Is Everything On Track For Early April Production?

This SO sucks.

My generic statement on all this:

I appreciate <...blabla...> OP teams effort <...blabla...> sleepless nights <...blabla...> chinese worker suck <...blabla...> shipping by UPS requires correct postal adress <..blabla...> Faith can speak chinese but is not on the phone right now <...blabla...> everything should be fine but isn't <...blabla...> so a fix was needed that should have been applied by now <...blabla...>


if the question is "Is there anything shipped as we/you were promised?" the answer should not, must not and can not be "expect some nice photos later this week".

I didn't prepay for photos, I don't care for photos any more, I want the real thing in my hands asap and - if thats currently not possible - a real good explanation of what's going on.

But what if the photos have boobies in them? Everyone loves boobies
Alpha2 said:
Of course by the time ED gets the Blog post up it may be after April 1st at which point I'd say we could be fairly sure we'd already know it hadn't started.

Either that, or when they have enough "good news" to balance the blog posting out and give it a positive spin. For example, "They didn't ship the cases as promised - but they have now!" would make them more likely to post than "They didn't post the cases as promised - but they will do in Two Months!".

So either passing 1st April or getting something positive to report should see a blog post arriving IMHO. Maybe they'll tell us they have Wifi working well, that one usually cheers us up a bit :D

EDIT: Boobies? WHERE?
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shunun said:
Hmm okay. Well why the hell can't craig tell us what's happening.. Is the man that useless?
Yeah Shunun, I would say if Craig is talking about more pics this week, that the cases are still sitting in China, and theres no telling when they may or may not be shipping.

Around here "no news" is always due to bad news. The 26th came and went 3 days ago, and the only person who has given any news at all, is getting 3 hours of sleep a day.




This is now getting real old, real fast. I thought my personal deadline of july 29th was more than enough time to see at least my first order reach me, but at this point it is looking highly unlikly. I knew deep down that april first was a pipe dream, but I didn't really think may 1st would also be.

Please, I don't need to hear from the teams Cheerleader squad, I have been one myself on many occasions. Now I'm just venting 2+ years of poor information updates. Excuses are just that, EXCUSES! Only ever good for, for guess what, more Excuses! :(

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Not enough useless and impotent complaining on these forums. MOAR PLZ.

Maybe the photos Craig are showing us are of boxes of cases sitting in his house?

Anyone who acts like wild speculation is fact deserves the angst they make for themselves. Chill out.
I got the feeling from Ed's last comment on another post that things were not
going to plan and from the very little words he sounded pissed off and not happy
and to topple that Craig also is talking about pictures.

Did MWeston say no to the cases ? maybe that square indentation is not
acceptable for OP and i can understand that ,I wouldn't accept that
after all, real good money has been paid for this product and the cases
do not look of professional quality to me ,if that is the case ,no pun
intended !

Look guys , I think everything is OK with OP ,they are building
up to something of mass scale and they need time to get it all
sorted out ,they can't however been on these forums 24/7 answering
everything ,what we do know is that there will be more pictures
of more of the completed picture and if there has been a problem
then I do think it will be for the right reasons and yes if it adds
another week onto the line then fair enough ,this is different times
now and not 6 months ago when OP had nothing to build up to.


Disclaimer this post should be used as counterbalance


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Line O said:
Anyone who acts like wild speculation is fact deserves the angst they make for themselves. Chill out.

Well, there is something that helps preventing wild speculation: Facts.
It is NOT any harder to write
"The cases haven't arrived, I hope they do soon and if it's in this week, I'll take some photos you'll enjoy while we build the first pandora"
"I should have more photos for you this week."

Granted, my guesswork proposition would be one of the longest posts craig wrote concerning the status of the pandora, but even I get fed up when I have to read this stuff. Just once behave like I'm a customer. Yeah, I know, other companies don't tell you shit about anything and you're all very stressed out, work like noone ever worked before, took a huge risk with the whole project and you encountered millions of problems.
But still, don't play us like that. Just one read what you wrote and ask yourself if you answer is really that, an answer. If it isn't, dont' send. If you don't have a clue or at least an exact date, why note tell us? Most of us can handle problems far better than you might think. What some of us are fed up with is seeing you wasting your time writing posts lacking content.

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Grobi said:
Faith can speak chinese but is not on the phone right now...

yeah... right... Faith is not on the phone... let's ask Fatih then ;)

maybe that's the reason why it was delayed :lol:
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Maybe they already got everything but they're trying to pull of a spectacular April 1 anti-prank!

One can only dream...
...behave like I'm a customer
Good idea. People should do that.

Cancel, or don't. That's your choice. <include order_number_meme.h>

(Metaphorically-speaking,) Flailing about on the floor like a denied toddler helps no-one, including yourself.

PS: This isn't about anyone in particular despite me quoting someone in particular. It's a generic 'You'. As opposed to a generic ewe.

Like this:
Nah, I won't ever cancel and that's the problem. I'm actually thinking of ordering another one if ED has a spot open. And because I like this product so much, I'm behaving like a toddler. There is noone I can turn to :(
Alerino said:

Is there even an ARM port of Monopoly? I tend to prefer the actual board game anyway - you get to handle vast quantities of folding cash and pretend you are Sir Clive Sinclair/Richard Branson/CraigX ;)
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Mmmm...I wonder how that would look on Pandora's screen? Because if it works, that might make a nice little game to have around on a handheld. Smaller than a portable game of Monopoly, anyway!
Balzac2m said:
Nah, I won't ever cancel and that's the problem. I'm actually thinking of ordering another one if ED has a spot open. And because I like this product so much, I'm behaving like a toddler. There is noone I can turn to :(
If it makes you feel better, there's more-or-less 4000 other people who feel similarly, myself included. :)
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