If a default choice is set, which desktop environment the Pyra OS should have ?

If a default choice is set, which desktop environment the Pyra should have ?

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Are there screenshots of what the Pyras OS looks like now and wouldn't it be best to have an Interface that is less complicated to look at since most of the time the users would be using a pretty small screen? Something with bigger symbols and big fonts that's easy to read?

And, how customizable is the interface in case I would like to push the layout in that direction myself?

Sorry, I'm a linux noob and don't have any experience worth mentioning using linux. But I'm really interested in this device from a user point of view, who is new to linux but excited about the device's features. :)
i just downloaded debian and installed it to a VM using oracle VM box. and selected XFCE when it asked for the DM. set my Vm to a 720P screen size (1280x720) . then you can have a play with linux... and see what the PYRA can look like. you could also try different DM's to find what you like and what suits you.
Well, I really only understand half of what you say. What's "DM"? Would it also be possible to try this using a Virtual Machine? https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/download-pyra-debian-os-wip.75360/

Do you have a first impression at hand? I am curious but I would like to see more "examples" before I gather new tools that I am absolutely unfamiliar with until now. :$
Ah righto mate, DM is basically a Desktop Manager/Enviroment which imagine "Windows Explorer" except with linux you can pick several different ones.
Also no, you can't use the Pyra OS on a typical Virtual Machine as the pyra uses an ARM processor, so you'll need a devboard to run it.
Are there screenshots of what the Pyras OS looks like now and wouldn't it be best to have an Interface that is less complicated to look at since most of the time the users would be using a pretty small screen? Something with bigger symbols and big fonts that's easy to read?

And, how customizable is the interface in case I would like to push the layout in that direction myself?

Sorry, I'm a linux noob and don't have any experience worth mentioning using linux. But I'm really interested in this device from a user point of view, who is new to linux but excited about the device's features. :)

Don't worry, if you have used a cellphone and a current computer, I could hand you my Pandora and you would be just fine. There is a visual repo so it is kind of like an app store, and the desktop environment looks like a normal windows desktop environment, just with slight different symbols.

It is only when you get into complexities that you will need to compile/use the command line.
Don't worry, if you have used a cellphone and a current computer, I could hand you my Pandora and you would be just fine. There is a visual repo so it is kind of like an app store, and the desktop environment looks like a normal windows desktop environment, just with slight different symbols.

It is only when you get into complexities that you will need to compile/use the command line.


I fiddled around a little bit with this vm box and a "standard" debian. What was really annoying was, that it had ton of programs already installed - which I would like to avoid on a handheld/mini pc.

Need to get more familiar with the terms of Linux, too.

But I get what you mean, and anyway, a MiniMenu will probably be in there as well, right? Just like with Pandora.
You mean "maintainer" as owner of a device or as ED and his development dudes? Of course I know it "can" be done, but are there plans yet or is it already in place?
You mean "maintainer" as owner of a device or as ED and his development dudes? Of course I know it "can" be done, but are there plans yet or is it already in place?
No I mean the maintainer of the Minimenu code, as in @skeezix.

There really isn't any dedicated Developers, just people stepping up in the community.
No, IIRC minimenu was developed and maintained by a long-standing member of this community. He may or may not have got a free prototype Pandora from he who must not be named here originally, but I don't think he's ever received any payments from anyone officially involved in the Pandora project.