Instant Pandora with a premium?

I'll murder the pair of yous!

And in the bowels of the ex city hall somewhere on that damp island near Europe or some other similar continent Over There - I blame the American school system - CraigX raises the child who will build the Craiginator! The child, who was destined to work for Sony on the infamous PSHead Portable, a device that plugs into a surgically implanted socket and interacts directly with the brain to spew Corporate Nothings at one 24x7, instead works on mankind's only hope for a free brain! Or something.

Is anyone else as drunk as me?

Sadly, no, I'm not as drunk as you.

Edit: I'm not sure I'd want to see what my drunken ramblings would look like.

Edit the 2nd: Coming in 2 months to a portable gaming system near you!
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Sorry, missed this post before.

dear craig !


your strange manner to communicate makes all this more complicated than necessary.

may be you shoud hire someone for public relations (ie. jacky ;-) )


^ 'Nuff said ^ - but incase of newcomers v

EvilDragon happens to be great at communicating -- in English - despite English not being his first language.

When I read the first post in this thread, I reread it again, as EvilDragon would have written it. It made more sense - it's like an impossible blur that makes things more clear :P .

Sugar_Kane: I'm emulating being totally smashed by being totally tired. Close enough for you? The emulated value of drunkenness is to the point where:

a) I went back to working on my x86 OS - this is part of the emulation, it makes you depressed (and if you happen to -succeed-, lonely :P )

B) I find hard to understand

wardred: Do you like Machinae Supremacy? (yep, I sure do love spamming Machinae Supremacy links in this forum)

Craig: You just need more booze.
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Ah feck it, I took some pain killers and I'm back.

Tweeted pic. Not the best photo I've ever taken!
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Ah feck it, I took some pain killers and I'm back.

Tweeted pic. Not the best photo I've ever taken!

You know Craig, sleep is pretty helpful. Especially when you're sick and need to tackle a bunch of work soon.

So I got dizzy after reading the first 12 pages and I'll try make it thru the whole thread after a coffee. Please correct me if Im wrong here!

I'll qualify this by saying I have not pre-ordered, Im not on any queue and I cant get on the website to see how much the Pandora is now - please feel free to ignore me as although Ive followed Pandora, Ive not invested - not been able to... so here goes;

Ive been interested in the Pandora since it was initially mentioned and I was getting newsletters about it for a little while - then nothing then another newsletter before last Christmas. I didnt have the money to pre-order years ago and checked out the forums before pre-ordering at Christmas 2010. I found out about all the hold-ups etc and decided to hold off until I could be sure of getting one within a few weeks/a month of ordering. It looks like that may be about to happen now.

I can afford one 'splurge' every now and then and I have the greatest respect for the folks that waited 2 years. I couldn't justify spending the cash and not having anything to show for such a long time. Just dont have that kind of money! So just when it looks like I could shell out and become a new customer, it looks like the price has gone up? Is there a 'grace' period where I could order at the old price? The new price will work out about €500 right?

Oh well...batch 3 for me unfortunately.
I think that might be at the $500/€500 price...

I appreciate that the lads need to make money, Im just explaining why this year I'll get a (prolly used) iPad and next year I'll get a 3DS.

So you're going to get your unit SOONER and you have had to do NOTHING extra to get it.
For me I had to accept I just dont have the money be a new customer.

I wish the team and this community all the success in the world - seriously, from the bottom of my heart I do! I HOPE you have a lot of fun with your Pandoras, they look like a great little machine! As for me - Im out!

All the best folks!
Ah feck it, I took some pain killers and I'm back.

Tweeted pic. Not the best photo I've ever taken!

You know Craig, sleep is pretty helpful. Especially when you're sick and need to tackle a bunch of work soon.

I'll drop some Surmontil-50's. That way I'll miss out on Monday and come up smiling Tuesday morning.

Hang on... you're not sugar_kane!