I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

I got my brand new GP2X F200 today. Got tired of all the delays with the Wiz. :P

First things I noticed is that the boot time is a little too much, the stylus is kinda ugly and it eats batteries like hell. :lol: The games it comes with are fun.

I also got a cradle and all accessories except AC adapters. Anyone knows where I can find european plug ones?

It was hard to find a store with stocks to buy everything new, but I finally found a spanish one and they actually understand english, so everything went smoothly (and quite cheap). :)

Now I'm learning how to use it and I'm looking forward to porting something to it... ;)
While I didn't get a new GP2X, I dug out my GP2X from the box it was in when I moved and I thought of all you guys and decided to see how you're all doing!

Great to see some old names and new names. I doubt I'll be buying any consoles in the near future as I'm no longer living with my grandmother, so I'm paying full rent and bills and food.

SO just going to see where everything is with the GP32 and GP2X scene again.

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Got mine last week. An F200, shame nowhere stocks cradles any more :( apart from some Italian site and I'm not allowed to buy one from there. Still, I'm enjoying the games and after trying out the demo, I really want Payback
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I just got mine a few days ago (F200), and I'm loving this thing...except for the so-called "d-pad" which is giving me a bit of trouble. shooters and fighters are almost unplayable, and the buttons are a bit cramped. other than that i really love having a handheld that's made for homebrew.
Seems to have been quite some time sice a post was in here. I actually got my GP2X F 100 about two months ago. Just dropping in here now though. I must admit that I had an F 200 ages ago, but became irritated with the supposed D-Pad and am just used to the Stick style controls as I am a huge Neo Geo fan. See this slot on their controllers. Not a big fan of emulators, however, I am severely interested in the 32-X emulation as I am a huge fan and have most of the games but obviously, no way to take them portable. I know the WIZ is out there, but I have a love for the original model, to be honest. Just my thing, I suppose. Oh, and for the record, Payback is an awesome game, and that's coming from someone who is way far off from being a Grand Theft Auto fan. Nice to be here though all. :gp2x :lol:
Yes Very quite thread. I got my Gp2x F200 Nov/Dec last year. Really good little system once Open2x is installed, prior to that it was pretty shabby. the touch screen used to crash the system when touched LOL