Pandora As A Business Venture

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Mr Wendal said:
Donations would be crazy, but how about investing in pandora then?
I know it`s not a listed company, but I got a couple of grand that would otherwise only go to strippers ....
You're really best off approaching the devs directly if you want to invest money in the project, letting them know what you have to offer (a couple of grand) and what you expect in return. You're obviously not going to get a response by leaving a message in a thread of a forum.
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Pleng said:
Mr Wendal said:
Donations would be crazy, but how about investing in pandora then?
I know it`s not a listed company, but I got a couple of grand that would otherwise only go to strippers ....
You're really best off approaching the devs directly if you want to invest money in the project, letting them know what you have to offer (a couple of grand) and what you expect in return. You're obviously not going to get a response by leaving a message in a thread of a forum.

With pre-orders a couple of weeks away, I'd suspect that now wouldn't be the time they would want any investments. ie their cashflow has no doubt been painful for the last year, but now the income is coming to pay for the production, I suspect you are rather late.

But more importantly, what is this confusion with donations??? Its very simple - the donations are for the software developers who create software for free. Not for the company that create the product and charge for it.

PS Most importantly - thats seriously expensive strippers.... :P
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Ah. Same old bullshit. Maybe there's not really anything interesting about the Pandora after all. How disappointing. I thought it was something I could really support...

TaG said:
For those arguing full disclosure, why not declare your income and everything you have spent cash on in the last two years, not matter how personal. Tell the world exactly what savings and assets you have. (the two years relates to the development year and the first trading year).

I guess that you guys making this argument actually wouldn't be willing to share such information or something? I'll have to assume so since you seem to think it's a successful argument. Personally, I don't have any problem with sharing that info and I can't quite grasp why anyone would, which is why I label it capitalist cultism. You're attempting to give not only a company's, but even an individual's financial matters an artificial importance and mystique.

Briefly, I have two jobs and I make about $15/hour at one of them and $12/hour at the other. The number of hours per month I work varies a lot from month to month and seasonally, but usually somewhere between 50 and 150 hours for the two jobs combined. I've been making around $15,000 a year for the past few years. My rent is currently $550/month and I spend another couple hundred a month on food and gas. I don't buy much else, so the rest of my income goes into my cash savings, which are currently only around $1200 because I just bought a new (used) car two months ago which cost $5000. If there's something more you're interested in knowing, just ask, I guess, but now you can see why $330 is a lot of money for me.

PoisonedV said:
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how liberals get a bad reputation.

I guess you don't understand much, do you?
...word is bondage...
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Hey, could you do a favor and #### off?

HURRR HURR #### THE MEDIA! #### THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #### CAPITILISM!!!!!! LOL I HAVE A A BA IN ENGLISH!!!

Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski. Condolences. The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski? The bums will always lose!
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