What Are You Doing To Get Your Pandora?

On topic:

I married mitosis ...although I guess technically that's what I did to get HIS Pandora.

To get MY Pandora, I just charge him a dollar for oral pleasures... now as soon as he has a new job I'll be able to get what he owes me and order a few second batch Pandoras.
Failcake said:
And if I ever do any development for the Pandora, that might just jump start my computer science career! Especially considering I've tried multiple languages and could never stick to one.

And I somehow feel like I turned this thread into the morality of the Boy Scouts, as opposed to discussing how we paid for our Pandoras.

I had trouble when I tried to pick up C (probably a bad idea to start on that one), but once I started taking classes, everything just came together. I wish the community had some sort of learning or mentoring program to help interested users become programmers.

And Eagle Scouts supposedly start at a higher pay grade in the military (or at least the Navy).
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Gerix said:
Failcake said:
And if I ever do any development for the Pandora, that might just jump start my computer science career! Especially considering I've tried multiple languages and could never stick to one.

And I somehow feel like I turned this thread into the morality of the Boy Scouts, as opposed to discussing how we paid for our Pandoras.

I had trouble when I tried to pick up C (probably a bad idea to start on that one), but once I started taking classes, everything just came together. I wish the community had some sort of learning or mentoring program to help interested users become programmers.

And Eagle Scouts supposedly start at a higher pay grade in the military (or at least the Navy).

Im trying to learn C++, well I'm off at a pretty good start, so you'd say im learning. My code still has issues, like using too many variables, and I find functions, strings, and loops really confusing. I've put C++ on hold because my computer is being fixed... by HP. The CPU fan is completely destroyed. There are only a couple of blades left on it, and the blades that came off jammed it. Also, my left mouse button is sagging.

I should have gotten a Pandora instead of an HP Mini 110-1118CA. I hate all this waiting. wait, its more waiting for the pandora, lol.

I emailed a friend of mine, and he told me he is looking for "Streets of Rage 2" and "Road Rash 3" for the Genesis, in the boxes, and Castlevania: Bloodlines loose. Maybe if I find these for a few bucks... and sell it to him for ten dollars, I can make less than 2.5% of the money I need.
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To afford the Pandora?

I'm going to college! Go go student loans!
wait a minute, I already have a job. Its a paper route, but since I have to do it with my brothers, I get only $17/$50 doing it, cutting my earnings in um... third. That really sucks.
PokeParadox said:
Going down to the Police station! :)
Huh, that doesn't quite right after reading EvilUnicorn's post right above yours.
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Com64 said:
wait a minute, I already have a job. Its a paper route, but since I have to do it with my brothers, I get only $17/$50 doing it, cutting my earnings in um... third. That really sucks.

If you have a lot of free time and old neighbors, you could consider asking them if they need any help with anything. My dad told me to ask my grandma's neighbor if she needed help putting the garbage out, just to be friendly. She would almost always pay me for it, even though I generally refused.
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The Australian tax payers paid for my Pandora!

Errrm... I have a government job (Army), I'm not one of those welfare bums. :P
I'm 15, from Canada, and I bought my pandora with my money. Why don't you get a job??
2 weeks of hark work = pandora!
Com64 said:
WHOOO I just won some baseball tickets!!!

but the thing is, I don't even like baseball.

Don't like baseball?!? It's the great American pastime! What are you? Some kind of communist?
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Hmmm, writing articles on associated content. It's certainly not something you can make a living doing but for a few extra hundred bucks it will suffice. I'm relying on the up-front payments which are usually $3.00 or less per article, and that's IF the article is accepted for publication.

ehhh, sorry for reviving a dead thread but I was just searching the older pages of this forum for interesting Pandora related topics