Sprite Rips With Attack Animations


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
hi. just in the 'collecting resources together/thinking about storylines/practicing using the editor' stage of my project.

the thing is, it seems that the very great majority (if not all) of the sprite rips on that resources page (linked to from the gigas resource page) *don't* have any attack animations included... just walking about in different directions... also a lot of other stuff is missing (like in cutscenes where the character laughs, shrugs, looks dejected, etc...)

so does anyone know of any alternative sprite rip pages that offer the full range of animation, before i go google?

if i find any i'll post them here.

(btw... my story's shaping up to be a 'this time the princess saves the knight' story ;) with hopefully a little pratchett-style humour )

erm... i have a habit of starting big projects and not finishing them, so any encouragement/help would be much appreciated. it's only going to be a small project (which is big enough, what with creating maps, and scripting cutscenes, etc), so hopefully i'll get something decent out of it.

deleted a load of crap off my SMC yesterday in preparation, so got a big 55meg to play with :D

see ya!
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WELL, you could make some nice cutscenes with that 55megs... even a FMV or two....
I dont know if there can be a charecter laughing thing, unless you do it in a FMV styled cutscene....

well, good luck

for sprites, I dont think many sets have attack animations
youl have to make them
its quite simple actually
and for other sprites, try shy guiy kingdom
or www.gamingw.net

luck to ya

when i made sprites a long time ago, i made my own attack sprites cuz i couldnt find any... i think you can find some of my stuff on that resource page like arc from terranigma
Im gona find a way to indicate which sets have attack. but after pink has redesigned the site.
Protoss posted on Sep 27 2004 at 10:15 PM said:
Dunno if this helps, but I ran across this site today...they had some sprites, dunno if they have attack animations though.
Well done, nice site you found there.
Nice to see some Duke Nukem sprites :P
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