How to use Nubs in Picodrive


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2003
Hi guys,

I don't understand how to use the left nub as joystick in Picodrive.

When the nubs are in standard config, Picodrive reports them both

as possible control methods.

But I can no map them. When I change the nub mode to joystick,

this nub disappears in Picodrive.

Please help, I can't find any info about this.


The Genesis/Megadrive never had an analog input, even the Flight stick that was released still only had digital directions.. Why would you need it versus just using the D-Pad?
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Its less of a need, and more that the position of the left nub is more comfortable for extended play sessions than the dpad, at least for me, and seeing those nub0 and nub1 options made me think the setting was there, and I was just too thick to sort it out.