GP32 What Are You Guys Doing/studying?


Still Fresh
Feb 14, 2003
i wanna know what u guys doing/studying?
i am a university student, studying computer systems engineering, my main interest is of course computer, programming,etc. but i am quite a beginner. although i had my gp32 for a year almost, but still havn't done any serious programming on it. i have found a lot of usefull stuff on programming on gp32 on the net, but they requires a lot both H/W and S/W knowledge, which i am lacking of. but how u guys learn those thing? do u start learning all these from ZERO?
i know it is off topic, but i can only find the right audience here~!


I'm a hardware engineer with a B.E. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Which means I'm a BEEE, which is a really hard thing to say! I've tried saying "I'm a B.E. (elec)" which still sounds wrong, so lately when people ask, I say "I'm a geek" :D

You're right that hardware and software are pretty tightly mixed, expecially in embedded projects where lots of things can be done by either software or hardware, and so part of the design work is deciding how to do each thing. I did a little bit of software at University, but I've been learning software ever since (and that's why I got my GP32 initially) because if I don't, it'll be a rather glaring gap in my skills...
Computer Science is what I am doing from this October onwards (as I keep mentioning much to the disdain of fellow regulars). I'd guess it's higher-level and more mathematically-based than Software Engineering, but truth be told it's more of a per-University issue to decide what course involves what.
Oh come on Synkro, play the game!

Besides, it can't be that embarrassing... unless you're George W Bush's foreign policy advisor, or maybe Head of Developer Relations at Gamepark ;)
this is my 30th year in telecommunications, woooot... I am a service manager for a telecommunication equipment manufacturer. My interest in GP32 is similar to my interest in the Apple Newton, I hope the GP32 gets better long term support.
I'm a tired M.Sc (comp.sci.) sluggishly studying towards a higher degree.. During working hours I do research (hmmm..) stuff on telecommunications, wireless IP networking and stuff for living.. GP32 is my brainwasher that I need to keep my head sane <_<
Im a student at univ and I 'learn' maths and informatic
the maths level is too high...but the info level is sooooo loooowwwwwwww
We are coding in Pascal things like an agenda or a calc... :'(
I would be so pleased to have C/C++/ASM lessons

see you :lol: