I Got Gpsp (gba) Running With Sound!

Burbruee posted on Dec 1 2006 at 08:32 AM said:
Also, is it just me or do you need to restart the emu to load up a new game? When I go to the menu ( Stick+A and Right. ) And choose to load a new game, nothing happens.

Once in the menu, you have to tap X very, very lightly or it will just load the same game.
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DaveC posted on Dec 1 2006 at 05:09 AM said:
zodttd posted on Dec 1 2006 at 05:05 AM said:
Quick way to get a CRC32 is to zip/rar a file with WinRAR and it will give the CRC32 next to the filesize when listing the file in an archive. :P

Cool, is there a way you can give us a different option other than that stick click for menus? Those of us with d-pad mods can't use stick click. It ruins the normal stick anyway.

The other accepted alternative to the click was the shoulder buttons + "START"
The PSP original uses Triangle to move to frameskip/push right for menu mode. I don't see why the GP2X's controls should be any different from that (i.e. use Y). It works well, IMHO.
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My bios seems different, got it earlier this morning just after release.

crc32 is 15E1F676
md5 hash is e60e599135009129b288988alcba91df

the bios comes from a torrent for the psp version of this emu :P

works tho! although i've only tried mario kart (doesnt run that great but playable)

Got loads of roms to try, may post back later

Nice one!!!

I tried out super star saga and It is indeed quite playable.
Tried kuru kuru kuruin but it was very slow.

And I was using a gameboy player bios it seems.
Gah! Trust this to come out when my internet at home is dead and I don't have a memory stick on me!

Looking forward to giving this a shot, though, Zodttd. I've not seen this insane a thread for a while. The first announcement of GP2Psx came close, but the only really big excitements on the same 7 pages in under 24 hours scale were OS9xGP when it first came out, and the first fruits of Cyclone back in the GP32 days...
Tobriand posted on Dec 1 2006 at 12:00 PM said:
Gah! Trust this to come out when my internet at home is dead and I don't have a memory stick on me!

Looking forward to giving this a shot, though, Zodttd. I've not seen this insane a thread for a while. The first announcement of GP2Psx came close, but the only really big excitements on the same 7 pages in under 24 hours scale were OS9xGP when it first came out, and the first fruits of Cyclone back in the GP32 days...
And of course Counter's megadrive emu
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Tobriand posted on Dec 1 2006 at 12:00 PM said:
I've not seen this insane a thread for a while.
I think the genius was in all the teasing... first Zodttd appears and says the Emu works better than he expected.. then riding on the high of that wave of excitement he announces he's going to release it in a few hours... naturally everyone's surprised and gagging for the hours to shoot past... then he teased it out for another 40 mins or so, until everyone was foaming with rabid excitement... then in a surprise move he releases an alpha that is even better and more polished than anyone could have imagined. Amazing work of showmanship there :)

Dragon Ball Z - Supersonic Warriors (EU) 270, FS4 - intro+menu's run perfect, flawless sound - but at the start of the intro movie it freezes and locks up the system.
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I put up a video on youtube for those of you who haven't had the chance to test out this emu yet.
In the video you will see; Pokémon Ruby, Metroid Fusion, Minish Cap and Mario Kart.
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I think that frameskippping is not working.To me games runs at same speed at fs0 or fs 4 for example.
Minish Cap and Metroid Fusion are fullspeed at 275 with fs0, but the sound problem is there :D I think until the sound problem is solved is better an option to turn the sound off.
¿Have someone read game_config.txt? Maybe doing what txt is saying (I don´t know how) we can play at fullspeed games like MArio Advance or Gradius that are really slow.
Thank very much Zodttd the emu is incredible, first version and such a speed O_o
Exophase Initial Source Code had to be amazing good.

Sorry for my English :D
Hey great work! @250mhz Spyro season of ice is playable (at least as playable as it ever was, no fs), also Advance wars is working for me, as leats it starts up, its very slow even on 250mhz. Going to try spyro on fs2 at 200 now.

The sound is not working properly on either of these games, its just very loud corrupted noise. Still its a great start, amazing actually, even though I will never actually be able to play Spyro... :(

Edit; Yup its good without oc and with fs2.
Judging by the video posted on the previous page, that is some topnotch work you've done there, Zodttd. Now to wait five years until it's ethical (and easy) to horde them GBA rums! :lol:

- Alex
Great work :)
Pokemon Ruby works great @315Mhz ;)
Sound is still stuttering a bit...but I think it won't be a problem in some time anymore :)

GoldenSun doesn't work :/
Yup - just tried Metroid Fusion and runs pretty sweetly...sadly Hello Kitty Happy Party Pals is a white screen for now, but i can wait until that issue is fixed.

Am also having no luck with zip support and would like the screen to be scaled up...other than that a wonderful first release.