I dont know what you guys are doing?

Do you ever drink on an empty stomach? I find that often leads to crazy nights where I have no idea what the hell is going on after about 5 glasses.

Hmm I did have some drinks 'fall' really badly after a day working, hooray for friday 'borrels'!

I did do the thing mentioned here when I was young starting to drink whisky when you are already fed up with beer, that's a one way ticket to disaster :P
If I really drink a lot I always force in about a liter of water before I go to sleep. Downside I always wake up pretty soon and have to go to the toilet (when I do I drink even more water afterwards) but then the next morning I never have a headache, just a slight hangovery feeling but nothing bad.

This used to work fantastically for me and then I hit 30.

I know realise that what I called a hangover in my 20s was just a minor inconveniance. Nowadays a hangover means being incapacitated till at least the end of the afternoon with my head under my blankets growling at my duaghters when they come too close.
I met up with some friends for one of their birthdays last weekend. I drank 2 champagne sized bottles of Leffe before being forced to drink vodka and coke, birthday boy was given a bowl full to drink with a spoon (soup?! Why haven't I got any soup?), then we were out on the town (Weston-super-mare... ) and my friend appeared from his visit to the bar with four shot glasses, which he wouldnt tell us the contents of, I gave mine a sniff. I had a cold but I detected Pernod, it turned out to be Pernod and tequila. More vodka. Anyway the next day I woke up feeling like a 10,000 year old mummy, and we went for breakfast feeling like we'd all been blasted with a healthy dose of radiation, except for mr birthday who was pretty chipper. Turned out that he'd had a double vodka for breakfast and felt on top of the world, in fact he suggested that we go to the pub after breakfast. I don't know how anyone could even consider that, the smell of alcohol the next day is like a million dirty nappies to me.
Do you ever drink on an empty stomach? I find that often leads to crazy nights where I have no idea what the hell is going on after about 5 glasses.

I do after work. It makes a cheap night out.

Mahou Saru is right - Eatin's Cheatin' :D
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