilliant wargame maker from mATkEUpON which requires no coding skill just alot of patience and sprite work.
I aint no coder and im getting on nicely makeing dune 2.
Maybe we all should learn Zot! and make some stuff with the Zodiac scene for both consoles (you know, Zot games work on pc, gp32, zodiac, mac, ....) :P :D
...would bring some peace between gp32 and zodiac scene
Wolfsclaw posted on Oct 27 2004 at 11:27 AM said:
Maybe we all should learn Zot! and make some stuff with the Zodiac scene for both consoles (you know, Zot games work on pc, gp32, zodiac, mac, ....) :P :D
...would bring some peace between gp32 and zodiac scene
Sounds like a good idea, then maybe some of them would be interested in dev'in some stuff too, then the Gp and the zdiac could live as freinds rather than enemies.
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i wish pirotic would finish Gigas before moving on. I'm sure there are more people than myself out there that are waiting for it to be finished, or at least an editor on the pc before starting. I have my storyline that has an estimated 10hrs of gameplay, but i'm waiting for music support or pc support. If at least a pc editor is released then i'll start without music.
:D I Think it is a great Idea and we should put a gigas team together and decide what we are going to mak :D I'm O.K. with hotspots and map making. I suck and graphics though (I don't know how to even make them) and I don't understand what the cutscene is for. but I will soon learn exactly how to do those things ;) ;)
So maybe we should start searching :D
yes a pc editor would be very cool..
for a community project..
i can make maps, hotspots and also a bit graphics.. (i dont think that i can draw new tiles but im good in giving them color or to change them )
There's two people. Anyone else who would like to try this group project? :D
And I think (unless someone dissagrees) mechanori should be the ringleader. Since he the one who started this topic :D
i wish pirotic would finish Gigas before moving on. I'm sure there are more people than myself out there that are waiting for it to be finished, or at least an editor on the pc before starting. I have my storyline that has an estimated 10hrs of gameplay, but i'm waiting for music support or pc support. If at least a pc editor is released then i'll start without music.

I don't think that music is important till the end. unless it helps you with the storyline. :D

EDIT: what happened? tehre is nobody here. <_<
i wanna help, too!!!!
unfortunately i seem to be completely useless ):
but i can put graphics together to a wallpaper, and i (hope i) can motivate people

pls inform me if a pc editor is released and i dont notice it (;

btw: can you edit on GP32??
you can only edit on GP32 atm.

When the Gigas engine is complete (pirotic promiced to complete it) he will make a pc editor.

The reason is that if he does a pc editor now, he will have to change the pc and gp32 version when he makes an update.
hmm what kind of game do we make...
-new (inspired by another game or based on)
-complete new (a new game everything new)

my ideas for everykind

-remake: dont know yet
-"port": Ocarina of Time 2D :-D (or every other 3D Zelda)
-new: dont know .. there are many good games
-complete new: i dont know... :)