Kalisiin's Gp32/gp2X/wiz/dingoo Whinging Competition

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kalisiin
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Nova said:
Agree with everything said here. Usually, I'd say this thread should be closed, but due to the nature of it, it should definitely remain open.
Thus I propose Kalisiin's posts (and ones from others regarding her posts, including this one) be deleted and she agrees not to post in a thread about a competition she refuses to care about/involve herself in, as it is just souring the atmosphere.

Is that ok?
Translation of above: "I support censorship of anyone who has something unpopular to say, or says something I don't want to hear...or have no answer for."

@Exophase - have I not already said I am speaking not for me...but for others who may be being made to feel bad, because they are not in a position to donate? but you don't read.

Maybe other people just wouldn't speak up. Again, I find it very hard to believe that people in the contest do not look down on those who don't contribute to the prize pool.

Lastly, I still maintain I have the right to decide for myself - who is making what is useful to me...and to contribute (or not) as I see fit...to WHOM I see fit.

So go ahead and be the Gestapo and censor my posts. By all means. Your actions would thus only serve to prove me even more correct.
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Kalisiin said:
@Exophase - have I not already said I am speaking not for me...but for others who may be being made to feel bad, because they are not in a position to donate? but you don't read.

You're speaking for a mindset you assume exists with no evidence of such. It's very unlikely that anyone agrees with you (based on the responses so far, and that I've never seen anyone respond like this to a contest before), and without evidence your claims are void. It's also very rude to tell me I'm not reading just because I'm not agreeing with the things you've said. I've read everything you've typed. Bottom line, you can't speak on behalf of other people without first knowing factually what those people think and feel about the matter at hand.

Lack of evidence aside, what you're ultimately failing to provide is a logical rationalization for the emotional conclusions you're giving here. This is not going to convince anyone that these conclusions deserve to be acted upon, much less that anyone else is drawing them.

Kalisiin said:
Maybe other people just wouldn't speak up. Again, I find it very hard to believe that people in the contest do not look down on those who don't contribute to the prize pool.

You find it hard to believe because you're being paranoid and likely have serious misconceptions regarding how other people think. I'm sorry to say these blunt and harsh things; I know that I'm just appearing condescending in saying this, and I really don't pretend to be a psychologist because I'm nothing of the sort. But I think that you hold these delusions on your sleeve, plain for anyone to see. I really hope this becomes more apparent to you in time because I can see that these things are not making you a happy person and are obstructing your ability to constructively communicate with other people.

Kalisiin said:
Lastly, I still maintain I have the right to decide for myself - who is making what is useful to me...and to contribute (or not) as I see fit...to WHOM I see fit.

Absolutely, and no one is taking that away from you. No one has ever intended such a thing, and it's unfair of you to insist this without evidence of such intentions.

Kalisiin said:
So go ahead and be the Gestapo and censor my posts. By all means. Your actions would thus only serve to prove me even more correct.

I don't agree with post censoring either, and I really dislike post deletion. But that was only one (non-moderator's) suggestion, you don't know that any one capable is going to follow through with that. Be all of that as it may, what you said really makes no sense - whether or not you end up being censored has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of what you're saying. This is a completely illogical conclusion. A rational person will be able to easily derive the real reason as to these posts would be deleted, and it's because they're contrary to the purpose of the thread and distracting from a thread that serves a pretty concrete and practical purpose. Saying that the post deletions would prove you correct is just further muddying the stance that you're coming forth with.
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Exophase said:
Kalisiin said:
@Exophase - have I not already said I am speaking not for me...but for others who may be being made to feel bad, because they are not in a position to donate? but you don't read.

You're speaking for a mindset you assume exists with no evidence of such. It's very unlikely that anyone agrees with you (based on the responses so far, and that I've never seen anyone respond like this to a contest before), and without evidence your claims are void. It's also very rude to tell me I'm not reading just because I'm not agreeing with the things you've said. I've read everything you've typed. Bottom line, you can't speak on behalf of other people without first knowing factually what those people think and feel about the matter at hand.

Lack of evidence aside, what you're ultimately failing to provide is a logical rationalization for the emotional conclusions you're giving here. This is not going to convince anyone that these conclusions deserve to be acted upon, much less that anyone else is drawing them.

Kalisiin said:
Maybe other people just wouldn't speak up. Again, I find it very hard to believe that people in the contest do not look down on those who don't contribute to the prize pool.

You find it hard to believe because you're being paranoid and likely have serious misconceptions regarding how other people think. I'm sorry to say these blunt and harsh things; I know that I'm just appearing condescending in saying this, and I really don't pretend to be a psychologist because I'm nothing of the sort. But I think that you hold these delusions on your sleeve, plain for anyone to see. I really hope this becomes more apparent to you in time because I can see that these things are not making you a happy person and are obstructing your ability to constructively communicate with other people.

Kalisiin said:
Lastly, I still maintain I have the right to decide for myself - who is making what is useful to me...and to contribute (or not) as I see fit...to WHOM I see fit.

Absolutely, and no one is taking that away from you. No one has ever intended such a thing, and it's unfair of you to insist this without evidence of such intentions.

Kalisiin said:
So go ahead and be the Gestapo and censor my posts. By all means. Your actions would thus only serve to prove me even more correct.

I don't agree with post censoring either, and I really dislike post deletion. But that was only one (non-moderator's) suggestion, you don't know that any one capable is going to follow through with that. Be all of that as it may, what you said really makes no sense - whether or not you end up being censored has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of what you're saying. This is a completely illogical conclusion. A rational person will be able to easily derive the real reason as to these posts would be deleted, and it's because they're contrary to the purpose of the thread and distracting from a thread that serves a pretty concrete and practical purpose. Saying that the post deletions would prove you correct is just further muddying the stance that you're coming forth with.

You're still failing to see my point.
By promoting a contest like this...you are doing the following, whether or not you intend to:

A - Possibly taking people OFF other projects they may be working on, and are wanted...in order to compete for MONEY. No one is going to keep developing a free something if they can instead get MONEY.

B - By posting amounts and who gave it...it puts pressure on others (whether or not this was intended is beside the point.) I might have considered donating, say, ten bucks to something like this...but...that would have made me look like a cheap-ass, since everyone else is donating fifty and more. Seriously...what would it look like if I had donated ten bucks...and everyone else is giving fifty? Tell me people wouldn't look at those others as BETTER PEOPLE than me?? Gimme a break. Fact is...I could have gladly afforded ten bucks, but not fifty. Especially when I'm not guaranteed that anything that I like, and could use...would come of it.

Why is it selfish to demand and expect that...for any amount I might give...that I at least get something useful to ME out of that money?

That is why I'm having a problem with this.
What I am suggesting...for future competitions...that the total amount of the prize fund may be posted...but not the individuals amounts. That way, no one feels pressured into giving more than they could afford.

What you'd say is...ok, we have a prize fund of say, $200...and the following people contributed to that pool (without revealing how much each person contributed) For example...

Prize Fund:$200
1st Prize $100
2nd Prize $50
2 3rd place prizes of $25

The following people contributed to the fund:
Joe Blow, John Doe, Richard Roe, Jane Secretary, Joe Sixpack.

THAT way...no one feels intimidated into offering more than they could afford...no one person looks better than another...and no one feels like their small contribution would be laughed at, or that they would thus look like a cheap-ass. You might even thus get more people to contribute small amounts, and thus have a bigger prize pool.

I'm just sayin'....

Can you NOW see where I am coming from...and what I was trying to suggest?

I was not suggesting people who contributed not be acknowledged...but...just as an example, my church, when they have their annual pledge drive...names those who pledged...BUT NOT THE AMOUNTS EACH PERSON PLEDGED...therefore, no one looks "better" than someone else...and no one who can only afford something small...feels intimidated - or pressured into offering more than they could afford.

Does this point hold valid for you?
Does my argument hold no water?

I'm just trying to suggest a better way to go about presenting this sort of thing in the future...is that such a bad thing?
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Am I the only one who feels this board attracts a disproportionate amount of lunatics?
Kalisiin, I and plenty of other people on these forums are not contributing to this contest.
AFAIK, none of us feel like c****s for not doing so. If you feel like like one, perhaps there's an altogether different reason?
I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse on the "makes everyone feel pressured" argument, because like I've said several times, there's no evidence that anyone but you feels this way. So I'll address the other things you've said.

Kalisiin said:
A - Possibly taking people OFF other projects they may be working on, and are wanted...in order to compete for MONEY. No one is going to keep developing a free something if they can instead get MONEY.

Again, this is all conjecture w/o evidence. You don't know that anyone will drop a project you like to work on something to win a relatively small amount of money. Also, what you said makes no sense - if they wanted to win the contest, wouldn't it make the most sense to work on the most desired project possible, since that has the best chance of winning? Like with most of the things you're saying here, you're looking at it from your point of view which from the start you identify as being highly abnormal (in fact, you already assume that the contest will generate results you don't agree with), and yet try to come back with a utilitarian argument. Your arguments are in fact completely opposed to utility.

Kalisiin said:
Why is it selfish to demand and expect that...for any amount I might give...that I at least get something useful to ME out of that money?

Selfish: "concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others;"

How is that not selfish?

Kalisiin said:
That is why I'm having a problem with this.
What I am suggesting...for future competitions...that the total amount of the prize fund may be posted...but not the individuals amounts. That way, no one feels pressured into giving more than they could afford.

What you'd say is...ok, we have a prize fund of say, $200...and the following people contributed to that pool (without revealing how much each person contributed) For example...

Prize Fund:$200
1st Prize $100
2nd Prize $50
2 3rd place prizes of $25

The following people contributed to the fund:
Joe Blow, John Doe, Richard Roe, Jane Secretary, Joe Sixpack.

THAT way...no one feels intimidated into offering more than they could afford...no one person looks better than another...and no one feels like their small contribution would be laughed at, or that they would thus look like a cheap-ass. You might even thus get more people to contribute small amounts, and thus have a bigger prize pool.

I'm just sayin'...

Your suggestions have been listened to, noted, considered, and disregarded because no one agrees with them. Sorry.

Can you NOW see where I am coming from...and what I was trying to suggest?

Kalisiin said:
I was not suggesting people who contributed not be acknowledged...but...just as an example, my church, when they have their annual pledge drive...names those who pledged...BUT NOT THE AMOUNTS EACH PERSON PLEDGED...therefore, no one looks "better" than someone else...and no one who can only afford something small...feels intimidated - or pressured into offering more than they could afford.

Ignoring the whole can of worms of a Christian hater who goes to a church, this isn't church. There is no ethical expectation for people to tithe, and a contest isn't a charity. Only a deranged person would associate value with contest donations. Posting the amounts pledged is just easier than having to track it in some document somewhere.

Kalisiin said:
Does this point hold valid for you?
Does my argument hold no water?

No and yes.

Kalisiin said:
I'm just trying to suggest a better way to go about presenting this sort of thing in the future...is that such a bad thing?

Making suggestions isn't bad, but pushing them over and over again, making several judgment calls, telling people they're liars, using manipulative and deceitful tactics (talking about poor people starving...) and making these kinds of emotional attacks is a bad thing. I suggest you begin to learn how to make the distinction.

EDIT: If a mod is looking to delete all these posts could you please just split it off into a new thread instead?
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Exophase said:
I'm not going to keep beating a dead horse on the "makes everyone feel pressured" argument, because like I've said several times, there's no evidence that anyone but you feels this way. So I'll address the other things you've said.

Kalisiin said:
A - Possibly taking people OFF other projects they may be working on, and are wanted...in order to compete for MONEY. No one is going to keep developing a free something if they can instead get MONEY.

Again, this is all conjecture w/o evidence. You don't know that anyone will drop a project you like to work on something to win a relatively small amount of money. Also, what you said makes no sense - if they wanted to win the contest, wouldn't it make the most sense to work on the most desired project possible, since that has the best chance of winning? Like with most of the things you're saying here, you're looking at it from your point of view which from the start you identify as being highly abnormal (in fact, you already assume that the contest will generate results you don't agree with), and yet try to come back with a utilitarian argument. Your arguments are in fact completely opposed to utility.

Kalisiin said:
Why is it selfish to demand and expect that...for any amount I might give...that I at least get something useful to ME out of that money?

Selfish: "concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others;"

How is that not selfish?

Kalisiin said:
That is why I'm having a problem with this.
What I am suggesting...for future competitions...that the total amount of the prize fund may be posted...but not the individuals amounts. That way, no one feels pressured into giving more than they could afford.

What you'd say is...ok, we have a prize fund of say, $200...and the following people contributed to that pool (without revealing how much each person contributed) For example...

Prize Fund:$200
1st Prize $100
2nd Prize $50
2 3rd place prizes of $25

The following people contributed to the fund:
Joe Blow, John Doe, Richard Roe, Jane Secretary, Joe Sixpack.

THAT way...no one feels intimidated into offering more than they could afford...no one person looks better than another...and no one feels like their small contribution would be laughed at, or that they would thus look like a cheap-ass. You might even thus get more people to contribute small amounts, and thus have a bigger prize pool.

I'm just sayin'...

Your suggestions have been listened to, noted, considered, and disregarded because no one agrees with them. Sorry.

Can you NOW see where I am coming from...and what I was trying to suggest?

Kalisiin said:
I was not suggesting people who contributed not be acknowledged...but...just as an example, my church, when they have their annual pledge drive...names those who pledged...BUT NOT THE AMOUNTS EACH PERSON PLEDGED...therefore, no one looks "better" than someone else...and no one who can only afford something small...feels intimidated - or pressured into offering more than they could afford.

Ignoring the whole can of worms of a Christian hater who goes to a church, this isn't church. There is no ethical expectation for people to tithe, and a contest isn't a charity. Only a deranged person would associate value with contest donations. Posting the amounts pledged is just easier than having to track it in some document somewhere.

Kalisiin said:
Does this point hold valid for you?
Does my argument hold no water?

No and yes.

Kalisiin said:
I'm just trying to suggest a better way to go about presenting this sort of thing in the future...is that such a bad thing?

Making suggestions isn't bad, but pushing them over and over again, making several judgment calls, telling people they're liars, using manipulative and deceitful tactics (talking about poor people starving...) and making these kinds of emotional attacks is a bad thing. I suggest you begin to learn how to make the distinction.

EDIT: If a mod is looking to delete all these posts could you please just split it off into a new thread instead?

A - We aren't talking about a SMALL amount of money. And the rules state it has to be something new, so, for example, an update to FBA would NOT QUALIFY as a contest entry, thus YES IT WOULD PUT SOMEONE OFF WORKING ON IT.

I know if I had the option to work on something free...or try to win money, I'd go after the money. Who wouldn't?

B - Too effing bad if you don't like the fact I'm selfish. At least I'm willing to own up to it!! I want something for my money. That such a bad thing? No, I oughta just GIVE it to you coders out of the goodness of my heart, with no guarantee you'll code anything I want, like, need or could use...gimme a freaking break!! THAT'S selfish...to expect people to do that.

C - Screw off. You know I'm right, and don't want to admit it.

D - Other religions than CHRISTIAN...call their house of worship a "church" - moron. and, no, I'm not a Christian-hater. I'm a hater of false people, people who CALL themselves Christian...and then act like anything BUT Christian. The ones who are "Christian" only when it suits them. The ones who would use the Bible as a weapon with which to hurt other people - groups of people that maybe they do not like...and who would use the Bible to reinforce their own bigotries and prejudices...THOSE are the people I hate. Which is about 90 percent of those who CALL themselves "Christian." I do NOT hate actual, true, REAL Christians...people who make an honest attempt to actually BE Christian are pretty damn rare, and that's a crying shame, because our world would be a lot nicer, fairer, and better if they did. but now we're getting way off topic - but I'm DAMNED if I'm letting that charge of me being a "Christian-hater" go unanswered.

E - So you feel posting the amounts is better, because you're too effing lazy to post it elsewhere and save some people's feeings. And YOU'RE not selfish? Up yours!!

and finally, Exo...

F - Piss off. I don't have to take your bullshit.
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*rolls eyes*

Kalisiin said:
A - We aren't talking about a SMALL amount of money. And the rules state it has to be something new, so, for example, an update to FBA would NOT QUALIFY as a contest entry, thus YES IT WOULD PUT SOMEONE OFF WORKING ON IT.

So why is something non-new necessarily worse? If anything, that rule encourages innovation and more work than yet another quick port.

Kalisiin said:
I know if I had the option to work on something free...or try to win money, I'd go after the money. Who wouldn't?

That has nothing to do with the end result quality.

Kalisiin said:
B - Too effing bad if you don't like the fact I'm selfish. At least I'm willing to own up to it!! I want something for my money. That such a bad thing? No, I oughta just GIVE it to you coders out of the goodness of my heart, with no guarantee you'll code anything I want, like, need or could use...gimme a freaking break!! THAT'S selfish...to expect people to do that.

This was never about whether or not I "like" you being selfish; you kept outright denying that you are.

.. I do find it comical that you retort by calling other things selfish that have nothing to do with it though. You make some really awful arguments.

Kalisiin said:
C - Screw off. You know I'm right, and don't want to admit it.

Like this one! Seriously, grow up.

Kalisiin said:
D - Other religions than CHRISTIAN...call their house of worship a "church" - moron. and, no, I'm not a Christian-hater. I'm a hater of false people, people who CALL themselves Christian...and then act like anything BUT Christian. The ones who are "Christian" only when it suits them. The ones who would use the Bible as a weapon with which to hurt other people - groups of people that maybe they do not like...and who would use the Bible to reinforce their own bigotries and prejudices...THOSE are the people I hate. Which is about 90 percent of those who CALL themselves "Christian." I do NOT hate actual, true, REAL Christians...people who make an honest attempt to actually BE Christian are pretty damn rare, and that's a crying shame, because our world would be a lot nicer, fairer, and better if they did. but now we're getting way off topic - but I'm DAMNED if I'm letting that charge of me being a "Christian-hater" go unanswered.

Actually, a church IS specifically a term used to denote a place of worship in Christianity; other religions use different terms for their houses of worship, or are misusing the term. It's just a matter of semantics, I suggest you check it out in a dictionary.

You have started emotional flame posts at the mention of "Christianity" before; if you don't want to be called a Christian-hater then it'd be better for you to not do that. I'd link the posts in question, but our friendly mod team deleted them. I'm sure other people know what I'm talking about.

Kalisiin said:
E - So you feel posting the amounts is better, because you're too effing lazy to post it elsewhere and save some people's feeings. And YOU'RE not selfish? Up yours!!

I don't know why you're directing all of this towards me when I have absolutely nothing to do with this process. Because I defended them doing it this way?

Kalisiin said:
and finally, Exo...

F - Piss off. I don't have to take your bullshit.

Okay. The question is, do we have to take yours?
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Kalisiin said:
THAT way...no one feels intimidated into offering more than they could afford...no one person looks better than another...and no one feels like their small contribution would be laughed at, or that they would thus look like a cheap-ass. You might even thus get more people to contribute small amounts, and thus have a bigger prize pool.

Congratulations on turning a coding contest into a pissing contest! :)

The reality here is that your opinion is solely your own. If you don't want to contribute, no big deal.

Edit: Don't feed the troll.
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Exophase said:
*rolls eyes*

Kalisiin said:
A - We aren't talking about a SMALL amount of money. And the rules state it has to be something new, so, for example, an update to FBA would NOT QUALIFY as a contest entry, thus YES IT WOULD PUT SOMEONE OFF WORKING ON IT.

So why is something non-new necessarily worse? If anything, that rule encourages innovation and more work than yet another quick port.

Kalisiin said:
I know if I had the option to work on something free...or try to win money, I'd go after the money. Who wouldn't?

That has nothing to do with the end result quality.

Kalisiin said:
B - Too effing bad if you don't like the fact I'm selfish. At least I'm willing to own up to it!! I want something for my money. That such a bad thing? No, I oughta just GIVE it to you coders out of the goodness of my heart, with no guarantee you'll code anything I want, like, need or could use...gimme a freaking break!! THAT'S selfish...to expect people to do that.

This was never about whether or not I "like" you being selfish; you kept outright denying that you are.

.. I do find it comical that you retort by calling other things selfish that have nothing to do with it though. You make some really awful arguments.

Kalisiin said:
C - Screw off. You know I'm right, and don't want to admit it.

Like this one! Seriously, grow up.

Kalisiin said:
D - Other religions than CHRISTIAN...call their house of worship a "church" - moron. and, no, I'm not a Christian-hater. I'm a hater of false people, people who CALL themselves Christian...and then act like anything BUT Christian. The ones who are "Christian" only when it suits them. The ones who would use the Bible as a weapon with which to hurt other people - groups of people that maybe they do not like...and who would use the Bible to reinforce their own bigotries and prejudices...THOSE are the people I hate. Which is about 90 percent of those who CALL themselves "Christian." I do NOT hate actual, true, REAL Christians...people who make an honest attempt to actually BE Christian are pretty damn rare, and that's a crying shame, because our world would be a lot nicer, fairer, and better if they did. but now we're getting way off topic - but I'm DAMNED if I'm letting that charge of me being a "Christian-hater" go unanswered.

Actually, a church IS specifically a term used to denote a place of worship in Christianity; other religions use different terms for their houses of worship, or are misusing the term. It's just a matter of semantics, I suggest you check it out in a dictionary.

You have started emotional flame posts at the mention of "Christianity" before; if you don't want to be called a Christian-hater then it'd be better for you to not do that. I'd link the posts in question, but our friendly mod team deleted them. I'm sure other people know what I'm talking about.

Kalisiin said:
E - So you feel posting the amounts is better, because you're too effing lazy to post it elsewhere and save some people's feeings. And YOU'RE not selfish? Up yours!!

I don't know why you're directing all of this towards me when I have absolutely nothing to do with this process. Because I defended them doing it this way?

Kalisiin said:
and finally, Exo...

F - Piss off. I don't have to take your bullshit.

Okay. The question is, do we have to take yours?

Actually, in Unitarian-Universalism, we call our house of worship a CHURCH, also. So go piss up a rope.

Second, I did not make the rules, I'm stating FROM THE RULES of the contest...that an update to an existing program would not qualify as an entry. Thus, in my example - Slaanesh might be working on FBA update...and decide to stop working on that which I want...to go after a prize, instead.

Third, and last, I reserve the right to call out modern-day Pharisees who throw stones at other people from behind a cross! They are NOT Christian, whatever they may CALL themselves.

Now leave me alone, ass monkey.
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Mindless said:
Kalisiin said:
THAT way...no one feels intimidated into offering more than they could afford...no one person looks better than another...and no one feels like their small contribution would be laughed at, or that they would thus look like a cheap-ass. You might even thus get more people to contribute small amounts, and thus have a bigger prize pool.

Congratulations on turning a coding contest into a pissing contest! :)

The reality here is that your opinion is solely your own. If you don't want to contribute, no big deal.

Edit: Don't feed the troll.

congratulations on taking people off projects they WERE working on, that I'd like to see done...to compete for prize - instead of finishing. And congratulations for making someone feel like crap - because they don't want to donate a huge fucking amount like fifty bucks. Especially with no guarantee anything I like would come from the contest.

Fifty bucks is way too much to ask from anyone. But by posting everyone else was giving that much...you make it obvious what you want everyone to give.

And you can go perform an anatomical impossibility on yourself, too.
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I think it's pretty important that the pledges are there for all to see since this is a competition held by the community. This way anyone who pledges can't double back if the entries are not to his or her liking (provided the money isn't collected before). On the flip side, if I'm contributing to the pool, I want to be sure that my money goes to the winners and doesn't lost get somewhere down the road.

For the record, I'm sure this competition will go down without a hitch. Everyone who is involved in it is a long time member of the community and super trustworthy. I'm just saying, it's better for everyone when everything involving $$$ is kept out in the open.
nem said:
I think it's pretty important that the pledges are there for all to see since this is a competition held by the community. This way anyone who pledges can't double back if the entries are not to his or her liking (provided the money isn't collected before). On the flip side, if I'm contributing to the pool, I want to be sure that my money goes to the winners and doesn't lost get somewhere down the road.

For the record, I'm sure this competition will go down without a hitch. Everyone who is involved in it is a long time member of the community and super trustworthy. I'm just saying, it's better for everyone when everything involving $$$ is kept out in the open.

Jesus. What do you want to do...SUE someone who doesn't come up with the money? You know, pledges are NOT legally collectible as debts. It's better when people are developing only for love of the system...and not for money.

And you bring up the possibility of someone "double-backing" if entries are not to their liking.
PRECISELY why I say I would rather contribute, if I so choose...TO WHOM I CHOOSE...WHEN I CHOOSE...and for putting out stuff I actually like and want. NOT when someone basically decides it's time to shake down the community.
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Gruso said:
quartercast said:
Am I the only one who feels this board attracts a disproportionate amount of lunatics?

Agreed. At first I was amazed anyone could be this selfish about the topic - now I find myself just laughing at this thread.
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Iorgy77 said:
Yeah, its weird try to do something fun and get accused of "trying to shake down the community" :o

What the hell would YOU call it...when you ask people to contribute huge amounts of money to a prize pool they would have no chance in hell of winning, because they can't code shit?

I call it shaking down the community.

How about a fucking contest everyone could enter, and stand a chance at winning? Or at least participating in in some way other than just coughing up the fucking cash?

I wouldn't even qualify as a judge on this contest since I only own ONE of the mentioned systems, and your rules state you have to own at least two to be a judge.

No, I maintain that the way this was presented, and has been handled...SUCKS...because if I wanted to give a far lesser amount than others...my contribution would have been laughed at, and I'd have been looked upon like shit for not donating what others had. Everyone else would have looked far BETTER than me, and I'd have looked like a cheap-ass.
The goddam individual amounts ought not to be publicly posted. And I'll keep saying that until - and as long...as I have to until you finally see it my way.
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Kalisiin said:
And I'll keep saying that until - and as long...as I have to until you finally see it my way.

You must get banned from forums a lot.
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