Release Hurrican sourcecode released!

So really the biggest issue now is the data formats. The data seems to come in a few flavors. Ive come across at least 8 bpp, 24 bpp, and some 32 bpp. I think the best option may to be change all into 32 bpp PNG's, so that all colorkey is replaced with alpha. It seems doing colorkey in opengl is only possible with alpha blending. And all the images that have alpha work right.

I did one test with the 8 bpp bitmap font. I converted it to a 24 bpp png, it now renders (with colorkey in background)

I also would need to format anything into power of 2 sizes for gles.

Any ideas are welcome.

for all images with color key - you're right with the 32 bit format; i can't think of any other solution right now (set the alpha to 255 for color key pixels and to 0 for non color key ones)

then you can just enable alpha testing (glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST)) and the alpha func to something like glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER,0.5);

but i think you knew this already :)
Great new about the game is open source and Pickle is working on it...i love this remake.


Here are some shots with where im at right now. I have the crack intro working now (timer init issue). I also have a lot of the graphics looking much better than before. But there are still issues, mainly the missing hud. Its coming down to alpha, since if disable colors it shows up. At the point its drawing the hud it should be green with 192 transparency. Hasnt clicked with me yet why its not showing. The same thing happens with some text during the intro movie.
Fantastic! Out of curiosity, do you think that it would be possible to change the game aspect ratio by increasing the size of the display area (not stretching)? Or is the 4:3 ratio hardcoded everywhere, making this change a nightmare?
This is so much fun to watch! You're doing great, Pickle! ^_^

Using the full screen would be great ... also I am not sure about the controls yet, probably one needs D-Pad, right Nub and shoulder-button(s). But those are details to think about when the game is up and running ;)
Its nice to see how Hurricane is progressing , yeah :)

i hope someday typhon 2001 will be ported as well [ ], or maybe Tsunami 2010 if sources will be provided
Michoko, it may be possible to extend the screen to show more, menus of course wuold have black bars on the side. Really this is a low piority until the SDL/OpenGL version can display exactly the same as the directx.

F_Slim: Controls and Fullscreen are very minor things to deal with. The game supports full keyboards so for the pandora is mostly a matter of creating a config with the correct maps. Fullscreen is off until im done with debugging and developing.

I fixed another bug so that images/geometry is rotated correctly. I missed copying some code that calculating a degree to radian table.
well i found the cause of the last real big issue and it came down to the color ordering.

Theres a macro to convert color components into a integer form. I thought this should be in a rbga order. But tests show it works if its in a abgr order.

#define D3DCOLOR_RGBA(r,g,b,a)  (((a)<<24) + ((<<16) + ((g)<<8) + (r))

The resulting integer is copied into a struct:

struct VERTEX2D


    float   	 x, y, z;   	 // x,y,z Koordinaten

    D3DCOLOR    color;   		 // Vertex-Color

    float   	 tu, tv;   		 // Textur-Koordinaten


My best guess so is that i know some of the images are in BGRA format and maybe the color order is because of that, but i wonder if things are then incorrect for RGBA textures. But then there are no more major graphical issues that i can see.

Anyone know the answer?
"Poke is back..."

I don't remember working in this xD

Also nice work Pickle. I'm not sure how you are loading images, but I found it easier to use SDL to do any keying before loading a SDL_Surface as a texture... I dunno if that helps anything for you.
Heres the shot for the day, with the hud now.


I tried a build on the pandora and i get to the menu and upon starting a level i get hang. First thing i wondered is if the memory for the gpu is being exceded.
PokeParadox thanks for the source that was pretty useful, know i can use the data in its original form and not bother with converting it.

Good news also is that it running on the pandora for the first as of a couple minutes ago. :) Although it was after I shrunk all of the textures in half. I can control this based on size so I need to find the happy medium between running and detail. Another negative is the loading time, but maybe a higher clock helps. But it seems so far the game is playable.

I also fixed some issues I had with the sound