Duke nukem 3d?


Still Fresh
Jun 19, 2003
Does anyone know if anyone has made an attempt to port duke nukem 3d to the gp32?

I remember running it on my old 8mbyte 486 so it could be possible to do it right?

well wouldn't rf multiplayer rise of the triad be a better choice :blink:

we'll soon have pukka doom/doom2 and i'm sure heretic or hexen will follow.
craig's doing a top job and hope he'll keep it going B)
yeah doom is great but duke i think is a bit better :)
i hope someone will try it!

hmm we have sdl now, couldnt someone try a fast port, there is a dreamcast duke out (dont know if source too) and a win32 and linux (i think all are sdl based)
here is a link to a win32 port... perhaps someone can try it:
Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all out of gum.

What's bad is that it's stolen from Army of Darkness, but it's not even in the right order. It's supposed to go "Chew bubble guma dn kick ass". :P
if someone ported blood I'd need new shorts. zombie head socker! the hidden room fron 7 with the air freshners :D good memories of pixilated gore
sorry to ruin your dream, but it will be very difficult to play duke, because of all the buttons it needs. But if someoen were to make a keyboard, and a mouse from the ext, then its completey possable
Buttons arent a problem, I made a control system for FPSes a while ago that made room for pretty much everything.

x86 ASM isnt a problem anymore either, the engine is 100% C now. However, from what I see it relys a floating point unit for a few calculations. It's not as dependant as Quake is though.
`Im here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and Im all out of bubblegum` is actually from John Carpenters They Live, Not Army Of Darkness.

They just ripped the rest of his catchphrases from Army Of Darkness
Meh, who cares.

Anyway, Duke3d can be done, source has been released. Blood, Shadow Warrior, or any other build engine games would be far more difficult, so don't bother with them.

I forgot about ROTT, a port of that would be cool.
why bother porting Triads ? Its a boring lazy doom ripoff in a different setting.
It i want to play doom, I`ll play doom.

Why waste time porting crap, when there are far more interesting games to play?
timeslip posted on Aug 16 2003 said:
`Im here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and Im all out of bubblegum` is actually from John Carpenters They Live, Not Army Of Darkness.

They just ripped the rest of his catchphrases from Army Of Darkness
That catchphrase is in Army of Darkness, haven't seen They Live, which was first?
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They Live came out in 1986 staring Roddy Pipper. Its a kick ass film, track it down if u can